Watch “The BEST Channel on Youtube?!” on YouTube

Brother Farid surveys some of the other Muslim YouTube channels. Guess who made the list? 😁 May Allah reward our brother, not only for his efforts in destroying the Islamophobes but also for supporting the efforts of others as well.

Watch “Did the Sahaba make emendation to Quran? Islam Critiqued refuted (final part)” on YouTube

Part 2 of Muslim Allegation Hunters' refuation of "Islam Critiqued" on alleged "emendations" made to the Quran by some of the Sahaba. Also, what's the deal with "Islam Critiqued's" feminine-sounding voice? 🤔

Watch “Are there parts of Quran which were lost? Islam Critiqued & David Wood (Acts17Apologetics) refuted” on YouTube

Muslim Allegation Hunters are back at it! Watch this excellent refutation of Christian pseudoscholars on the issue of alleged "lost" part of the Quran. They also provide devastating evidence of lost books of the Bible, including some missing letters from Paul.

Progress Report: What have we learned about Christian Prince(ss) (aka Christian Dunce) so far?

I will update this report as more videos exposing Christian Dunce (CD) are published by Muslims such as brother Farid and others. This is what we know so far about CD (note that this does not include the lies and ignorance of CD that have already been exposed by Muslim Allegation Hunters; updated 01/20/19): 1. …

Continue reading Progress Report: What have we learned about Christian Prince(ss) (aka Christian Dunce) so far?

Watch “More Deceptive Christian Prince tactics and lies exposed Pt 2.” on YouTube

Brother Shadid Lewis (Mr. Islam Answers Back) catalogues Christian Princess' (aka Christian Dunce) deceptive tactics and lies, with material from brother Farid. Only idiots still think Christian Dunce is a "scholar". 😂

Watch: Ali Dawah and Mohammed Hijab Embarrass Christian Princess (aka Christian Boy, Crosstian Princess, and Christian Pringle)

As-salaam alaikum! Today, brothers Ali Dawah and Mohammed Hijab challenged the fraud Christian Princess to a live discussion, and I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed how they put that animal in his place! Make sure to watch the hilarious exchange and how Christian Princess avoided answering simple questions and also exposed his ignorance. Now, …

Continue reading Watch: Ali Dawah and Mohammed Hijab Embarrass Christian Princess (aka Christian Boy, Crosstian Princess, and Christian Pringle)

Watch “Christian prince (arabian prophet) DESTROYED again” on YouTube

Muslim Allegation Hunters exposes Christian princess yet again. Can anyone really deny that Christian princess is a liar? So that means that he is of the devil, as the devil is the father of all lies. Hell must already have a reserved seat for Christian princess, assuming she doesn't repent before death.