Twitter Tales: The Corpus Juris Civilis of Justinian I: Criminal Law and Punishments

While many modern/liberal Christians tend to oppose harsh penalties for certain crimes, including sexual crimes like adultery and homosexuality and religious crimes like blasphemy, Christians in antiquity did not and were in fact supportive of harshness against criminals, including applying the death penalty in some cases.

537 thoughts on “Twitter Tales: The Corpus Juris Civilis of Justinian I: Criminal Law and Punishments

  1. mrrjchamberlain88

    What Christ Himself taught matters more than some ancient person coopting Christianity for their own ends. Read John 8 in the Bible.


    1. Lol, these wasn’t the result of some “ancient person coopting Christianity”. This was the result of a a devout Christian emperor and his Christian subjects. Maybe they realized that the New Testament didn’t provide advice for the real world. It sounds nice on paper but ultimately, the NT provides no sensible and practical advice on maintaining law and order, so the Christians had to improvise.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Jesus made clear His Kingdom is not of this world, to the Roman governor Pilate who condemned Him to death for treason. Jesus is Lord, not Caesar or some Byzantine emperor.


      2. Lol, once again, that doesn’t provide practical instructions for the real world. If Christians didn’t have some semblance of law and order, then their entire civilization would have collapsed long ago.


      3. mrrjchamberlain88

        If the powers that be want to stone people to death and chop limbs off, that’s up to them. A Christian’s job, following in the footsteps of Christ, is to forgive.


      4. Lol, once again, that’s not practical. If every single person is simply “forgiven”, then there would be no law and order. Would you forgive a serial killer and want him to go free? If crimes shouldn’t be punished, then there would be law and order.

        Liked by 2 people

      5. mrrjchamberlain88

        I would forgive a serial killer and leave it up to the state to imprison him or kill him or whatever the rules happen to be in that particular place.


      6. 😂 Lol, then what good was your forgiveness??? If you were truly forgiving, then you should ask the state to not punish him, instead of abandoning him to imprisonment or death. You’re not being practical. What good is your “forgiveness” to him?


      7. mrrjchamberlain88

        He needs God to forgive him to avoid an eternity in hell. What good is my forgiveness of some murderous warlord of my family if he’s unrepentant? Not much, but at least I’d be able to sleep soundly at night


      8. mrrjchamberlain88

        Forgiveness is impractical? Therein lies the great gulf between Christianity and Islam. You think you can earn God’s favour; I know I need His forgiveness, however the apparent foolishness/stumbling block of His means of forgiveness.


      9. mrrjchamberlain88

        Jesus commands us to forgive if we want God to forgive us. So my forgiveness might be irrelevant to the murderous warlord burning in hell, but it shows that I myself have been forgiven, that’s why I forgive.


      10. mrrjchamberlain88

        I think hell is punishment enough. If I lived in Saudi Arabia I might suggest that the one without sin casts the first stone.


      11. Maybe because the west is bombing their countries?

        Unlike Christians, Muslims remain the last bastion of opposition to liberalism. Just recently, the church of Scotland recognized gay marriage.

        You didn’t answer my question. Do you think homosexuals should just be allowed to showcase their decadent behavior?

        Liked by 2 people

      12. mrrjchamberlain88

        Oh and if Iran had a nuke they wouldn’t nuke Israel? Murder is wrong. Doesn’t matter if it’s some world superpower or some middle Eastern warlord.


      13. mrrjchamberlain88

        Just because someone professes to be a Christian doesn’t mean to say they are. I’m glad most professing Muslims don’t practice what Mohammed practiced and preached!


      14. 😂 Lol, who cares what you think? Those Christians think they are legitimate Christians. Christians didn’t follow your watered-down, liberal, heretical version of Crosstianity for most of Christian history.


      15. mrrjchamberlain88

        If you didn’t care what I thought, you wouldn’t dignify my comments with comments. You think you’re a legitimate Muslim, why aren’t you slaying the unbelievers wherever you find them (unless you are, in which case I apologise for my presumption)?


      16. mrrjchamberlain88

        Okay so in the right context you are to slay the unbelievers wherever you find them. I hope that’s not a UK context!


      17. mrrjchamberlain88

        By the prophet’s fruit you will know him. Death, whether by sword, stoning or whatever else Vs. Eternal life


      18. mrrjchamberlain88

        Do you not believe in eternal life? My proof is the risen Lord Jesus, soon to return. What’s your proof? That some dead warlord promised you some virgins if you fight for him?


      19. mrrjchamberlain88

        Oh really, I didn’t read that bit, just that He’ll return like a thief in the night. Hope you have your shotgun ready!


      20. 😂😂 You crosstians don’t read your BiBULL in its original context. There are many verses which show that your fake god was supposed to return two millennia ago (e.g., Revelation 3:10-11)!


      21. mrrjchamberlain88

        Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth. I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.
        Revelation 3:10‭-‬11 ESV

        We’re still in the hour of trial. The church of Philadelphia in modern day Turkey is no more- they were kept from these evil days


      22. 😂😂 “Coming soon”, meaning without delay. 2000 years is not “coming soon”, dummy. He was talking to the church of Philadelphia. He told them to hold on and that he would lead them to victory. They are long dead! The promise was a lie.


      23. mrrjchamberlain88

        Our victory isn’t some Christian/Islamic State. Our victory is a new creation. A thousand years is like a day to the eternal. He’s not slow in keeping His promise. He works to His timescale, not yours, scoffer who He warned us about


      24. 😂😂 Blah, blah, blah. Your Jesus didn’t say to the church of Philadelphia that he would come thousands of years later. He gave them assurance that they would be victorious against their enemies, those who were persecuting them. That was a lie. The church is long gone.


      25. mrrjchamberlain88

        He also said that those who are beheaded for the faith will return with Him when He judges the kind of people who behead His people.


      26. 🤣😂 That was also a lie.

        Coming back to the church of Philadelphia, they were given assurances that if they hung on and remained faithful, Jesus would return and lead them to victory. That was a lie 🤥


      27. 🤣😂🤣 Another lie. Your “victory” is a mirage.

        Your mangod lied about coming back. Poor church of Philadelphia. They were probably waiting with anticipation, thinking their god would save them. Instead, they went extinct.


      28. mrrjchamberlain88

        Death might have ‘scored a goal’ against Jesus, but He ‘equalised and scored the winner in extra time’. Where’s your dead warlord?


      29. 😂🤣 That’s like saying he was knocked down but then his coach used some smelling salt to wake him up. By dying in the first place, he lost. You people are such donkeys. 😂


      30. mrrjchamberlain88

        Apparently. And then rose again proving Himself a winner unlike your eternally lost warlord (unless he hopefully had a deathbed conversion, that would be a nice surprise in heaven!)


      31. mrrjchamberlain88

        Because when He returns from the throneroom of heaven, He’ll chuck death along with the devil and unbelievers into hell


      32. mrrjchamberlain88

        Oh dear, you were going on about the evil West terrorising the Islamic world. In this context the Islamic world is justified in terrorising the West. How about two wrongs don’t make a right?


      33. mrrjchamberlain88

        By the way, you’re not going to insult me into the ummah. And if you don’t want me to join the ummah, why are you commenting? May as well focus on slaughtering the unbelievers.


      34. 🤣😂 Aww, is the crosstian feeling hurt? I’m only doing what your fake mangod did. He insulted people too. Oh, you don’t follow him in that regard? I thought he was your moral exemplar?


      35. mrrjchamberlain88

        Yes but even the dogs lick the crumbs from the Master’s table. He has as much affection for dogs like me as your average Englishman (not a fan of pets personally!)!


      36. 😂😂 Crosstian admits his god referred to all Gentiles as “dogs”! Wow! A racist god!

        Unlike your god, my God doesn’t indulge in racism and doesn’t refer to a particular ethnic group in derogatory terms.


      37. mrrjchamberlain88

        Read the context, He commended the ‘dog’ for her faith and delivered her daughter from a demon!


      38. mrrjchamberlain88

        If you’re racist against someone, you don’t deliver their daughter from a demon, you stone them or blow them up or something


      39. 😂😂 Oh my goodness. Does that person know that you’re an idiot and have the intellect of a child?

        My point was that your analogy about your racist god was idiotic and still showed that he was a racist. Get it, donkey? 🤣


      40. mrrjchamberlain88

        And you seem to think you’re some lion who can march into heaven. Anyone who claims to be without sin deceives himself and the Truth is not in him. You’re spiritually dead! You need resurrecting by the Resurrected One!


      41. 😂 Another strawman argument. I haven’t said anything about myself, you pathetic donkey. I am hopeful of Allah’s mercy and forgiveness and I fear His punishment. Muslims love between hope and fear, but we are ultimately promised Paradise if we remain on the path of Islam. Allahu Akbar! To hell with your fake, pagan cult!


      42. mrrjchamberlain88

        What do you base your hope on? Being on the path of Islam? You probably haven’t perfectly kept Islamic law, never mind God’s law. Salvation isn’t dependant on going along a wide road to destruction; it’s about finding Isa Al Masih’s narrow Way of life. If salvation was 1% dependent on us, we’d be lost.


      43. 😂🤣 Salvation in Islam doesn’t depend on us being perfect. We are told that we will sin, as everyone does. But we have a merciful Lord. That is not a license to sin, but it gives us hope. Our Lord has no need for our faith or our good deeds. We are in need of Him. So, as long as we turn to Him in faith and in seeking forgiveness, He is welcoming and merciful. This is in stark contrast to your bloodthirsty, pagan god who needs to be sated with blood in order to forgive..

        Liked by 1 person

      44. 🤣😂 Moron Crosstian commits another strawman. Where did I say God “shrugs His shoulders”, you donkey? I said God knows that we will sin, but He offers forgiveness if only we would repent to Him and try to change out ways. He doesn’t need blood to forgive, like your deranged god.


      45. mrrjchamberlain88

        Strawman? Implying I worship the cross is a strawman argument. I’m a Christian, not a crosstian. Or a Nazarene if you like. Or a person of the book. You follow the way of Ishmael, that wild donkey of a man. Temporal blessings for him maybe, but a dead donkey ultimately. How’s trying to change your ways going? Your teaching is to shed other people’s blood. My teaching is that Christ shed His blood so that no more blood needs to be shed.


      46. mrrjchamberlain88

        The Lord mocks proud mockers. The message of the cross is foolishness and a stumbling block to you, but to me it is salvation


      47. 🤣🤣 Yes, the message of your cult is a joke to me. That’s because God has given me reason and logic. I can see through the lies of your cult. But you’re too stupid and brainwashed..


      48. mrrjchamberlain88

        Even Ishmael the donkey was temporarily blessed. Give me the eternal Abrahamic blessings over that any day!


      49. 🤣😂🤣 Again with that? Your BiBULL and its racist editors changed the wording. The wording was “wild donkey”. See the Samaritan Bible for the other version.

        But again, you proved my point. The BiBULL is racist against non-Jews. What an ugly, filthy religion you follow!

        Liked by 1 person

      50. mrrjchamberlain88

        Well it clearly isn’t racist against non Jews because I’m a non Jew and I’d rather be a dog in the new creation than a dead lion in this hell bound world.


      51. 🤣😂 Yes, it is racist Dumb-dumb. It doesn’t matter if he “saved” a non-Jew. If he did it while using derogatory racial epithets, then he was a racist scumbag. The true God is not a racist. Your fake god is.


      52. mrrjchamberlain88

        The true God doesn’t enslave people like in Islam. The West, under Christian influence has (officially) banned slavery. Islamic States enslave


      53. mrrjchamberlain88

        Well done for knowing that Paul didn’t lead a Spartakist revolt. He did however say that unrepentant slave traders go to hell.


      54. 😂🤣 Idiot, 1 Timothy 1:10 refers to “men stealers”, those who kidnap people and make them into slaves. That is not the same as opposing slavery as an institution as it was practiced in the Roman world.

        Paul never said slavery was immoral. Period.


      55. mrrjchamberlain88

        Guess you’ve never read Philemon. Paul wasn’t a Spartakist. Neither was he an enslaver like your dead warlord!


      56. 😂🤣 You’re a donkey. Paul NEVER said slavery was wrong. You are too stupid to realize that he didn’t need to be a “Spartakist” (sic). He didn’t need to lead a rebellion. He just needed to say “slavery is wrong”. He never did. Try to focus, you pathetic, low IQ, peasant.


      57. mrrjchamberlain88

        Just because I disagree with Islam doesn’t mean to say I’m going to take up arms against it. I accept that Islam exists. I accept that slavery exists, even though I disagree with it. I don’t go vigilante assassinating slavers.


      58. 🤣😂🤣 So as usual, your cult offered no practical answers. Got it.

        Since it was not even condemned, slavery was thus accepted by your cult. Paul or Jesus didn’t need to “take up arms against it”, you donkey. All they needed to do was say that it was wrong and should not be done. They didn’t. That’s why slavery continued to exist in the Christian world fore more than 1500 years.

        Liked by 1 person

      59. mrrjchamberlain88

        Where is this Christian world of which you speak? The Kingdom of God isn’t a wordly kingdom, unlike some Islamic State.


      60. mrrjchamberlain88

        Slavery was abolished in the early 1800s largely because of Christians. What have Muslims done to abolish slavery, or the scourge of abortion for example?


      61. 😂🤣😂 So what, donkey? Christians practiced slavery for 1800 years!

        Abortion is illegal in Muslim countries, you moron. Meanwhile, your secuslr west that you glorify has allowed millions of babies to be killed in the last 50 years.


      62. mrrjchamberlain88

        Roman Catholics aren’t Christians. Roman Catholicism anathematised itself at the reformation when it rejected that salvation is by God’s grace alone, not by works. Islam’s as bad as Roman Catholicism for thinking you can earn your salvation


      63. mrrjchamberlain88

        Yeah just because someone calls themself a true believer doesn’t mean to say they are. If someone goes around enslaving others created in God’s likeness, they betray the fact they’re not.


      64. mrrjchamberlain88

        understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine,
        1 Timothy 1:9‭-‬10 ESV


      65. mrrjchamberlain88

        He was speaking in the religious terms of the likes of thee, I’m sure you can quote chapter and verse of the Quran that would refer to me as a dog and pig to the slaughter… mmmh, bacon!


      66. 😂😂 Another lie. The term “dog” was used by Jews to refer to Gentiles in a derogatory fashion. They also called Gentiles “pigs”. So did your mangod. Racism is rife in your BiBULL.

        The Quran, on the other hand, does not indulge in such racism. It does not call believers derogatory terms simply because they are of a different ethnic group.


      67. 😂😂 That refers to sinners among the Israelites, moron. They weren’t called that because of their ethnicity, but rather their sins. Why are you so stupid? What is so difficult to understand here?


      68. 😂😂 And this is relevant how? Seriously, do you have a disability or something or are you just ridiculously stupid? If you have a disability, let me know, and I will be nicer to you.


      69. mrrjchamberlain88

        Dogs, donkeys, pigs and lions all welcome into the Kingdom of God as the sheep of His flock. Goats need not apply.


      70. mrrjchamberlain88

        I don’t belong to the church of Scotland, I belong to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ which doesn’t include any practicing homosexuals.


      71. 🤣🙄 You’re still not answering the question, dummy. Should homosexuals be allows to walk around freely practicing their decadence?

        The point about the church is that Christians are largely accepting of LGBTQ nonsense.


      72. mrrjchamberlain88

        You answer my question then, should Muslims be allowed to implement Sharia law in the UK? Homosexuality and Islam are forgivable. But homosexuals and Muslims need to repent.


      73. 🤣😂 Answer my question, dumb-dumb.

        I didn’t ask if it’s forgiveable. I asked what should be done with them. Should they be able to freely live their lives and publicly showcase their decadence? Yes or no?


      74. mrrjchamberlain88

        Anyway praise God that Muslims, Christians and homosexuals can live together in the UK without stoning each other to death!


      75. mrrjchamberlain88

        At least I have the freedom to share the good news of salvation for good news for homosexuals and Muslims alike, without having to expect a mob to stone me!


      76. mrrjchamberlain88

        If the UK was a majority homosexual nation, does that mean they could implement the slaughter of anyone who disagrees with them?


      77. mrrjchamberlain88

        As Jesus said, make every effort to enter through the narrow gate because only a few find it. You evidently haven’t.


      78. mrrjchamberlain88

        I believe homosexuals are just as allowed to live in the UK as Muslims. The UK tolerates both.


      79. 🤣😂 I didn’t ask you what the UK says. I’m asking what you think should be done with homosexuals. If the UK followed Christianity, which it no longer does, would homosexuals be allowed to live freely?


      80. mrrjchamberlain88

        Jesus’s Kingdom is heavenly. He would tell you murderous stone wielding religious people that the one without sin can cast the first stone. And then he would tell the homosexual to leave his life of sin.


      81. 😂🤣😂 Once again, you show the stupidity of your garbage religion. No wonder the west has become so decadent. Crosstianity has embraced liberalism.

        Your fake Jesus is a joke.


      82. mrrjchamberlain88

        I’m sure you would gladly do the honours, and greater would be my reward in heaven for following Christ. Christ doesn’t call me to justify homosexuality or Islam or anything other than the fact that whoever we are, we can be forgiven through faith in Him crucified.


      83. 😂🤣😂 No, I’d rather just laugh at you and your idiotic heretical religion. You’re doing a great job destroying your own religion, as Islam continues to grow. Alhamdulillah!


      84. mrrjchamberlain88

        Wide is the road that leads to destruction, and many travel upon it. But narrow is the Way that leads to eternal life, and only a few find it.


      85. mrrjchamberlain88

        The Christian’s job isn’t the same as the Muslims. The Muslim is to strive to create a global Islamic State. The Christian is to call people to the Kingdom of heaven, not some earthly polity.


      86. Lol, Muslims do both. We aim to establish a global Islamic state while also calling people to Islam.

        This is why your religion is impractical. It offers no practical advice for the real world.


      87. 😂 When crosstians can’t maintain an argument, they resort to silly comments. The choice is not Islam, death or enslavement. It’s Islam, death, or pay taxes and remain in your religion. Without lies, Christianity dies. 😂

        Won’t your pagan mangod kill everyone who opposes him when he returns? Stay in your lane, Crosstian.


      88. mrrjchamberlain88

        The book that says that God has set eternity in the hearts of mankind? Maybe you need to take another look!


      89. mrrjchamberlain88

        I can quote it to you in Hebrew, Arabic or whatever language you like. If we’re mortal and yet have eternity in our hearts, we’re destined for an afterlife, whether the hell we deserve or the heaven Isa Al Masih has won for us.


      90. mrrjchamberlain88

        Because if I claim to be forgiven and refuse to forgive, I betray the fact that I don’t understand how forgiveness works. If God forgives my thousands of debt and I refuse to forgive your hundreds of debt, God isn’t going to take kindly to that.


      91. mrrjchamberlain88

        You don’t understand the equation. You don’t have to forgive to be forgiven, but if you don’t forgive, you haven’t been forgiven. Forgive me for not being clear enough.


      92. mrrjchamberlain88

        We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone, it is always accompanied by works. Our works don’t save us, theyre just the evidence we’ve been saved.


      93. mrrjchamberlain88

        He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.
        Ecclesiastes 3:11 ESV

        I hope your quranic knowledge is better than that of the Bible!


      94. mrrjchamberlain88

        Solomon. The second wisest man to have ever lived, king of Israel, didn’t write? And I’m supposed to take your word for it?


      95. 😂🤣😂 I didn’t say he didn’t write. God, how can you be this stupid? It’s like talking to a monkey.

        I said Solomon didn’t write Ecclesiastes. We don’t know who wrote it.


      96. mrrjchamberlain88

        Well if you don’t know who wrote it, how do you know for sure it wasn’t written by Solomon?


      97. mrrjchamberlain88

        Eternity is a bit late to realise that Christ is the only way. We need to put our faith in Him before it’s too late.


      98. mrrjchamberlain88

        Just to clarify, I’m a Christian. I worship Christ, not the cross on which He was crucified.


      99. mrrjchamberlain88

        According to your book. Well I’m a person of The Book, and I’ll stick to that. If God’s sending me to hell, why don’t you try and save me? You have no salvation to offer!


      100. 😂😂 I already tried, but I see that you are stubborn donkey, so I won’t spend my time trying more than that. I’d rather just laugh at you and show others how utterly idiotic your religion is, so they can hopefully come to their senses. Plus, it’s not up to me to save you. God will decide.

        Liked by 1 person

      101. mrrjchamberlain88

        God’s already decided, He sent His Son so that donkeys and dogs like me can be saved. Better to be a living dog than a dead lion!


      102. mrrjchamberlain88

        Christ didn’t stone the adulterer, so neither will I. Christ declared all foods clean, so I will enjoy all foods. Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath, so I won’t get all legalistic about a day of rest.


      103. Once again, that story is fake, so you can’t use that as evidence. Furthermore, Christ didn’t have the authority to punish anyone.

        Just because he made some changes to the Sabbath law, doesn’t mean the entire law is therefore abolished. He still lived according to the law in the majority of cases. So did the disciples, even after Jesus was gone.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Also, what “Christ himself taught” was that he did not come to abolish the Law of Moses, and he followed that law his whole life. So why don’t Christians, who claim to see Christ as their moral exemplar, follow his example? 🤔


      1. Lol, what? If it was added later, that means it was not in the original. Therefore, it was a forgery by definition. It was not written by the original author. Where did that story come from? It’s not mentioned by any other book in the entire NT. Not even a passing reference.


      2. mrrjchamberlain88

        Maybe John himself added it later, omitting it in the original to preserve the anonymity of the woman in question, who religious people like you would happily stone to death, blind to the planks in their own eyes.


      3. That’s simply an assumption with no evidence. The story doesn’t even exist in P66 or P75, which are two of the earliest mss of the gospel of John. Both were written long after John, so why would they be missing it if John had added it later?

        Liked by 2 people

      4. mrrjchamberlain88

        Two of the earliest manuscripts we have doesn’t mean to say that this wasn’t a story that was in the public domain


      5. mrrjchamberlain88

        Because that woman was an eyewitness of His Majesty and all those religious people who slunk off when He convicted them


      6. Oy vei, you’re resorting to a stupid circular argument. You don’t know if the story is even reliable, but you use it to prove the story! 🤦‍♂️

        Anyone can say someone was an “eyewitness”, but there is no evidence for it.

        Liked by 1 person

      7. mrrjchamberlain88

        There comes a point where you have to take someone’s word for it. I’ve seen Nelson Mandela, but I couldn’t ‘prove’ it to you.


      8. mrrjchamberlain88

        The Bible is evidence enough for me. I really have seen Nelson Mandela though. Why would you believe me and not the Bible?


      9. I don’t need to believe you. There is plenty of evidence for him! Your word is irrelevant and unnecessary. In contrast, there is no evidence for your Bible. Get the difference?


      10. mrrjchamberlain88

        You’ve just quoted Bible manuscripts. Jesus is even acknowledged as a Prophet by antichristal Islam!


      11. 😂 Whenever Crosstian cannot maintain an argument, they change topics.

        I have cited (not quoted) Biblical manuscripts to demonstrate the lack of evidence for your religion. Your Nelson Mandela analogy was laughably stupid. We have tons of evidence that he existed. We don’t need your word.


      12. And I proved it, using your own manuscripts! You,on the other hand, have no proof for the story, other than your opinion and the stupid Nelson Mandela analogy. Man, that was a bad one! 🤣


      13. mrrjchamberlain88

        All that analogy shows is that you’re more inclined to believe me than the Word of God, which says more about your heart than anything


      14. mrrjchamberlain88

        The Bible (Solomon or pseudonymous if thou preferest) has some advice for thee and me- answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes/don’t answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him.


      15. mrrjchamberlain88

        What about the Quran? Please contextualise those verses for the 21st Century with the war on terror and the Islamic State and Iran wanting to nuke Israel etc.?


      16. 🤣🤣 Crosstian deflects again!

        The Quran allows us to fight against our enemies. Nothing wrong with that. But there are rules to follow, such as not killing unarmed civilians. In contrast, your genocidal, lunatic god ordered the killings of children and babies!


      17. mrrjchamberlain88

        Enemies being anyone who dares to disagree with you? God forbid that I bump into you on Briggate, you’ll probably try and stone me!


      18. 😂😂 No, enemies such as those who try to impose their filthy, liberal values on to me and kill those who resist.

        Also, the Sharia can only be implemented by the head of state, moron. You see? You are an idiot with no knowledge about any of the topics you rant about.


      19. mrrjchamberlain88

        Yeah I’m not of this world. I’m of the Kingdom of God. So I’m not an apologist for any Western country or Islamic state, or anyone seeking to bomb another.


      20. mrrjchamberlain88

        Infanticide happens. God is sovereign. Is your god impotency wringing his hands at infanticide? Or does he just not care?


      21. 😂😂 “Infanticide happens”. LOL!! That’s your excuse?

        There is a difference between God giving people free will to do bad things and then punish them, and God Himself ordering a person to do bad things. Get it, stupid? See the difference?

        Liked by 1 person

      22. 🤣😂🤣 Yeah, he was, because since you aren’t a Jew, you are not equal to them and had to wait your turn. Hence, he was a racist.

        Again, to use the drowning analogy, if your god saw a black person drowning and saved him but called that person the N-word, would that not be racist? Of course it would!


      23. mrrjchamberlain88

        I’m patient. I can wait my turn. Niger etymologically just means black. There’s a country in Africa called Niger which is scourged by the mujahadeen. It’s how you use a word that makes it racist or not. An Englishman’s best friend is a dog. In that context being called a dog is a compliment


      24. 😂🤣 Lol, now you’re claiming the N-word might not be racist???

        The fact that you had to wait your turn just goes to show that your god was a racist. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have made non-Jews wait at all. Anyone who wanted to come to God should have been able to do so without having to “wait their turn”.


      25. mrrjchamberlain88

        So you’re implying that the inhabitants of Niger and Nigeria are racist against themselves? Through the Jew Jesus, God has blessed the world. What’s the fruit of your false prophet?


      26. 😂🤣 You are one of the biggest morons I have ever seen! There are racial epithets that are considered derogatory, you donkey. The N-word is one such word. In the same way, calling a non-Jew a “dog” because of their ethnicity is racism. Your fake mangod was a racist. Talk about rotten fruits! 😂


      27. mrrjchamberlain88

        Let me use another example. The word drug can refer to illegal drugs (bad) or to medication (good). Depends on the context. In the context of delivering someone’s daughter from a demon I’d say ‘dog’ is good. If you think that’s bad, God calls His own people a ‘worm’ elsewhere! Think what we are to God. We’re mere mortals, and sinners at that, deflect from that fact though you might try!


      28. 😂🤣 You should just stop using these moronic “examples”. You’re making yourself look stupid.

        Your fake mangod could simply have helped the woman and her daughter without using derogatory terms simply because she was not an Israelite. That is the epitome of racism. You are a donkey.


      29. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Your stupidity just knows no bounds. I didn’t say calling someone an animal is racist. I said someone an animal specifically BECAUSE they are of a particular ethnic group is racist. Try to focus, you stupid donkey. 🤦‍♂️


      30. mrrjchamberlain88

        Don’t answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him. Guess that makes fools of both of us, however you look at it. At least I’m a fool for Christ. Not sure why you’re fooling around slagging off the Judge of all the earth.


      31. mrrjchamberlain88

        I explained it and you rejected my explanation. He was playing devil’s (religious people like you) advocate.


      32. mrrjchamberlain88

        You claim to follow Isa Al Masih as a Prophet yet you think Allah couldn’t preserve His teachings. What kind of god is that?


      33. mrrjchamberlain88

        How is He blessed if allah couldn’t even keep His word from getting corrupted (something the Quran doesn’t even claim)?


      34. 🤣🤣 What does him being blessed have to do with his teachings being corrupted by heretics like you, who came after him? Is it really possible for someone to be as stupid as you are? 🤦‍♂️


      35. mrrjchamberlain88

        How can you say He’s a prophet if you think His teachings have been corrupted? That’s like me saying Mohammed was a prophet but I don’t know what he taught because his teachings have been corrupted…


      36. mrrjchamberlain88

        If I said ‘because the Bible says so’ you would call me dumb. In fact, if I do anything other than kowtow to your dead warlord, you’ll call me dumb. And if you don’t call me dumb I will be dumb, how dumb is that?


      37. 🤣😂 Moron, you asked why I believe in Isa (pbuh). That’s a matter of faith. I believe because the Quran tells me to believe, and I believe the Quran is the Word of God. Unlike your BiBULL, the Quran is the perfect word of God. Get it?


      38. mrrjchamberlain88

        And yet the Quran never says the Bible was corrupted, which was already in the public domain by then. Bit hard to corrupt something that people know. Even secular Roman historians admitted they crucified Isa Al Masih (the Prince of Peace)


      39. 😂🤣😂 It says it in many places, you donkey. Haven’t I humiliated you enough on what the Quran teaches? You don’t know your own BiBULL, so what business do you have quoting the Quran?


      40. mrrjchamberlain88

        I didn’t quote the Quran, because there’s nothing to quote about apparently corrupted teachings of Isa Al Masih, who you claim as a Prophet and whose teachings you deny.


      41. mrrjchamberlain88

        Canaanites were the kind of people who killed their own babies, that’s why God visited the Israelites upon them. Maybe that’s why He’s visiting the mujahadeen upon the West!


      42. mrrjchamberlain88

        You reap what you sow. Those who live by the sword will die by the sword… or poisoning… or something


      43. 😂😂 What did the children do to “reap” anything? They didn’t “sow” anything! My goodness! Use your reason, stupid! Your religion is evil. Give it up. Come to your senses and stop defending baby murder.


      44. mrrjchamberlain88

        Video of me at the back of a crows staring at Nelson Mandela in the distance? Didn’t realise there were videos of Mohammed slaughtering the heathen!


      45. mrrjchamberlain88

        There’s a lot of evidence for adultery, it’s all around us in the decadent West. If only men were allowed four wives eh?


      46. 🤣 Lol, and crosstians can’t do anything about it. What an idiotic religion!

        The question is not whether adultery happened in that time, stupid. The question is whether Jesus prevented an adulteress from being stoned. There is no evidence for that.


      47. mrrjchamberlain88

        If only we could stone them all to death eh? Or let them marry each other (up to four) if they’re the right gender. The law condemns to death. The Spirit gives life.


      48. 😂 To stop them from spreading their filth? YES! That’s the point of law and order, moron. But your heretical religion would rather let them proliferate and showcase their decadence. Like I said, you would have been burned at the stake as a heretic by other Christians. That’s what Christians did to heretics for most of their history.


      49. mrrjchamberlain88

        Law and order locks up murderous wannabe warlords, and I’m thankful for that. One ‘heretic’ who was burned at the stake prayed ‘Lord, open the king of England’s eyes’- Henry VIII eventually authorised that man’s translation of the Bible


      50. mrrjchamberlain88

        God is willing to forgive Christians, homosexuals and Muslims alike. Doesn’t mean to say that some of us are going to hell for eternity.


      51. 😂 Again that proves my point! Your “love” and “forgiveness” are fake and meaningless. It’s also a lie when you say “God loves us”. If he really did love everyone, there would be no such place as hell. You can’t “love” someone and yet also torture them for eternity.


      52. mrrjchamberlain88

        God loves me, so anyone who touches me touches the apple of His eye. Think on that when you stone me wherever you find me.


      53. 😂😂 Oooh, I’m so scared! But anyway, your paranoia again shows your stupidity and ignorance. As I said, the Sharia can only be implemented by the head of state. So don’t worry. No one is going to stone you for being an idiot. 🤣


      54. mrrjchamberlain88

        We can call adulterers, homosexuals and Muslims to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


      55. mrrjchamberlain88

        The kind of place Jesus might have gone and got a hospitable reception. When He went to the likes of you they crucified Him.


      56. 😂😂 More proof that your dirty religion is a racist ideology. Oh, did you know that the Samaritan Bible has a different version about Ishmael?

        And why did you assume I was an Ishmaelite, you dirty, racist donkey? 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      57. 🤣😂 I said calling a person a “dog” because of their ethnicity is wrong, stupid. Because it is racist. You are a donkey because you have showcased your low intellect. Get it, stupid?


      58. mrrjchamberlain88

        You are a donkey because you, like me, are stubbornly persisting with this dialogue. Takes one to know one.


    3. jamesmay2022

      moron pigglot wrote :
      Jesus’s Kingdom is heavenly.

      before he achieves that heavenly status, krist is going to be raping prostitutes and make use of violence to get his own back on those who nailed him. sadly, jesus is 2500 plus years too late. the man was full of vengeance.


      And John does not always leave it up to the imagination. In the letter to the church of Thyatira (2:18-29), Christ attacks a woman prophet he calls “Jezebel,” in reference to the notorious queen of Israel who led the people of God astray (1 Kings 16:31; 2 Kings 9:22). This Jezebel is a Christian leader, a teacher in the church. But her views conflict with John’s. She teaches that it is acceptable for Christians to eat food offered to idols (2:20) and she may even encourage it. That is, she has taken the position on idol meat found among some of the prominent members of Paul’s church in Corinth, an issue that Paul addresses, comparatively thoughtfully and mildly, in 1 Cor, 8 and 10. John’s views, by contrast, are harsh and uncompromising: Jezebel “teaches and deceives my slaves to commit sexual immorality and to eat food offered to idols” (2:20).

      There is no knowing what the historical “Jezebel” actually said or taught. One can easily give her views a generous read: suppose Christians in the community of Thyatira had pagan family members, friends, and neighbors, and so were sometimes invited to their homes for a meal. At the meal, they ate what had been prepared, which sometimes included meat purchased at the local temple. Rather than offend the non-Christians who offered them a gracious invitation, these church members accepted the meal and enjoyed their time together. Perhaps they used the meal as a chance to talk to their dinner companions about their faith, even to try to convince them to learn more about Christ. “Jezebel,” in this reading, thinks this is a completely reasonable approach to being in the world and possibly a helpful strategy for spreading the good news.

      John, however, does not give the situation a generous read. He thinks participating in meals with pagans who had purchased meat in a temple is an offense that would lead straight to the lake of fire. In his letter Christ indicates that he has given Jezebel a chance to repent – in other words, to stop condoning the practice of eating meat purchased from a pagan temple – but she has refused. And so he indicates her judgment:

      See, I will throw her onto a bed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into a great affliction, if they do not repent from her deeds. And I will kill her children. (2:22)

      Now that’s a verse I never learned in Sunday school. Some translators translate “bed” as “sick bed” (that is, that will make her ill), but that is reading something into the verse that isn’t there. It is just the Greek word for bed (κλίνη). And what happens on the bed is not that Jezebel gets sick. She has illicit sex with others. After Christ himself has thrown her there. Do I need to point out this is a troubling image?

      Are these men who “commit adultery with her” accepted by her as willing partners? Or do they rape her? In either event, they themselves are punished too, though we are not told specifically how. One can imagine medical possibilities.

      But that’s not the worst of it. Christ concludes by assuring his readers that he will punish not only this wayward woman but also her innocent offspring. He is going to kill them. That is what John imagines Christ will do to those who allow Christians to participate in a meal with pagans: “I will strike her children dead” (2:23).


      1. don’t give a whip to jesus or swords to his disciples. he came to bring division. and OPPOSITE of peace.

      ” He would tell you murderous stone wielding religious people that the one without sin can cast the first stone.”

      Penalty for Violating the Sabbath
      32 Now while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. 33 And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to all the congregation. 34 They put him under guard, because it had not been explained what should be done to him.

      35 Then the Lord said to Moses, “The man must surely be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” 36 So, as the Lord commanded Moses, all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him with stones, and he died.

      This means jebus was not only a murderous stone wielding scum bag, he also told people to put in SWORDS into pregnant women bodies.


      1. jesus NEVER told SOLDIERS OR POLICING force to stop carrying swords
      2. jesus NEVER stoned the woman, how come? i thought jesos has INTIMATE relationship with the father and the father command is to STONE adulterous to death ?

      3. look at all that intimate relationship jeebos has? “i and the fatheer r one”
      “i do the will of the father”

      THE will of the father is to tell you what sin is, ADULTERY = sin.

      so what does the father want?

      STONE the woman to death. lol

      ” And then he would tell the homosexual to leave his life of sin.”

      problem is, kristian family model is GETTING RAPED/SHAGGED/SODOMIZED by SODOMITES AND this means people are CONTINUING in sin, breaking christian family model lol .
      jesus’ stupid advice “sin no more” is not working, maybe he SHOULD HAVE OBEYED what he told the disciples



    4. jamesmay2022

      “. When He went to the likes of you they crucified Him.”

      eh? in the bible, the father is not liking the smell of burnt offerings and all those different sin sacrifices. so he sends his son who was born of a body. the father says he hates human sacrifice, but he thinks that a human sacrificie of a pagan godling is what will cure the problem of sin.

      the father CANNOt FORGIVE without human sacrifice.
      the religious jews CANNOT save themselves through animal offering, only through a human sacrifice.

      so OFCOURSE they are gonna drive nails into your pagan composite godling, thats what he came for, right? to get SLAPPED around and NAILED to cool of the father , right?

      THE likes of the jews were are REQUIREMENT in your gods pagan salvation model.


    5. jamesmay2022

      “Read the context, He commended the ‘dog’ for her faith and delivered her daughter from a demon!”

      only after she bested him and refuted him by teaching him a basic lesson on gravity.
      his treatment of her was unneighbourly , he broke the command to love neighbour .

      Liked by 1 person

      1. jamesmay2022

        “Not loving to deliver a demoniac? C”

        “Her only recourse is to outwit Jesus. She accepts that he sees her as a ‘dog’, but in turn points out that even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps children drop from the dinner table. Jesus gives in, telling her that she may return home and find her daughter healed of the unclean spirit.”

        Liked by 2 people

    6. jamesmay2022

      “She didn’t, she was a cursed Canaanite dog. Still Jesus blessed her.”

      her daughter didnt know what a canaanite was you scum bag. her ill daughter was ill and had no idea about race or dog

      “If you’re racist against someone, you don’t deliver their daughter from a demon,”

      In this story, Jesus never agrees to the equality of gentiles, or the equality of women, or the equality of gentile women with Jewish men. Jesus called the woman a dog. And she made her point by agreeing with him, not saying that she deserved equality or fairness, but merely begging for crumbs.
      It is a very, very common thing for someone who is oppressed to have to placate and pretend to agree with the oppressor in order to gain some small benefit. And that’s what we see happen here.
      Once she had admitted to and agreed with his understanding of her place in the world, a dog who can at most expect crumbs, Jesus gave her what she begged for. It does him no harm to show a bit of kindness to a lesser person who acknowledges their subordinate nature.

      ” you stone them or blow them up or something”

      what wrong with stoning to death? suicide is allowed in the bible, whats your problem with blowing people up?

      Liked by 1 person

    7. jamesmay2022

      “God is willing to forgive Christians, homosexuals and Muslims alike. Doesn’t mean to say that some of us are going to hell for eternity.”

      god never said he forgive those who continue to sin.

      how you know homosexuality is a sin?
      homosexuality = lawLESSNESS and destroying kristian family model .
      where did god say he will forgive the CONTINUOUS TRANSGRESSION of the model he set up?

      Liked by 1 person

    8. jamesmay2022

      “Nowt like a bit o’ banter when you exorcise a lady’s daughter!”

      he ignores her u scum bag, then he watches her get down on all fours. then he says “it is not right to take the childrens bread and cast it to your dirty female dog of a daughter”

      she must have said, “if this is loving your neighbours, what the heck is hating your neighbours like”


      Liked by 1 person

    9. jamesmay2022

      “He also said that those who are beheaded for the faith will return with Him when He judges the kind of people who behead His people.”

      AHAHAHA, you mean those christians who thought paul was a dirty FAKE? or those christians from the jerusalem church? which christians? what about those xtians who were preaching laws over faith? lol

      Liked by 1 person

      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Yeah the Jerusalem Council put them straight. No need to stone or behead them or owt like that


    10. jamesmay2022

      “If we sin, we have an Advocate in Christ”

      so your god is a scum bag, he lets you get away with crimes by hiding under jesus’ skirt!
      i thought your god was a “just” god and justice required action taken against sinners like christians who promote the breaking of christian family model and replacing it with gay model.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Your god would just forgive you without any kind of penalty? You wouldn’t accept a 99% halal sausage, why do you think God will accept anything less than Christ’s perfection credited to your bankrupt spiritual account?


    11. jamesmay2022

      “Nowt like a bit o’ banter when you exorcise a lady’s daughter!”

      he said he did not come for the woman or her ill daughter. he then reinforces his belief by saying that it is not right to cast holy bread to animals.

      it is ONLY after she teaches him a basic gravity lesson that he is impressed with her.

      children /humans = jews
      the woman/her child = animals

      Other NT texts instead use κύων, always in a negative context: ‘never give what is holy to dogs’ (Matt 7.6), dogs lick the wounds of a sick, homeless man (Luke 16.21), pro-circumcision followers of Jesus are ‘dogs’ (Philippians 3.2), ‘a dog returns to its vomit’ (2 Pet 2.22; cf. Prov 26.11), and ‘dogs’ are mentioned alongside sorcerers, murderers, and idolaters (Rev 22.15).

      HOW is the womans sick daughter any of these?


      In this story alone, ‘several diminutives’ are used ‘without significant force’.10 The form κυνάριον does not here indicate a ‘little dog’, let alone a pet ‘puppy’. Jesus uses it to refer to ‘the scavenging dogs of the street’, in contrast to the children of a household. It is the woman, upon accepting her identification as an animal, who turns the metaphor around and insists to Jesus that she is still a member of the children’s household and can eat the scraps that fall from their table: ‘she is willing to abase herself in order to secure his cooperation’.11 She has to argue for her worth, if not as an equal to Israelites, at least as someone in need of whatever can be spared from their gifts from God.

      The comparison of non-Israelites to ‘dogs’ is especially common in contexts having to do with keeping Israelites and foreigners distinct,12 which is exactly what we see here


      The unfortunate case with this individual passage is that Jesus crassly disregards the well-being of another person because she does not belong to his ethnic group. He only acquiesces to her pleading when she turns his prejudice upside-down: she and her daughter may be nothing more than ‘dogs’ to him, but even dogs are living things whose well-being needs to be cared for.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Mephiboseph refers to himself as a dog in the light of king David’s kindness. I happily refer to myself as a dog in the light of the Son of David’s kindness.


      2. mrrjchamberlain88

        Actions speak louder than words. Delivering her daughter from a demon shows that Jesus wasn’t like religious people who look down on the ‘other’


      3. jamesmay2022

        “Actions speak louder than words”

        ONLY AFTER THE WOMAN BESTED him and TAUGHT him a lesson on gravity.
        notice in the story, jesus NEVER invites her to sit on the SAME table as the jews.
        he never even tells her that he came for her.

        “. Delivering her daughter from a demon shows”

        it shows that she (her mother) COULD REASON like a human being , something which jesus did not know.

        that Jesus wasn’t like religious people who look down on the ‘other’”

        his disciples implore him to help her you moronic idiot.
        they say “send her away” meaning give her what she wants so she goes away.
        it seems his deciples had more compassion than jesus.
        jesus ENJOYED toying with her .


    12. jamesmay2022

      “Your god would just forgive you without any kind of penalty?”

      yeah. you cant forgive and punish someone at the same time you silly moron.

      “You wouldn’t accept a 99% halal sausage, why do you think God will accept anything less than”

      Since when did god say in the old testament say that he does not ACCEPT an imperfect person ?

      ” Christ’s perfection credited to your bankrupt spiritual account?”

      homosexuality = spiritual corruption . therefore krists blood is allowing spiritual corruption .
      christ blood = spiritual corruption.


    13. jamesmay2022

      “Mephiboseph refers to himself as a dog in the light of king David’s kindness.”

      you pagan moron, the woman received no MERCY or kindness when she came to jebus.
      she was TREATED like an animal. even after all the begging, jesus STILL ignored her. she REFERRED to herself as a dog for her CHILDS sake because she KNEW the deep rooted racism of jesus BLED into his racist heart

      “I happily refer to myself as a dog in the light of the Son of David’s kindness.”

      where does it say that woman HAPPILY accepted her status as a dog ? AND she received “kindness” only AFTER she taught jesus about gravity


    14. jamesmay2022

      “Look to the plank in your own eye, sinner. You have higher standards than your God.”

      like jesus. he tells people to watch what comes out of their mouths, then proceeds to call a humble non-gentile woman and her SICK daughter “little bitches”


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.
        2 Peter 3:16 ESV

        I could write this verse over every polemicist, although I hope and pray for a better outcome for you.


      2. jamesmay2022

        “as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand,”

        jesus’ RACISM is not hard to understand.he thinks dogs RECEIVE food by having it cast to them. he thought jewish children had yhwhs BLESSINGS and non-jewish children didnt .
        where did jesus address centurion as a dog or toy with him like he did the woman ?


    15. jamesmay2022

      “You wouldn’t accept a 99% halal sausage,”

      in christian marriage do you accept 99 percent heterosexuality and one percent getting bent over by your priest and….?
      i am sure u wouldn’t accept being 1 percent homosexual , right?

      ” why do you think God will accept anything less than Christ’s perfection credited to your bankrupt spiritual account?”

      but god lets u get away with that “one percent” ?
      in your religion somebody elses “perfection” covers your one percent homosexuality since your god already got RAPEd by romans for your 1 percent of krime!


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        I’m not a Roman Catholic, so I don’t believe in that priesthood. So you think your 99% of perfection is enough to get you the 100% unfaithfulness of a bunch of virgins? Heaven is God’s home, not some playboy mansion. Heaven is holy. God cannot tolerate 1% of evil. How do you think you can stand in God’s presence, were it not for the blood of Jesus?


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        And of course you think you can just waltz into God’s presence having already displayed your sinful hatred in your homophobic slurs towards a straight man. Remove the plank from your own eye before you presume to poke the speck out of mine.


    16. jamesmay2022

      “Death might have ‘scored a goal’ against Jesus, but He ‘equalised and scored the winner in extra time’. Where’s your dead warlord?”

      how does death which is not almighty have power over an almighty god ? plus, how does a filthy dog like you know jebus “scored a victory” ? he never came back to demonstrate that bullets cant take him out again, its just your belief. i dont believe he has power over death. jesus was afraid to show himself to the pharisees to whom he promised the sign to.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        You’re not going to be able to kill Christ when He returns. He will cast unbelievers body and soul into hell. He told religious people like you that they wouldn’t believe even if He rose from the dead (notably Joseph and Nicodemus excepting).


    17. jamesmay2022

      “And of course you think you can just waltz into God’s presence having already displayed your sinful hatred in your homophobic slurs towards a straight man.”

      you are a spiritual faggot. you give your heart to other than god. you believe the liees of new testameent jesus makes u a spiritual homosexual. so you already are gay.

      ” Remove the plank from your own eye before you presume to poke the speck out of mine.”

      what plank?


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Pride. Refusal to humble yourself and admit that you need Isa Al Masih to save your soul. You cannot save yourself.


    18. jamesmay2022

      “I’m not a Roman Catholic, so I don’t believe in that priesthood. So you think your 99% of perfection is enough to get you the 100% unfaithfulness of a bunch of virgins?”

      “for them is forgiveness and great reward”
      forgiveness and mercy precede the giving of reward.
      my deeds are a requirement ,
      you on the other hand hide under the skirt of a pagan bloody go between.
      whether u do good or bad, your score is ZERO

      so why even repent ? you are a sinful spiritual faggot and menstrual rag and your dirty pagan cannanite god already put his deeds in your place while u siin every day. so why do any deed of good ? its not helping u. ur god sees u as a dirty spiritual trash.

      ” Heaven is God’s home, ”

      god does not live in heaven u dirty pagan. god BRINGS HEAVEN into existence. fool

      “not some playboy mansion.”

      while your god was between joseph and his mother in matrimonial home ?

      ” Heaven is holy.”

      heaven is your god ? lol where does the old testament say that heaven is sin free? hhahaah

      ” God cannot tolerate 1% of evil.”

      why , does sin cause ur god to have loose motion and melt?

      ” How do you think you can stand in God’s presence,”

      see this is the problem. u a dirty spiritual menstrual dog is going to be in heaven EVEEN THOUGH u continue to sin, so how will u get into heaven when u are CURRENTLY sinning ? is your “just” god going to transform yoour spiritual dirty state before he drop u in heaveen?
      does he need blood to do that? lol

      “were it not for the blood of Jesus?”

      is your god going to shed jebus again to transform ur sinful state of existence? ??


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Imagine you murder me for being all the things you’re calling me. Do you think any amount of good deeds will earn your forgiveness from my family. You don’t have a clue about forgiveness if you think you can earn it. The whole point about forgiveness is that you’re spiritually bankrupt and need Christ’s perfection to be credited to your morally bankrupt account. I’ve had it done for me, I recommend it for you.


    19. jamesmay2022

      “Pride. Refusal to humble yourself and admit that you need Isa Al Masih to save your soul.”

      i dont need a dirty spiritual faggotory IDOLATRY to have my soul saved. GOD DOES NOT need jesus and NEITHER do u and i .

      “You cannot save yourself.”

      thats a lie. with Gods mercy and forgiveness everyone can “save” themselves. you are a liar .and spiritual fault within the world. repent of your idolatry.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        And yet you claim Him as a Prophet. But you don’t know what He taught because you think your god couldn’t preserve His teachings. Some god!


    20. jamesmay2022

      “You’re not going to be able to kill Christ when He returns.”

      i dont think your sinful christ is returning. i dont think he had power over death. i think he is good as dead as paul . if paul invented ur new testament christ, then paul is burning in hell with his invention. your jebus is not coming back.

      ” He will cast unbelievers body and soul into hell.”

      i think thats your spiritual faggotory kicking in again. how does this demonstrate urr god cannot die again ? plus, jesus did not have authority to cast anyone in hell.

      “He told religious people like you that they wouldn’t believe even if He rose from the dead”

      thats because there is no evidence he rose from the dead. even if some random pagan liar with holes in his hands and feet appears to you, KNOW THAT if it requests ur worship, it is IDOLATRY MAKING request of u.

      ” (notably Joseph and Nicodemus excepting).”

      where are these stories from ? which fiction book? bible


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Islam teaches that Isa Al Masih will return, does it not? Who can defeat death but God alone?


    21. jamesmay2022

      “And yet you claim Him as a Prophet. But you don’t know what He taught because you think your god couldn’t preserve His teachings. Some god!”

      i dont claim the new testament jesus as a prophet, i claim he is a cartoon fiction. i do not believe God has anything to do with greek trash which u read today. i believe that without a revelation from God, nobody would have known what moses, adam, or any other prophet said all over the world.

      Why does God need to “preserve teaching” of a false teacher who has nothing to do with god but pauls sick fantasy?


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Moses was quite capable of writing. Didn’t need some Arabian warlord to twist his writings thousands of years later


    22. jamesmay2022

      “You’re spiritually dead. You cannot save yourself.”

      show me one place in the jewish bible which says my soul is “spiritualy dead” and neeeds “saving”
      go on, show me.
      adam according to your pagonic beliefs had faith, yet his faith could not keep him in yhwhs presence LOL.
      it seem that your gods cheap blood did not have saving powers lol. adam was punished .
      there is no “spiritual death” in your corrupt jewish bible. REPENTANCES keeps u spiritually alive. jesus noot needed . your jesus DIED when paul died.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh,
        Ezekiel 11:19 ESV You have a heart of stone, sounds pretty dead to me, and that’s according to the old testament, never mind the new. Yet God is in the business of spiritual heart transplants. He can chip away at your uncircumcised heart and replace it with a heart that beats with spiritual life


      2. mrrjchamberlain88

        In Adam all die. In Christ all are resurrected, some to eternal life and others to eternal death


    23. jamesmay2022

      “Islam teaches that Isa Al Masih will return, does it not? Who can defeat death but God alone?”

      DEATH is always under the power and dominion of god. so your dumb question makes no sense. islam does not teach pauls pagan dying and rising composite false teacher who got judged by those who followed yhwhs “eternal torah” lol

      Liked by 1 person

    24. jamesmay2022

      “He won the match. Your false prophet warlord is dead.”

      SATAN is alive

      your god lost the match. u also will die. lol
      funny a pagan spiritual faggot like u believes that a BEING who brings things into existence has to have a match lol . is not god bringing into existence all matches ?

      “Not if my resurrected Lord has anything to do with it. He’s returning to call me home.”

      you will die in your idolatry and then see that your jesus was nothing but pauls idolatrous sick fantasy. repent of your idolatry. remember, your god was put to sleep by death and u have no evidence he came back to life or that he has mastery over death. lol

      “What do you base your hope on? Being on the path of Islam? You probably haven’t perfectly kept Islamic law, “”


      “never mind God’s law. Salvation isn’t dependant on going along a wide road to destruction;”


      “it’s about finding Isa Al Masih’s narrow Way of life.”


      “If salvation was 1% dependent on us, we’d be lost.”

      SO DO YOU REPENT OR DOES YOUR false god COME DOWN AND REPENT ON YOUR BEHALF? IN OTHER WORDS UR god is dependant on your act to repent lol

      “Let me use another example. The word drug can refer to illegal drugs (bad) or to medication (good). Depends on the context. In the context of delivering someone’s daughter from a demon I’d say ‘dog’ is good. ”

      HOW ?

      you stupid dumb pig, it was after the “dog” CHANGED your gods mind that she secured a cure. in context, the non-jew was IGNORED and toyed around with. he called her daughter a dog, what did her daughter know about dog?

      “If you think that’s bad, God calls His own people a ‘worm’ elsewhere! ”

      you dumb scum bag, look at his words “it is not RIGHT TO TAKE the children’s HOLY bread and cast it to the dogs”

      here it is about helping NON-JEWISH CHILDREN.
      why is it not right helping non-jewish children?

      “Think what we are to God. We’re mere mortals, and sinners at that, deflect from that fact though you might try!”

      LOL, why is it not right HEELPING NON-jewish children?

      “And of course you think you can just waltz into God’s presence having already displayed your sinful hatred in your homophobic slurs towards a straight man.”

      the problem with you is that your bible is FULL OF HOMOPHOBIA.
      sinners always waltz into yhwhs presence in the bible
      even if you sinfully lusted, yhwhs presence still accepted you lol
      and how do i know u are straight? in your religion there is no different between homosexuality or stealing a mars bar. you are in your gods eye a spiritual faggot and thief.

      “Imagine you murder me for being all the things you’re calling me.”

      your bible requires the killing of a spiritual idolater liike u .

      ” Do you think any amount of good deeds will earn your forgiveness from my family.”

      yes, according to the bible, killing idolatry is considered as righteousness

      quote:Seeing this outright rebellious behavior, Phinehas grabbed a spear, entered the tent and pierced them both together, as they were in middle of the act. This deed brought about an immediate end to the plague.

      why should your families ability to do x trump over gods command to do y ?

      “You don’t have a clue about forgiveness if you think you can earn it.”

      you “earn” it because god MADE one capable of earning it.
      god changes heart
      god brings about remorse and guilt. god is the one who given the ability to get his forgivess

      “The whole point about forgiveness is that you’re spiritually bankrupt”

      forgiveness is to let go and release the one who repented and turned away from sin.
      how can you be “spiritually bankrupt” you liar? there has to be SOME kind god given ability within the person in order to even seek forgiveness you shoddy moronic filth.

      ” and need Christ’s perfection to be credited to your morally bankrupt account.”

      thats CORRUPTION. thats like doing crimes and then putting the deeds of another in your bank account to keep the landlord focused on the deeds of another. you are morally corrupt.

      ” I’ve had it done for me, I recommend it for you.”

      you are dying in your idolatry and seeking the path of corruption


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Satan and death are on death row. Your false god has nothing to do with that. How do you know his guidance hasn’t been corrupted like that of his Prophet (apparently)?

        You’re not going to be saved unless you admit you’re corrupt and need transforming by God.


    25. jamesmay2022

      “You don’t have a clue about forgiveness if you think you can earn it.”

      you “earn” it because god MADE one capable of earning it.
      god changes heart
      god brings about remorse and guilt. god is the one who given the ability to get his forgivess

      “The whole point about forgiveness is that you’re spiritually bankrupt”

      forgiveness is to let go and release the one who repented and turned away from sin.
      how can you be “spiritually bankrupt” you liar? there has to be SOME kind god given ability within the person in order to even seek forgiveness you shoddy moronic filth.

      ” and need Christ’s perfection to be credited to your morally bankrupt account.”

      thats CORRUPTION. thats like doing crimes and then putting the deeds of another in your bank account to keep the landlord focused on the deeds of another. you are morally corrupt.

      ” I’ve had it done for me, I recommend it for you.”

      you are dying in your idolatry and seeking the path of corruption


    26. jamesmay2022

      “In Adam all die.”

      so adams deed BRING ABOUT AN irreversible damage that even a god dying could NOT UNDO LOL LOLOL OLO

      “In Christ all are resurrected,”

      are we talking about souls here or flesh bodiees? death still has MASTERY OVER you lol

      “some to eternal life and others to eternal death”

      you are going to eternal hell.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Death is just sleep for me until Christ wakes me up for eternity. You’re already spiritually dead and need resurrecting by Him.


    27. jamesmay2022

      “Satan and death are on death row.”

      evidence? your shitty beliefs dont count here.

      “Your false god has nothing to do with that.”

      your false god got bent over by satan

      ” How do you know his guidance hasn’t been corrupted like that of his Prophet (apparently)?”

      the quran is a recited text different times of the day. the quran has thousands of first century manuscripts.

      “You’re not going to be saved unless you admit you’re corrupt and need transforming by God.”

      but a spiritual faggot like you is corrupt, yet your god puts your corrupted self in heaven? how is hat justice? and why should i say that i am corrupt when God never said that a repenting human is corrupt. the only corrupt one here is you. you are a spiritual faggot. you are dying in your idolatry. you are doing a disgusting crime.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        The fact that anyone would go into God’s holy presence would be unjust to you, your sinful self included. Thankfully God is more merciful than you, as revealed in Christ. ‘Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy’.


    28. jamesmay2022

      “Death is just sleep for me ”
      so adams disobedience has power over u lol . it causes IRREVERSABLE damage to you. lol why trust in fictional stories written by paul ???????

      “until Christ wakes me up for eternity.”
      in hell. u and your false messiah. why u need waking up when u are already swimming in blood, shouldnt that be automatic ? your god is like your alarm clock ?

      “You’re already spiritually dead and need resurrecting by Him.”

      i told a spiritual faggot like you that REPENTANCE BRINGS LIFE. GOD DOEES IT without a pagan god-man dying. God dont need jesus and neither do you.
      your god needed help of others to get resurrected, he has no POWER in himself. he needs other for assistance. my GOD brings from existence all things.

      while your god is dying my god BRINGS ALL THINGS INTO EXISTENCE. you need to put your trust in the God who trumps your idol. while your god is dying ,my GOD IS EVERLIVING IMMORTAL AND UNDYING. ur god is getting ravaged by death. my GOD GIVES DEATH TO WHOM HE WILLS AND LIFE TO WHOM HE WILLS


    29. jamesmay2022

      “The fact that anyone would go into God’s holy presence would be unjust to you, your sinful self included. ”

      SIN has no power over God . are you dumb ? what makes u think i enter heaven as a sinner ?

      “Thankfully God is more merciful than you, as revealed in Christ. ‘Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy’.”

      where does god show mercy to those who are destroying the “christian family model” lol ?????
      where was there mercy in calling a child a dog?
      where was the mercy in calling the religious leaders as sons of sluts?
      where was the mercy in telling humans “i require an INFINITE price, now grab a hammer and nail my son” ? where is the MERCY ?


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Your god might shrug his shoulders and be indifferent to sin. My God is a Righteous and Just God who hates it and must deal with it. It’s either Christ crucified or us in hell for God’s wrath to be satisfied


    30. jamesmay2022

      “One guilty of deicide doesn’t simply ‘earn’ forgiveness. God earned it for them.”

      so your god became u and repented for sins you did ? your god did the sins u did and got you forgiveness? or does your god REQUIRE it off you to REPENT of your sins?
      “god earned it for them” ?

      Learn to pronounce
      obtain (money) in return for labour or services.

      if it was not for gods mercy or forgiveness, i would not be able to “give” to god what he gave me the ability to do.

      you wrote :
      God earned it for them.

      your god repented off sins by doing the sins u do and repenting ?


    31. jamesmay2022

      “And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh,
      Ezekiel 11:19 ESV”

      yet your heart is FULL OF sin and you swim in blood while @ same time doing sins. so your unjust god let you get away with your filthy sins. no punishment, just a transformation. your god is unholy and corrupt.

      “ You have a heart of stone, sounds pretty dead to me,”

      no, thats because you are a self righteous scum bag like jimmy swaggart and ravi zacharius

      “and that’s according to the old testament, never mind the new. Yet God is in the business of spiritual heart transplants.”

      BUT THATS UNJUST. u continue to sin. your god ignores that and does transplant? justice requires your ass get fried!

      “He can chip away at your uncircumcised heart and replace it with a heart that beats with spiritual life”

      yet you are a sinner and a dirty menstrual rag. the thing is, if yhwh dont punish u, justice cannot be met.

      “Your god might shrug his shoulders and be indifferent to sin.”

      a sinner is either forgiven or punished.

      ” My God is a Righteous and Just God who hates it”

      no , he indulges in sin. if your god is “righteous and just” u should be punished for your sins, yet when u sin , your disgusting “righteous” god who “hates” sin lets u get away with your sins. who is shrugging his shoulders ? your disgusting unjust god.

      ” and must deal with it. It’s either Christ crucified or us in hell for God’s wrath to be satisfied”

      false bullshit dichotomy. as if god cannot make 1 min of punishment like a thousand years. it never says that one sin = PUNISHMENT in hell.
      heck, your jebus wasnt even PUNISHED in hell you spiritual faggot. your god saved jesus, even though jesus should be BURNING in hell . if jesus died for idolatry,murder, theft, rape then jesus should not be released from hell because the rule says idolatry, murder, theft, rape = eternal damnation, right?

      “Sleep isn’t irreversible if Jesus wakes you up again!”

      death has power over u u dumb moron. eating flesh and drinking blood doesnt give u any magical powers. you pathetic weak impotent god has a competitor called death. all u have is belief. yet reality says death has power over u. lol
      adams disobediance created an IRREVERSABLE CONSEQUENCE that a rape of a pagan man god could not undo. lol



    32. jamesmay2022

      ” and must deal with it. It’s either Christ crucified or us in hell for God’s wrath to be satisfied”

      this pagan spiritual idolatrous faggotry is a clownish joke.

      either A or B.

      your religion does not have concept of merciful god, it has a god BOXED IN either or situation. your god is impotent because almighty sin gives him loose motion.

      he like a self abusing sadist needs to cut himself to get satisFAFTION. your god is a self abusing saddist.

      he cant forgive. sin is too great and almighty. it causes him loose motion .


    33. jamesmay2022

      “You don’t have a clue about forgiveness if you think you can earn it.”

      okay then spiritual faggot, does your god repent or do you repent after you did a sin?

      “The whole point about forgiveness is that you’re spiritually bankrupt”


      are you offering a useless deed to your god when u repent ? what are u expecting after you do the deed of repenting ?

      noah saved himself after he gave the fruits of his works and yhwh confirms this :


      Ezekiel 14:14,20(JPT) – (14) Now should these three men be in its midst-[namely] Noah, Daniel, and Job – they would save themselves with their righteousness, says the Lord God.
      (20) And Noah, Daniel, and Job are in its midst, as I live, says the Lord God, if they will save a son or a daughter; they with their righteousness would save themselves.
      Did you also notice how Ezekiel points out that they would save themselves, i.e., without the need for the blood of an intercessor/savior “saving them”?

      noah saved himself from the wrath of yhwh.

      your old testament destroys your theology.

      and need Christ’s perfection to be credited to your morally bankrupt account. I’ve had it done for me, I recommend it for you.”

      read above, yhhwh looked at the deeds of noah . torah says human deeds save humans . in yhwhs eyes human righteousness saves humans.


    34. jamesmay2022

      “Noah found grace in the eyes of God. God was gracious to him.”

      DONKEY , u cant even read. it says that noah SAVED himself. this urinates over everything u just said.

      (20) And Noah, Daniel, and Job are in its midst, as I live, says the Lord God, if they will save a son or a daughter; they with their righteousness would save themselves.

      if yhwh brings his wrath, these three would save themselves…..

      the bible destroys christianity. you added in the bs “grace” thats not in the bible.


    35. jamesmay2022

      “How can God be both merciful and just?”

      when god does not treat the sinner the same as the repenting sinner, then god is being both merciful and just. thats justice and mercy.

      the sinner is receive a just mercy because he repents while the sinner (people of sodom) receive no mercy, but punishment.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        I agree that repentance is part of the story. Unrepentant sinners will not receive mercy. I agree. But our salvation depends on us turning to Christ, not upon our works. You didn’t really answer the question. Goes back to the 99% halal sausage. How can God accept one iota of sin in His holy heaven?


      2. mr.heathcliff

        “Goes back to the 99% halal sausage. How can God accept one iota of sin in His holy heaven?”

        when my God forgives, he destroys the sin. when u sin, you swim in blood. now the question is, your sins no longer have atonement, so then how will you enter heaven sinless LOL ?


        u on the other hand have an “atonement ” for your sins, but the problem is that u, as a SINNER is already swimming in blood. so then HOW is it possible u will enter sinless?

        u have no atonement ? and if god TRANSFORMS U, WHAT THE HECK WAS THE point of the blood sacrifice? lol



    36. jamesmay2022

      “The Bible warns about false teachers as it does false prophets.”

      jesus was a false teacher. his followers were suppose to prophecy. every end time prophecy his followers made turrned out to be false. look at all the xtians making prophecy about end of the world, they all turned out to be false. jesus’ false teaching is responsible for this.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        God’s word is prophecy enough. Now that is complete, there’s no need for Christians to prophesy


    37. jamesmay2022

      “Noah found grace in the eyes of God. God was gracious to him.”

      so you rape the text. the text says noah saved himself . did he have faith god will keep him afloat and wait for god to build him a boat? no, noah obeyed and listened. and it is through obediance noah saved himself. exactly the same message is said in deuteronomy 32

      bible says noah saved himself LITERALLY DELIVERED himself from gods wrath. lol lol
      lol lol


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Noah had faith in God’s plan of salvation. Because he had faith, he built a boat. Don’t put the cart before the donkey.


    38. jamesmay2022

      “Noah found grace in the eyes of God. God was gracious to him.”

      concept of xtian “grace” where you cant do anything to save yourself only god can save you is not actually old testament. in old testament ur deeds actually save u from divine punishment.

      God’s own teachings, that we are supremely in command of our spiritual destiny through our actions. See Genesis 4:7; Deuteronomy 30: 11-14, 19-20; Ezekiel Chapters 18 and 33. Also Psalms 145:18.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Habakkuk 2- the righteous live by faith. Genesis- Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. Psalm 51. David deserved death but God was gracious. See also Psalm 103


    39. jamesmay2022

      “and return to the Lord your God, with all your heart and soul, just as I am commanding you today, then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you, gathering you again from all the peoples among whom the Lord your God has scattered you” (Deut. 30:1-5). First take not of what is missing, faith in the Messiah. In fact, though Paul tries to find it there, reading the chapter without his interjections and omissions, one sees that faith is not at all mentioned as the answer to sin. Restoration does not come through faith but by returning to the law, practicing God’s Torah. Contrary to the doctrine of Paul, God rewards obedience.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Paul never said God doesn’t reward obedience. Just that we fail to obey God’s law. That’s why we need a Saviour.


    40. jamesmay2022

      your bible actually does say u earn your way to heaven via obedience.

      obedience = works

      the concept of human are dirty bankrupt spiritual trash is simply not torah. u cant love god with all your heart if u are spiritually bankrupt lol

      loving is demonstrated via OBEDIANCE. yes, the bible wrecks u.
      u should not talk about grace vs works any more.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone, it is accompanied by works as the evidence of our faith.


    41. mr.heathcliff

      Are you a calvinistic pig? because calvinism says that real choices dont exist.

      “You don’t have a clue about forgiveness if you think you can earn it”

      1. Seeking ( deed/works) is neccessary condition for forgiveness

      2 . Is not neccessary condition

      3. god forgives , no need to seek , ur seeking god = menstrual rags

      Where do u fit in 1-3?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Choose this day whom you will serve. If the Lord is God, follow Him. If allah (who is impotent to keep the words of his Prophets from being corrupted apparently) is God, follow him.


      2. mrrjchamberlain88

        I started this thread and now regret chipping away at stony hearts! I certainly relate to God! He doesn’t regret Himself, but neither is He indifferent to mankind’s pride and arrogance.


      3. mrrjchamberlain88

        Yes, God regrets that people rebel against Him, and condemns them to hell. Thankfully there’s no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.


      4. 🤣😂 Crosstian admits his god has regrets! That would imply your god didn’t have the foreknowledge that humans would rebel. Thus, he can’t be God. This is just another lie your BiBULL has attributed to the true God.


      5. mrrjchamberlain88

        I have children. I don’t regret having them but I do regret their rebellion sometimes. So I can relate to God.


      6. mr.heathcliff

        “Choose this day whom you will serve.”

        how can u choose if you are a calvanist piglet who cannot DO ANYTHING . yhwh needs to come down and do the choosing, remember?

        ” If the Lord is God, follow Him. If allah (who is impotent to keep the words of his Prophets from being corrupted apparently) ”

        what a STRAWMAN. the quran never says that BOOKS revealed to jewish PROPHETS WERE FOR ALL TIMES. u are a moron. it doesn’t matter if ORAL traditions were corrupt. do you ACCEPT the oral tradition behind the mishna and talmud ? jews do. IF GOD IS OMNIPOTENT why cant he allow the corruption of oral traditions which ARE NOT meant for all times.

        why could IMPOTENT yhwh PREVENT the jews FROM PROSTITUTING their HEARTS to other gods?

        why did israel KEEP on seeking after other gods ?

        why did yhwh GIVE jews EASILY BREAKABLE rules? lol
        what pathetic impotent god GIVES easily breakable rules only to UNDO them by comi ng down and GETTING murdered because nobody could keep his eternal rules which he said were doable?


    42. mr.heathcliff

      “Satan and death are on death row.”

      adam did a sin and then created an irreversable consequence in which your jewish hebrew god had to willingly get murdered .

      your god gets murdered, cools of his dad and then is never seen again.
      he left satan to tempt a scum bag like you.
      death is over powering kristians everyday
      christians are realising that going to jesus does not fix anything, they need to ADD religion to their life.

      repentance, sunday wine and biscuit. prayer and bloody swimming rituals.
      come one man, jesus didnt die for you, he died to stop DOMESTIC violence within trinity lol

      satan is alive and well. death is alive and well. christians are not seeing a second coming. your religion is just a hobby lol


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        In eternity to come I think the troubles of this life will pale into insignificance for me, whilst I’m worshiping the Lord Jesus and His enemies burn.


      2. No, what will happen is that Jesus (pbuh) will testify against you for being a pagan, and you will burn for eternity. The door to forgiveness is open until the time of your death. After that, it will be too late.


      3. mrrjchamberlain88

        Jesus had other sheep not of the sheepfold of Israel. I’m one of those, I hear His voice and follow Him. I’m not a goat. I’m already forgiven, you’re still trying to earn yours


      4. mrrjchamberlain88

        The first will be last and the last will be first. Which if you think about it makes us equals


    43. mr.heathcliff

      “Death might have ‘scored a goal’ against Jesus, but He ‘equalised and scored the winner in extra time’. Where’s your dead warlord?”

      your logic is a joke. my almighty sins HAD power to send your god to get over powered by death.
      in this case, my sins were almighty, your god was the object of my sins power.

      Learn to pronounce
      win a victory over (someone) in a battle or other contest; overcome or beat.

      paul said death had mastery over jesus. which means he was OVERPOWERED by death because of almighty sins.

      Gods everlivingness gives us hope, your god getting over powered by death gives u comedy.

      what was the father doing in this? should it have been a COMPLETE sacrificie including all members of trinity dying for sins?

      why the father “love” require another when sin is against him ? lol ? is sin against an intermediary or the father? its against the father. so why didnt all members of trinity get overpowered by almighty sins?


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        The War is won. May as well stop fighting and surrender to King Jesus. Better to willingly bow the knee to Him than to be forced to do so on His return.


      2. mrrjchamberlain88

        If death is final, yes. But as He said to the crucified terrorist beside Him, ‘today, you will be with me in paradise’.


      3. mr.heathcliff

        “The War is won.”
        your dying in your idolatry. the war is lost.

        ” May as well stop fighting and surrender to King Jesus. ”
        jesus prayed to his daddy because of what my almighty sins did to him. how can you surrender to a coward like jesus?

        “Better to willingly bow the knee to Him ”

        my sins made your god BOW down to daddy in the garden. jesus prayed like a coward .

        “than to be forced to do so on His return.”

        i think your idols kryptonite is sin, most likely your idol would cry like a coward again.


      4. stewjo004


        You said:
        “His body was dead for three days; His Spirit was in paradise”

        Uhhhh….no? In John, Jesus says to the disciples after the resurrection:

        “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” (John 20:17)

        Where is the Father? He is in heaven according to Matthew.[8] What was the promise that Jesus made to the robber again? He would see Jesus in heaven the same day (i.e. on that Friday, the day of the crucifixion). Yet John says that Jesus (peace be upon him) did not yet ascend to the Father (in heaven) on Sunday.

        Liked by 1 person

    44. mr.heathcliff

      “What Christ Himself taught matters more than some ancient person coopting Christianity for their own ends. Read John 8 in the Bible.”

      “thy kingdom come thy will be done hear on earth”


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        I guess you haven’t read 2 Peter 3. Even your traditions state that Christ will return. So it’s a bit stupid of you to scoff


      2. 🤣🤣 Moron, I have read your Bibull. It’s a joke. 2 Peter was a forgery written by someone to explain to crosstians why their god hadn’t returned yet.

        Jesus (pbuh) will return as a Muslim. But the point here is that your BiBULL wrongly stated that he would return 2000 years ago.


      3. mr.heathcliff

        “Yes, and His will will be done on earth when He returns.”

        nonsense. rome ruled. jews dispersed. jerusalem destroyed. jesus did not return:
        Do not lose faith by a delay of 2500 years that no one has come, or, according to the NT 2000 years or more. Rev 22:6-7… And he said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place.” “And behold, I am coming soon….”


    45. mr.heathcliff


      ven if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver but their own lives by their righteousness, declares the Lord God.
      Ezekiel 14:14 ESV

      There’s a difference between temporal deliverance and eternal salvation

      . the point is that these THREE are DELIVERING THEMSELVES FROM DIVINE WRATh.
      so if god brings them back and brings PUNISHMENT into the land, they would save themselves by their own righteousness.

      The verse does not say that they dont have “eternal salvation”
      if they cant SAVE themselves from DIVINE wrath which is FROM god, then logically they are saved from hell lol

      aren’t all PUNISHMENTS going to start off ON the earth? when your false man god was supposed to come, wasn’t there supposed to be “temporal punishment” ?


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        No. Noah saved himself from a flood. Daniel by his prayers saved himself from the lion’s den, and Job, by his integrity was delivered from temporal suffering.


      2. mr.heathcliff

        “No. Noah saved himself from a flood.”

        divine wrath.

        “Daniel by his prayers saved himself from the lion’s den, and Job, by his integrity was delivered from temporal suffering.”

        divine wrath.

        where did yhwh say that noah cannot save himself from “eternal wrath” ?

        you see how you are changing the goal posts?


    46. mr.heathcliff

      “Noah had faith in God’s plan of salvation.”

      “Because he had faith, he built a boat. Don’t put the cart before the donkey.”
      IT SAYS HE SAVED HIMSELF YOU LITTLE scum faced krister.

      YOU HAVE A PROBLEM. u have a text which says a HUMAN saved himself from divine wrath. lol

      Liked by 1 person

    47. mr.heathcliff

      “We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone, it is accompanied by works as the evidence of our faith.”

      it says NOAH DELIVERED himself you dumb ass moron. MEANING his WORKS . lol.
      it did NOT SAY his FAITH DELIVERED him, it says his ACTS delivered him. just LOOK at the hebrew word for “righteousness, ”
      please dont allow me to wreck you on this.
      IT never said “faith accompanied with works” it says “rignhteousness” and when TORAH uses “righteousness” it MEANS OBEDIANCE I.E WORKS/DEEDS/ in the flesh.

      “Paul never said God doesn’t reward obedience. Just that we fail to obey God’s law. ”

      god never said what paul the liar said. WHERE did yhwh say the crap paul said ?

      “That’s why we need a Saviour.”

      thats the torah according to yhwh. deut 32

      you don’t need any jebus.

      “Habakkuk 2- the righteous live by faith. Genesis- Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. Psalm 51. David deserved death but God was gracious. See also Psalm 103”

      WHAT has this got to do with the three saving themselves???

      But nowhere in Tanakh does it call them tzadikim. Tzadik/tzedek appear a few hundred times in Tanakh and it always means someone who DOES the RIGHT THING. There is one time where God COUNTS Avraham’s believing in God’s words as justice/righteousness. It doesn’t say that this belief made Avraham a tzadik. The belief was considered as if he had DONE “tzedakah” as the verse says.

      “I agree that repentance is part of the story. Unrepentant sinners will not receive mercy. I agree.”

      so salvation is not a gift, it is conditioned on deeds of repentances , pig.

      ” But our salvation depends on us turning to Christ, not upon our works.”

      thats not what the torah says you moron. abrahams salvation was not in TURNING to a pagan human sacrificie because of his sins. moses salvation was not in turning to a pagan human sacrifice. God said to TURN to torah and obey his commandments.

      why are you doing the works of “turning” to SOMEONE elses body? where did god GIVE u such an instruction? read deut 32

      ” You didn’t really answer the question. Goes back to the 99% halal sausage. How can God accept one iota of sin in His holy heaven?”

      I ANSWERED your bs hundreds of times.

      1. who said GOd i would enter heaven as sinner?
      2. where does the bible say that yhwh cannot be in presence of sin?
      3. if God can transforms hearts WITHOUT BLOOD, he can TRANSFORM ME before he put me in heaven?
      4. why would God GIVE A forgiveness mechanism in OLD testameent INCLUDING a list of COMMANDS if he EXPECTED perfection ?
      scum bag


    48. mr.heathcliff

      “In eternity to come I think the troubles of this life will pale into insignificance for me, whilst I’m worshiping the Lord Jesus and His enemies burn.”

      when you will be asked to READ your book of IDOLATRY, your idol jesus is GOING TO FORSAKE u. you will be alone. you will BURN like barbecue , then u will receive your new skin, then you will be asked to call your idol. all you gonna be getting his barbecued!


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Oh I’ll cope alright because I will be worshiping God like the angels in heaven whilst you and your perverted sexual fantasies burn, although of course I hope you repent of your perversions


    49. mr.heathcliff

      “Your teaching is to shed other people’s blood. My teaching is that Christ shed His blood so that no more blood needs to be shed.”

      lol, THATS like saying, “you got to break the commands of god and rape a virgin goddess so that no FURTHER RAPES can take place”

      your religion teaches that ALL humanity NEEDS TO get a HAMMMER and NAIL THE …. OUT OF YOUR pagan godling , IMPLICATING all of humanity as MURDERS.

      EVEN children. what a FILTHY SCUM BAG RELIGION.

      “no more blood needs to be shed”

      what about ALL THOSE criminals on death row who willingly go to their deaths and dont like to hide behind jesus’ phony “sacrifice” ?

      “no more blood needs to be shed”

      SINCE when did yhwh in torah give the law “do not KILL children ” ?

      yhwhs LAWS are CONDITIONED about “greater good” lol. if killing of x amount of children bring about y, then for “greater good” is allowed.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        You have one twisted interpretation of Scripture. Though I don’t expect a correct interpretation from a spiritual zombie


    50. mr.heathcliff

      “Here’s your logic- ‘calling someone an animal is racist, you animal’. Hypocrite!”

      “i have not come BUT FOR the lost sheep(jews)”

      YES, jesus was RACIST. he TURNED it into a race thing.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        And yet He died for Jews and Gentiles alike, and sent His Jewish followers to the world to make Him known. No jihad, just good news for all who will believe, even for blasphemous, murderous persecutors like Paul, and mujahadeen!


    51. mr.heathcliff

      “Sleep isn’t irreversible if Jesus wakes you up again!”

      jesus was put to sleep two thousand years ago and is rotting in hell with paul (pauls invention is rotting in hell).


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        You’re not going to convert me to your satanic death cult, so you may as well martyr me like your religion tells you too. Greater will be my reward in heaven.


    52. mr.heathcliff

      “Your god might shrug his shoulders and be indifferent to sin”

      YOU stupid bimbo, you CURRENTLY sin and your god is ALLOWING A scum bag like you to get away with sin because ur body is swimming in someone elses blood. THATS CORRUPTION. YOUR god right from the FOUNDATION of the earth “shrugged ” his shoulders and let u go. thats corruption u unholy sinful mesntrual rag

      .” My God is a Righteous and Just God who hates it and must deal with it.”

      how does getting raped by sin UNDO RAPE, MURDER, THEFT YOU STUPID SCUM bag? your god is LETTING ur corruption flow.

      ur god is CORRUPT. he needs to be PENALISED.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        I think you’ll find yourself in the dock on the day of judgement, not God. You’re like a lump of clay trying to insult the Potter. Careful or He’ll squish you!


    53. mr.heathcliff

      “ut our salvation depends on us turning to Christ, not upon our works.”

      makes no sense. one turns to God to make one do works to the utmost sincere level. you are turning to a pagan bloody go between , which means YOUR FAITH, your works (repentance/guilt) is useless crap.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        My faith is a gift of God. My works are prepared in advance by God for me to do, so there’s no room for boasting by me, I’m just His workmanship.


      2. mrrjchamberlain88

        You pay lip service to your indifferent god whilst in reality worshiping your faith and works.


    54. mr.heathcliff

      “God’s word is prophecy enough. Now that is complete, there’s no need for Christians to prophesy”

      your god tells you that you false christians who worship false gospels will make PROPHECY. lol and PERFORM miracles. lol. so tell me when the end of the world is? have you gone to the hospital and drank deadly poison?

      Liked by 1 person

    55. mr.heathcliff

      “We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone, it is accompanied by works”

      BUT U ARE OFFERING YOUR god menstrual rags you moron. you see what a filthy dog you are?

      if faith is DEMONSTRATED, then WHO is that given to? your faith is crap, i thought your god looks at the DEED and faith of another so that unreighteous scum bags like you can enter heaven?


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        All our righteousness is filthy rags. Yours as well as mine. But I’m trusting in the imputed righteousness of Christ for my salvation. If you think the Holy One will accept your filthy rags, you’re deluded by the devil


    56. mr.heathcliff

      “Oh I’ll cope alright because I will be worshiping God like the angels in heaven whilst you and your perverted sexual fantasies burn, ”

      yhwh enjoyed coming out of private part as fully god and fully man, can you ask why yhwh would not allow holy romping in heaven?
      i mean , yhwh was between mother of yhwh and joseph , he was in presence of holy love.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Joseph didn’t know Mary in that way until Christ was born, and your perverse words betray you as a hell deserving pervert.


      2. mr.heathcliff

        “Joseph didn’t know Mary in that way until Christ was born, ”
        so yhwh was in presence of mary and joseph when yhwh was 2 and joseph of in matrimonial room with yhwhs mother romping , so your point is?

        and your perverse words betray you as a hell deserving pervert.”

        how are a pervert. was not yhwh between two parents who were in matrimonial room ?


    57. mr.heathcliff

      “And yet He died for Jews and Gentiles alike,”

      U mean after a gentile woman TAUGHT him basic lesson on gravity and made him realise GENTILES have intelligence LOL ?

      “and sent His Jewish followers to the world to make Him known.”

      sorry? his followers discuss about FORGED letters and SAYINGS attributed to jesus. you guys were DOING THE LUST OF FORGERIES. jesus NEVER WALKED ON water to the NEAREST european CITY lol. not ONE of his FOLLOWERS in acts CAN bring a saying attributed to him about SITTING NEXT TO gentiles or eating on the same table

      “No jihad,”

      YES, jihad of FORGERIES. lust of textual corruption. lust of lies. lust of making up stories. lust of SPREADING bullshit.

      ” just good news for all who will believe,”

      THE WOMEN SAID nothing to anyone. the “good news” was SOMETHING TO BE FLED FROM lol

      “even for blasphemous, murderous persecutors like Paul, and mujahadeen!”

      DONT u find it strange that this scum bag who had LUST for blood all of a sudden had LUST FOR human sacrifice? ????


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        When it all gets a little uncomfortable you just fall back on your claim it’s not true. The proof of the pudding is in the eternity that God has set in our hearts. Bit late when you meet your Maker to realise He’s true.


      2. mr.heathcliff

        “The proof of the pudding is in the eternity that God has set in our hearts. Bit late when you meet your Maker to realise He’s true.”

        your god doesnt exist. it is a cartoon character from thor comic book. your heart is set in spiritual idolatry. I CANT WAIT TO SEE your face when GOD says ,”you said i cant forgive sins without blood….GOD proceeds to forgive WITHOUT blood” then he BURNS your ass in the arrogance and boast of your idolatry


    58. mr.heathcliff

      “You’re not going to convert me to your satanic death cult”

      you xtian brethren vladamir puttin WILL bend u over and put missicle where sun dont shine. christian TERRORISTS EXIST. christians are BOMBING the shit out each other. christian hate exists

      “, so you may as well martyr me like your religion tells you too. Greater will be my reward in heaven.”

      if you REALLY LIKE getting gang banged, WHY dont u ASK GOD for death? u seem SUICIDLE.


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Although I like Putin’s quote: ‘it’s God’s job to judge terrorists; it’s my job to send them to Him’. Of course Putin is a far bigger terrorist than some dead warlord or some Islamic State. God will judge.


    59. mr.heathcliff

      “Because when He returns from the throneroom of heaven, He’ll chuck death along with the devil and unbelievers into hell”


      1. hey jebus demonstrate you have mastery over death.

      2. jebus NEVER goes to PILATE for round 2 . lol

      something smells fishy.

      3. does jesus appear in the flesh to the high priest ?

      4. its like saying “okay, you say jesus is risen, so where is he” ?

      “oh well, he has gone to heaven and 20000 too late, but …..”

      this is the CRAP u are uttering.

      Liked by 1 person

    60. mr.heathcliff

      quote :

      No. The New Testament fully embraces slavery and Paul tells slaves to obey their masters even if their masters are cruel. Paul once even forced a slave to go back to his owner, That’s what the letter to Philemon is all about. Philemon is the owner of the slave that Paul is returning.


      I disagree. That is literally what is happening. That is the dirty truth of it. Paul is making slave go back to his owner. That undermines any suggestion that Paul thought slavery was wrong. He never once says that slavery is wrong. That’s not in the letter. Paul does not condemn slavery as an institution or a practice in the letter. He does not tell Philemon to free other slaves. It does not impress me that he tells a slave owner to free a Christian just because he’s a Christian.



      1. mr.heathcliff

        But is this all that Paul wants Philemon to do? Scholars have long debated the real meaning of his request, some thinking that Paul wants Philemon to manumit Onesimus (i.e., release him from his slavery), and others that he more specifically wants him to free him to engage in missionary work. Unfortunately, there is little in the text that suggests either possibility. Even verse 16, which urges Philemon to receive Onesimus “no longer as a slave but. . . [as] a beloved brother,” is concerned with how he should react to this errant member of his household; it does not tell him to change his slave’s status. (Consider an analogy: if I were to say to a female acquaintance, “I love you not as a woman but as a friend,” this would not be to deny her gender!) It may be that the modern abhorrence of slavery has led interpreters to find in Paul a man ahead of his time, one who also opposed the practice.

        Yet Paul may be asking for something else. He emphasizes that Onesimus has been useful to him and states quite plainly that even though he would like to retain his services he doesn’t want to do so without the leave of his master (vv. 12–14). Moreover, at the end of his short letter he asks Philemon to provide him with some kind of additional benefit in light of his own debt to Paul (the word “this” in v. 20 is not found in Greek; literally the text says, “Yes, provide me with a benefit”). What exactly is Paul looking for? Although Paul says not a word about Onesimus being set free, it appears that he would like to have him sent back. Is Paul asking Philemon to present him with a gift in the person of Onesimus, the slave?



    61. mr.heathcliff

      “In the context of delivering someone’s daughter from a demon I’d say ‘dog’ is good. If you think that’s bad, God calls His own people a ‘worm’ elsewhere!”

      you are a stupid SCUM bag.

      your pagan scum bag racist jewish godling REFERS TO THE jewish CHILDREN AS humans you dumb ass moron.

      he refers to the SICK girl as a DOG who is not worthy of holy bread for the children ?

      and u are comparing this to your god calling jews a worm ? lol

      your god is COMPARING human AGAINST animals.

      u cant see the difference?


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Jesus quoted Psalm 22 from the cross. In which the Psalmist says ‘I am a worm and not a man’. He’s a worm to you, you bull of Bashan.


      2. mr.heathcliff

        “You pay lip service to your indifferent god whilst in reality worshiping your faith and works.”

        no jesus the christian polytheist tells christians to worship his finite works in the flesh and his acts on cross. your god is IDOLATROUS, he tells you to put TRUST in his HUMAN life for your sins.


        WE PUT OUR TRUST IN GOD TO GIVE US THE ABILITY TO DO X, Y AND Z. had GOD not given us the ABILITY, we WOULD not be able to move.


      3. mr.heathcliff

        “All our righteousness is filthy rags.”

        god never said noahs righteousness = filthy rag. contradiction. god said noah saved himself from divine wrath.

        “Yours as well as mine.”

        LOL, if yhwh prepaired your works in advance, then yhwh prepared for you filthy rag? lol meaning yhwh is responsible for your filthy rag.

        “But I’m trusting in the imputed righteousness of Christ for my salvation.”

        BUT U are not jebus! your god is LOOKING at jebus, not you. SO he is ALLOWING CORRUPTION in his kingdom i.e u.

        your “trsuting” is FILTHY rag aswell. this is why i said that you are a SELF RIGHTEOUS scum bag .
        ur LUST in “imputation” is making you BLIND to the fact that your god is BLINDED BY jesus blood.

        thats corruption

        ” If you think the Holy One will accept your filthy rags, you’re deluded by the devil”

        GOD cannot purify filtht rags ? is he impotent like jesus?


      4. mr.heathcliff

        “Jesus quoted Psalm 22 from the cross. In which the Psalmist says ‘I am a worm and not a man’. He’s a worm to you, you bull of Bashan.”

        so yhwh called jebus a dirty worm then lol? plus, there is a problem, THE WOMAN was identified as a dog, while the jews as humans. are you dumb?


    62. mr.heathcliff

      “My faith is a gift of God.”

      ” My works are prepared in advance by God for me to do, so there’s no room for boasting by me, I’m just His workmanship.”

      so god is doing all the sins you are currently doing lol? did your god also make your crimes in advance? is this a gift as well. you see how your corrupt god is a scum bag?

      are you doing your works or is your god doing your works ? LOL which is it? i dont get a moron like u.

      are you DOING any thing or is it your god RADIO CONTROLLING u lol?

      i think drinking too much blood in presence of your priest is screwing your brains.


      1. mr.heathcliff

        “Anything good in me is of God. Anything bad is of me.”

        so you believe in two gods? one god is good making god and one god is bad making god? how you get thee will to do bad? lol

        how do i know that what you perceive as “good” is not your dirty disgusting original sin stained menstrual ragged self righteousness?

        if your are a dirty CALVINIST, the bad is from god as well.

        UR BAD currently exists. and u have no ATONEMENT for your bad. you are free from divine consequences, so HOW the hell is not your gods sacrificial system a corruption?


    63. mr.heathcliff

      “Anything good in me is of God. Anything bad is of me.”

      how do you know your “good” is from god? lol
      do you check it out with torah? but you cant do TORAH, remember. you are a MENSTRUAL rag. a spiritual trash. u need a bloody go between.

      what do you mean “is of good”?

      is your charity ,u or god doing charity as a human life?



      1. mr.heathcliff

        NO , u glorify the human life of jebus, a FINITE sacrificial act. you are a LIAR. a scum bag. one who calls to worship DEEDS of a human in flesh.

        Liked by 1 person

    64. mr.heathcliff

      you are a disgusting scum bag.

      i wrote :

      forgiveness is to let go and release the one who repented and turned away from sin.
      how can you be “spiritually bankrupt” you liar? there has to be SOME kind god given ability within the person in order to even seek forgiveness you shoddy moronic filth.

      and :

      you “earn” it because god MADE one capable of earning it.
      god changes heart
      god brings about remorse and guilt. god is the one who given the ability to get his forgivess

      “The whole point about forgiveness is that you’re spiritually bankrupt”

      forgiveness is to let go and release the one who repented and turned away from sin.
      how can you be “spiritually bankrupt” you liar? there has to be SOME kind god given ability within the person in order to even seek forgiveness you shoddy moronic filth.

      and :

      Learn to pronounce
      obtain (money) in return for labour or services.

      if it was not for gods mercy or forgiveness, i would not be able to “give” to god what he gave me the ability to do.


      notice when your argument about “self righteousness” and trust ones deeds got demolished, you start employing my language in order to defend your beliefs about works and deeds.

      you are a hypocrite scum bag.

      NOW that we have established that one does not TRUST in his own works but RATHER WHAT GOD DOES FOR ONE.

      on the other hand, jesus wants you to trust his human works and lifes , making u into an IDOLATER. A flesh worshipper. lol

      U see the difference between a FLESH worshipper and ONE WHO worships the invisible GOD?


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        Seeking forgiveness wouldn’t make Putin any less of a terrorist. Yet if he renounced his evil ways and trusted Christ, he would be saved. He doesn’t have to be a 51% halal sausage


    65. mr.heathcliff

      “Seeking forgiveness wouldn’t make Putin any less of a terrorist.”

      puttins christians terrororism is biblically derived.

      ” Yet if he renounced his evil ways ”

      one christian evil ways is another xtians freedom from ukrainian terrorism.

      “and trusted Christ, he would be saved.”

      u dumb british moron, he is a krosstian

      “He doesn’t have to be a 51% halal sausage”

      can you sin all you want?


      1. mrrjchamberlain88

        I don’t want to sin. My dream isn’t some playboy mansion in the sky, but the eternal worship of my Saviour and Lord.


    66. mr.heathcliff

      Your god would just forgive you without any kind of penalty? You wouldn’t accept a 99% halal sausage,”

      you see, a dirty dog like you will think “faith” will shield you on day of judgement, yet your cognitive disonance says that acts are still neccessary irregardless of that 1 percent .

      your impotent god cant say ‘”you are forgiven” and then the 1 percent is destroyed, he is pagan impotent god who needs to get ravaged by 2 nails and whip before he get rid of that one percent. weak god. joke. pagan. impotent.

      but if your deeds are useless then they are not useful for anything on day of judgement , but your cognitive disonance still tells you that thy are neccessary and the quran is saying that it is GOD doing the weighing of deeds and God weighing in truth and justice. . even ur cognitive disonance says that doing deeds is a NECCESSITY .

      we demonstrated that noah saved himself THROUGH his righteousness.

      now did yhwh say he cared about that one percent before he saved noah?


    67. mr.heathcliff

      you keep talking about one percent, but you forgot that your god was raped with eternal sins which BY NECCESSITY REQUIRE TO BE PUNISHED in hell FOREVER AND EVER, non-stop
      . your god was literally CURSED ,, sins polluted him. so your god is a hypocrite for saving a CURSED thing from eternal damnation , SINCE jesus literally xperience BEEING SOILED.
      how did yhwh bring such a SOILED thing in his presence and how is that justice?


    68. mr.heathcliff

      -Who made Moses, a killer, “Holy enough” to enter God’s presence? We know he did, so how did he do that without Jesus? Furthermore, how did he do that “through works”, if his works were not perfect? The temple priests “entered into the presence of God”. How did they do that without Jesus?

      it appears to me that yhwh was a mobile god glowing like a light bulb, but without a face. what we see is that sins existed in his presence even while he is glowing like a light bulb.


    1. I was just going to say that too. It’s a contradiction. Apparently, they are “saved” by Christ’s death but they still need to forgive others in order to be forgiven themselves. Which is it?

      Paul said salvation is a gift. Apparently not, since a gift would not require any action on your part.


  2. jamesmay2022

    “I’m sure she was happy that her daughter was delivered.”

    where does it say that ? she GOT her crumbs, not an invitation to sit on jesus’ laps


  3. jamesmay2022

    “I’m sure she was happy that her daughter was delivered.”

    the romans who pinned your god and the centurion .
    centurion gets his wish
    romans get forgiveness requested for them (it never says the father forgave them but your racist saviour still made the request)

    YET, a poor humble non-jewish woman DESPARATE for her daughter is INSULTED and CALLED an animal !

    Liked by 1 person

  4. jamesmay2022

    “Look to the plank in your own eye, sinner. You have higher standards than your God.”

    yes, this is how your religion has “got along” and allowed SPIRITUAL corruption. if the torah “prophecies” about christians, then all the CURSES are on the christians lol,

    Deuteronomy 31:16- Deuteronomy 32

    you guys are under the curse of your god lol


  5. jamesmay2022

    “Delivering her daughter from a demon shows that Jesus wasn’t like religious people who look down on the ‘other’”

    no, jesus was USING THE rules and regulations set by the PHARISEES when addressing the gentile woman . jesus was being “religious” with her and his disciples were being “religious” as well when they HAD no idea about sitting with non-circumcised dogs/gentiles, so acts writer fabricates a vision to help jesus.

    jesus DID look down on the other LITERALLY, while she was down, he called her “dogs”

    it was ONLY after she REFUTED him, did he change his mind.

    but i think your saviour was dumb

    i think he thought “hey peter, she agrees with me that she is a dog and jews have yhwhs blessings”


  6. jamesmay2022

    “Your god would just forgive you without any kind of penalty?”

    OFCOURSE! you cant forgive and punish at the same time. thats nonsense.
    if god PUNISHES, then how has he forgiven?

    “You wouldn’t accept a 99% halal sausage,”

    did yhwh ACCEPT 99% worship and 1 percent idol worship?
    did yhwh accept 99% sabbath keeping and 1 percent breaking?

    actually, YES he did lol

    ” why do you think God will accept anything less”

    dumbo, yhwh GAVE his instructions to sinless humans or sinners? you are a moron

    “than Christ’s perfection credited to your bankrupt spiritual account?”

    how does that bs work? are you jesus? no. how is it that when you become a gay, your god looks at your jesus’ “perfection” ? how does that work?
    if you are SPIRITUAL trash and menstrual rag, how is it that your god is putting anothers “perfection” in your place? you are a sinner , the law says u need to be punished, yet your “perfect” god let you hide under jesus skirt?


  7. jamesmay2022

    “Well He saved a Gentile dog like me so He can’t be racist!”

    but you have to be the “dog of israel” coz u are a gentile dog.
    in other words , the CHILDREN SIT on chairs, while you GROVEL like a dog at their FEET. ahahahahahahahah

    Liked by 2 people

  8. jamesmay2022

    “Second, in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus does not force other people to pass a ‘test’ before granting his help. It was Jesus, not the woman, nor anyone else, who drew attention to her ethnicity and disqualified her from receiving help on that basis. He was the one who turned it into a challenge of her intrinsic value as a non-Israelite when no one else had questioned it.”

    jesus was a sinner!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. jamesmay2022

      love thy neighbour jesus style :

      “. It was Jesus, not the woman, nor anyone else, who drew attention to her ethnicity and disqualified her from receiving help on that basis.”

      Liked by 2 people

  9. jamesmay2022

    “Other NT texts instead use κύων, always in a negative context: ‘never give what is holy to dogs’ (Matt 7.6), dogs lick the wounds of a sick, homeless man (Luke 16.21), pro-circumcision followers of Jesus are ‘dogs’ (Philippians 3.2), ‘a dog returns to its vomit’ (2 Pet 2.22; cf. Prov 26.11), and ‘dogs’ are mentioned alongside sorcerers, murderers, and idolaters (Rev 22.15).”

    now think about this.
    just look at the way the text is using the word.
    jesus says it is NOT RIGHT to take HOLY BREAD AND CAST IT TO THE DOGS !!!!!!

    holy don’t go to UNHOLY!


    1. jamesmay2022

      HERE we are SEEING A TREATMENT AND how jesus IMAGINES the recipient!
      she cleverly ju-jitsu jesus


      In this story alone, ‘several diminutives’ are used ‘without significant force’.10 The form κυνάριον does not here indicate a ‘little dog’, let alone a pet ‘puppy’. Jesus uses it to refer to ‘the scavenging dogs of the street’, in contrast to the children of a household. It is the woman, upon accepting her identification as an animal, who turns the metaphor around and insists to Jesus that she is still a member of the children’s household and can eat the scraps that fall from their table: ‘she is willing to abase herself in order to secure his cooperation’.11 She has to argue for her worth, if not as an equal to Israelites, at least as someone in need of whatever can be spared from their gifts from God.



  10. mr.heathcliff

    If i say

    “God sustains ur ability to earn urself heaven via guilt, repentance works”

    Is absolutely not against what the hebrew bible says.

    god even says in ezekiel if wicked person did x amount of evil and becomes righteous, his evil will be remembered no more. So god sustains righteousness of x and REPLACES wickedness WITH righteousness.

    Biblically this is 100 percent legitimate

    the xtian reading where a god comes down and does DEEDS in the flesh is laughable since biblical yhwh HAS already created and sustained such ability in human creation

    yes u can earn ur way to heaven, yhwh says so.

    u give ur repentance to yhwh, ur deeds, ur guilt. Without these u have no life and u die. Thats biblical message


    1. mr.heathcliff

      Paul on the other hand told xtians to put their faith and trust in a man who breath oxygen and did deeds in the flesh. your pauline polytheist paul told xtians to put their trust in a human life . Lol. Talk about idolatry and catholicism.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. mr.heathcliff

    😂🤣 That’s like saying he was knocked down but then his coach used some smelling salt to wake him up. By dying in the first place, he lost. You people are such donkeys. 😂

    he won the match

    when a world champion is put in a coma for 3 days and 3 nights, he neither won the match and satanic war continues lol

    Liked by 2 people

  12. stewjo004


    Wow…alright a lot to unpack here:

    1. So are conceding Christianity has no practical system in place to keep law and order and leaves this to the judgment of humans?

    2. If a story does not exist until lalter manuscripts then it was added

    3. Calling people ethnic slurs is racist. Calling people a “dog” in a Middle Eastern context is like saying “bitch” in English not “best friend”.

    4. “Niger” and “nigger” are not etymologically related. “Niger” comes from the Niger river in the country and comes from Tuareg n’eghirren, meaning ‘flowing water’. “Nigger” comes from Spanish “Negro” a descendant of the Latin adjective niger, which means “black”.

    5. So it’s okay to kill babies in certain contexts because of a racist curse?

    6. When one says “die by the sword or poison etc” can we add public execution while asking why did God abandon him to the list?

    7. If “The law condemns to death” and God sent the Law doesn’t that mean it’s perfect?

    8. Please show where multiple wives are forbidden in the Bible.

    9.As for the “slay them wherever you find them” verse its a thing called “context”. This is reffering specifically to the pagan Arabs who tortured people for 13 years prior. How can we tell? By this magical thing called “reading”

    ˹This is the˺ cut off by God and His Messenger from the treaties you’ve made with those who equate others ˹with Him˺. (9:1)

    I’m sorry do you have a treaty with Muhammad(ﷺ)? Let’s continue:

    This is a proclamation from God and His Messenger, to the people on the day of the Hajj ˹pilgrimage˺. God is free from any commitment to the pagans, and so is His Messenger. If you repent now, it’s better for you. But if you decide to turn away, then be aware that you can never frustrate God’s will. So give the ones who disbelieve the ‘congratulations’ of a painful punishment. (9:2)

    Are you all standing there at Hajj pilgrimage? Hmmm…what else?

    If any of the pagans seeks your protection, grant it to them so that they can hear God’s Word. Then take them to a place where they feel comfortable and safe because they’re people that didn’t know. (9:6)

    So as you can see there were distinctions being made. Now about those Caninite babies…

    10. While forbidden to us, the Bible praises a certain suicide attack by a man named…Samson:

    “When they stood him among the pillars, 26 Samson said to the servant who held his hand, “Put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple, so that I may lean against them.” 27 Now the temple was crowded with men and women; all the rulers of the Philistines were there, and on the roof were about three thousand men and women watching Samson perform. 28 Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.” 29 Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other, 30 Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived.” (Judges 16:25-30)

    11. Your “halal sausage” analogy is poor. One I don’t eat anything because God commanded it. Next, God created humans to sin and be repentful which is why we are praised as a creation. Finally God was forgiving before Jesus(as) showing he was not needed.

    12. Who said sex was evil so why would it not be “tolerated” in heaven? What are you doing up there playing a harp?

    13. Many people have forgiven without being Christian so are they “saved” then lol?

    14. if you say death “scored a point” then God was one-upped by something which is blasphemous.

    15. Why would Moses(as) be “capable of writing”? Why and when would he have ever needed to learn that skill in the Bronze age?

    16. We have proof that our teachings aren’t corrupt both practically and through physical demonstration of our general dominance throughout most of our history.

    17. God can be merciful and just because the two terms are not contradictory.

    Whew! I believe that’s the end to that nonsense… Did I miss anything everyone?

    Liked by 3 people

  13. mr.heathcliff

    scum bag chriistian wrote :

    No. Noah saved himself from a flood. Daniel by his prayers saved himself from the lion’s den, and Job, by his integrity was delivered from temporal suffering.


    both of these three save themselves from divine punishment. thats what the biblical text says.

    the word used is “their righteousness”

    how bible uses “righteousness” ?


    But nowhere in Tanakh does it call them tzadikim. Tzadik/tzedek appear a few hundred times in Tanakh and it always means someone who DOES the RIGHT THING


  14. mr.heathcliff

    “My dream isn’t some playboy mansion in the sky, but the eternal worship of my Saviour and Lord.”

    where did the hebrew bible imagine yhwh as a dying human being ? lol ?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. mr.heathcliff

    “All our righteousness is filthy rags. Yours as well as mine.”

    just god says u deserve hell fire. just god punishes himself and puts a filthy rag like u in heaven,god is just ?
    do you see children as filthy rags?
    how did a filthy rag like noah save himself from divine punishment ?
    u dont deserve heaven so yhwh looks at his flesh deeds and puts a menstrual rag like u in heaven, your god is just? lol?


    1. mr.heathcliff

      this dog wrote :

      So you think your 99% of perfection is enough to get you the 100% unfaithfulness of a bunch of virgins? Heaven is God’s home, not some playboy mansion.


      this is where cognitive disonance plays in.
      they say crap like this, yet they STILL say DOING BAD is not allowed and doing good is NECCESSARY .

      so if you ask this dog

      1. is one who SINS the same as one who doesn’t sin? if deeds are useless, WHY not sin? since deeds are USEFUL for nothing , lol so the cognitive disonance will cause the pagan to say GOOD DEEDS are a NECCESSITY.


      1. mr.heathcliff

        “I don’t want to sin. ”

        SEE, this is where the cognitive disonance sets in. in one stance deeds are USELESS. IN ANOTHER stance “i dont want to sin”
        why not? your DEEDS are uselss

        let me ask, in christianity, does a sinning crosstians and a crosstian who tries not to sin end up with the same results : SCORE: ZERO ? YES or no ?

        rmeember your deeds are USELESS. they are menstrual rags. yhwh dont CREATE menstrual rags, according to you, you do. lol.


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