144 thoughts on “Christians and atheists have killed more people than any other groups between 0-2008 CE

  1. People who were megalomaniacs and who happened to be atheists killed many people. Atheism does not lead to genocide since I am an atheist and have no desire to do that.

    As for christians and muslims, they have kill many just because of their religion and Christianity had a bit of a head start and empires behind them for a long while. We can see that even now when Muslims kill Muslims in Afghanistan.

    Muslims have nothing to be proud about.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. By your logic, neither Christianity or Islam lead to genocide since there are Christians and Muslims have no desire to do that.

      And atheists are still killing people. The Uyghur genocide in China is a prime example.


      1. Not at all, but nice try to llie. Christianity and Islam hold the torah to be correct, with of course picking and choosing. That is full of laws to kill the non-believer. So unless you gut your religion, you are stuck with that. I can happily give you verses that say this quite clearly. If Christians and Muslims don’t want to kill non-believers, then they are ignoring their religion.

        At least at one point Islamic countries were beacons of intelligence and tolerance. They have become as bad as the ignorant conservative Chrisitans here in the US.

        Again, we have the megalomaniacs in China, Xi, et al, who may or may not be atheists killing the Uyghur. And we have Sunnis killingn Shi’ites in Pakistan, And Muslims killing Hindus and vice versa in India and Bangladesh. The only reason we don’t have lots of idiot Christians here trying to kill people is that we have a separation of church and state.

        Just vicious little children fighting about whose imaginary friend is best.


      2. 😂 Dumb-dumb, are you lecturing me about what I believe? Once again, Muslims do not believe the “Torah” as we have it today is the infallible word of God. The Quran is the infallible word of God. The true Torah was corrupted. Know your place, atheist. You don’t get to tell me what I believe.

        Lol, are you really questioning whether the communist pigs in China are atheists or not? 😂🤣 Sounds like someone is desperate. They are literally forcing people to renounce their religion and become atheists, while chanting hymns to Xi and the communist party. Unless you’re a liar, which you clearly are, the Chinese campaign of extermination against the Uyghurs is run by atheists. Nice try with the deflection though.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. always fun to see the depth of intellect with the playground insults here.

        I do get to tell you how your religion picks and chooses and fails just like every other religion since it is true.

        China has many many different religions in it, dear. You are terribly ignorant about China, but that is not surprising. And you cannot show at all that the extermination is because of atheists. It is because of a megalomaniac in a country that doesn’t want competition.

        Everytime yuo lie and claim atheism is a cause of genocide, I can point out otherwise since atheism is no more than lacking a belief in a god. If you want to get down to it, you are an atheist too since you do not believe in many many other gods. You are not a pan-atheist like me, but you certainly have no belief in any god but your version.

        So are *you* such a horrible person as you want to lie and claim I am? If your argument is sound, you are.


      4. 🤣🤣 Lol, the clown continues to lie, not only about what Islam actually teaches, but about the atheistic background of the communist party in China. The communists are atheists and don’t tolerate religion, dear troglodyte. And as part of their oppression of the Uyghurs, they are forcing them to renounce their religion and become atheists.

        You haven’t pointed out anything other than your atrocious stupidity and ignorance. No evidence, just moronic and inane babbling.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. And again, the communist party is not all atheists. But do show they are dear.

        There are many religions in China. Again, a fail because you feel you need to lie. You can see a good summary of “religion in china” on wikipedia with plenty of sources to refer to. You of course will not read it since your religion depends on willful ignorance.


      6. 🤣🤣 Lol, the donkey keeps making idiotic claims, with no proof! The communist party officially is atheist. And it promotes atheism. It’s oppression of all religions is well-known. Well, at least to every other than club stupidity. 😂


      7. 😂😂 How ironic! Dummy keeps babbling, shows no evidence, makes inaccurate historical claims, gets refuted over and over again, and then accuses others of being “pathetically dishonorable”. Get a life, clown. You’re a joke.


      8. Oh look who returned, now you’re making excuses for China, just to let you know China has had many decades of religious genocide(Mao Zedong), and even now Churches are being shut down forcefully overtime and the situation with Uyghurs is very clear, you making excuses for this shows us your true face under your moral emotional atheist garb, Also, please don’t speak about politics of the Muslim world when you’re so extremely ignorant of it, you are again simplifying a complex issue dating for hundreds of years by making it look like Muslims read the Quran and decided lets start killing people when that’s clearly not the case,

        and Ironic you say we refuse to look at what proves us wrong, let me recount to our last discussion when I provided 3 articles one by a dictionary and two by universities defining Atheism which you willfully ignored for the sake of your argument instead, going into an emotional tantrum with ad hominems and red herrings, and lets not even get into your clear lack of insight on communism, the anti religious sentiment in communism is very clear from the time of Karl Marx himself, in which he says Religion must be removed for the happiness of the people, and you dare to call Muslims willfully ignorant?

        Liked by 4 people

    2. alexanderabood

      Don’t be stupid, because Islam and Christianity don’t promote killing. And no other religion don’t seek that.

      I’m myself a practicing Sunni Muslim and I have no desire in killing anyone. Because, I’m aware that killing is a major crime in Islam.


      1. Both promote killing all through the Torah they are based on to kill the non-believer. Shall I quote verses to you?

        Your double negatives make it hard to understand what you are trying to say.

        Hmmm, funny how the Taliban just shot commandos, muslims who were trying to surrender. Sunnis and Shi’ites have repeatedly killed one another over their differences. Pakistan is notorious for the killing between the sects.


      2. Muslims don’t believe in the current Torah as the infallible word of God. We believe it has been corrupted.

        No one denied that Muslims have not killed people. But the statistics show that Muslims are at the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to mass killings. Christians and atheists are the worst mass murderers in the last 2000 years.

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      3. yep, making up your own version, I know. Alas, you can’t show that to be the case.

        You still lie about atheists, how nice. I guess telling the truth isn’t important to you, eh?

        and Christans, well, they had a thousand year head start. So again, you are trying to lie about how supposedly peaceful your religion is.


      4. Hey moron, again you’re lecturing me about my religion? Here, this is what the Quran says:

        Al-Baqarah 2:79

        فَوَيْلٌ لِّلَّذِيْنَ يَكْتُبُوْنَ الْكِتٰبَ بِاَيْدِيْهِمْ ثُمَّ يَقُوْلُوْنَ هٰذَا مِنْ عِنْدِ اللّٰهِ لِيَشْتَرُوْا بِهٖ ثَمَنًا قَلِيْلًا ؕ فَوَيْلٌ لَّهُمْ مِّمَّا كَتَبَتْ اَيْدِيْهِمْ وَوَيْلٌ لَّهُمْ مِّمَّا يَكْسِبُوْنَ

        So woe to those who write the “scripture” with their own hands, then say, “This is from Allah,” in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.

        And here is what it says in Sahih Bukhari:

        Narrated `Ikrima:

        Ibn `Abbas said, “How can you ask the people of the Scriptures about their Books while you have Allah’s Book (the Qur’an) which is the most recent of the Books revealed by Allah, and you read it in its pure undistorted form?”

        Know your place, dummy. I know my religion. You know nothing.

        Lol, the only liar here is you, not to mention completely ignorant. Christians had a 1000 year headstart? Lol, who taught you history, moron? Islam started in the year 610 CE. Go read a book! 😂

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      5. alexanderabood

        I’m trying to tell you that murder and genocide does NOT come from religion but from politicians.

        I have clear cut proofs on my website to show you that murder comes from politicians and NOT from religion.

        But I doubt you would accept the clear cut proofs since you want to find excuses just to attack us and Islam constantly!!!


      6. “I’m trying to tell you that murder and genocide does NOT come from religion but from politicians.”

        and you are lying, how not surprising. You have no proofs on your website, you have false claims made to try to whitewash your religion. Considering the evidence, your god has no problems with muslims murdering muslims and Muslims murdering people of other religions. Alas, poor god is impotent or imaginary or murderous.


      7. alexanderabood

        lool, the only liar is YOU!!!

        By the way, I don’t lie as lying goes against my religion and I try my best to tell the truth.

        Is that the best claim you can come up with!? I’m making false claims!???

        Have you at least checked my sources of you to make these claims!?

        You are a moron who thinks genocide and murder comes from religion….

        You are another arrogant hater and arrogant denial…. All I can do is pray for God Almighty To guide you and give you mind because you don’t have any mind.

        I’m convinced you disbelievers are 100% liars and deceivers and arrogant haters and we Muslims are truth revealers

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Alex, you are a failure and you do lie. Christians also tell me they don’t’ lie because of their religion and that isn’t true either.

        You are indeed making false claims. I’ve checked your claims and find they are nonsense since I know that killing nonbelievers and each other is done with uncommon frequency by muslims. Christians would do the same if we didn’t have secular laws in our countries.

        Genocide and murder do come from religion. And your prayer will do nothing as all prayers do. So what is the problem, Alex? That your god loves me as I am? That your god finds you wanting? Or that your god simply doesn’t exist?

        So what about what you are convinced of? It isn’t true.


      9. alexanderabood

        Hey buddy,

        You are getting into my nerves!!!

        I’m convinced that you guys are liars and deceivers, and I have seen that.

        that’s it, you’re a waste of my time and by the way terrorists are NOT Muslims!!

        And there’s absolutely no verse in The Glorious Quran which promotes murder and genocide what Allah Almighty Says is as following:

        “Fight those who fight you, but do not transgress, for Allah does not love transgressors”

        And Fitnah means Tribulation that’s the literal meaning of it and I swear by God it does NOT mean disbelief and polytheism.


      10. and just more baseless opinion.

        Some terrorists are indeed Muslims. They do their prayers just like you. You are doing like so many Christians do, insisting hat anyone who doesn’t agree with you isn’t really a true believer. That’s just trying to again whitewash what believers do.

        who cares if you swear by an imaginary being?


      11. Yep, that still holds dear. In religious texts and from your rather silly imams/priests/pastors, etc, we constantly see the encouragement to harm those who don’t agree with you.

        and funny how this god remains silent and impotent.


      12. 🤣🤣 There it is again, folks! The troglodyte still can’t see the how idiotic her logic is! This specimen must be one of the dumbest atheists I have ever seen, and there alot of dumb ones out there.


      13. alexanderabood


        ALL TERRORISTS ARE HYPOCRITES AND NOT MUSLIMS!!!!!! And all terrorists are going against Quran and Sunnah!!!!!!!!

        Wait wait, once I graduate from high school, I’ll refute and debunk terrorists and I will keep exposing these bastards. Just wait! Have patience and you shall see ultimate refutation against terrorists and you will see that they go against Quran and Sunnah.


      14. and every theist who sees theists doing somethign they don’t approve of has to lie and claim they aren’t “really” theists.

        Alas, it doesn’t work that way. Your god has no problem with them at all since it does not stop them.

        Oh high school, hmmm? Sure you will, Alex. You can’t now and you won’t be able to then with your refusal to accept that your religion isn’t the religion of peace you want to pretend it is.


      15. alexanderabood

        Yes I will show you, but now I can’t as I’m busy with exams.

        I’m refusing to accept your nonsense and false claims which you make against Islam.

        You are irrational and illogic


      16. “Yes I will show you, but now I can’t as I’m busy with exams.
        I’m refusing to accept your nonsense and false claims which you make against Islam.
        You are irrational and illogic”

        and there goes the lie of every failed theist. I hope you aren’t taking exams on English.


      17. “Hmmm, funny how the Taliban just shot commandos, muslims who were trying to surrender. Sunnis and Shi’ites have repeatedly killed one another over their differences. Pakistan is notorious for the killing between the sects.”


        ‘Both promote killing all through the Torah they are based on to kill the non-believer. Shall I quote verses to you?”

        First prove that we hold the Torah as authoritative smh

        Liked by 3 people

      18. If you’re so educated on our religion as you claim, stop alluding to politics which you don’t understand clearly, and are ignorant of, and bring us something from within Islam proving violence against every person on the street as you make it out to be, or maybe you can’t and just use politics for confirmation bias?

        Liked by 2 people

      19. alexanderabood

        are you talking to me?

        Because I can’t tell to whom you’re talking to.

        Any case, I got my proofs that killing comes from politicians and NOT from religion. Do you want me to give you clear cut proofs?

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      20. stewjo004

        @ Club

        “show that muslims have no problem lying.”

        But you have yet to respond to my lonely post at the bottom about Communism being an atheist idealogy?

        “So much for Islam being worth anything at all.”

        I mean other than being a part of the end of history sure.

        Liked by 2 people

      1. stewjo004


        That’s not “changing the subject” you’re insulting someone who’s at the minimum bilingual (and thus more intelligent at communicating than you just on that fact alon) while you more than likely are just some southern redneck who can barely speak the Queen’s English herself.

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  2. stewjo004

    @ clubschadenfreude

    1. We don’t hold the Pentateuch or Hebrew Bible as authoritative, also the Quran clearly condemns the Jews for going overboard in killing:

    “…But even after My Messengers came to them in succession with clear directions and proof, the majority of them continued to go overboard in killing throughout the land.” (5:32)

    So there’s the end of that.

    2. “Again, we have the megalomaniacs in China, Xi, et al, who may or may not be atheists…”

    The Chinese Communist Party are pure atheists no need to guess

    3. “Atheism does not lead to genocide since I am an atheist and have no desire to do that…”

    That is…super fallacious. Whether you’re a communist or not atheism bred communist philosophy just like you won’t allow religions to get away from what their idealogy caused by the same token we can switch this around and look at what your idealogy has produced then. You can’t just say every time “they were megalomaniacs” when points about you are brought up otherwise we can turn around and say the same exact thing.

    4. “Christans, well, they had a thousand year head start.”

    Uhhh…there’s a 600-year gap between Islam and Christianity…moving on

    5. As for christians and muslims, they have kill many just because of their religion and Christianity had a bit of a head start and empires behind them for a long while”

    This…actually doesn’t bode well for you. That means in the 300-year timeframe your idealogy has become more mainstream you’re already more than double our numbers who have a 1,000+ year headstart.

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    1. “300-year timeframe your idealogy has become more mainstream you’re already more than double our numbers ”

      You can contract it further to 100 taking in mind Bolshevism and the Jiefang Zhanzheng which are like the swiping of the matchstick for the main massacres of atheism to follow

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  3. Caliph ibn mumthaz

    Man you sure do spit some retarded crap and ignorant s**t for a person adhering to an ideology that promotes “rationality and reason” unlike religious people (which is just….. So stupid on many levels)

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  4. stewjo004


    There’s no way someone is this stupid. Club seriously doesn’t know that the CCP consists entirely of atheists which is one of the entire points of communism to get rid of any dividing classes between people 🤦. Also, I love how Club only responded to Alex someone with a series of psychological conditions instead of any of the 3 articulate responses to feel good about herself.

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    1. stewjo004

      @ Club
      Just so we can move forward now that we’ve all got a good laugh:

      1.Founders of Communism:

      Karl Marx
      Karl Marx said “Religion is the opium of the people”.[1] Marx also stated: “Communism begins from the outset with atheism; but atheism is at first far from being communism; indeed, that atheism is still mostly an abstraction.”[2]

      Now to clarify his statement from Lenin:

      “A Marxist must be a materialist, i. e., an enemy of religion, but a dialectical materialist, i. e., one who treats the struggle against religion not in an abstract way, not on the basis of remote, purely theoretical, never varying preaching, but in a concrete way, on the basis of the class struggle which is going on in practice and is educating the masses more and better than anything else could.”[3]

      So basically an atheist is just someone like you who just talks stuff from the sidelines while Communism seeks to destroy it (which you have to at least at the minimum sympathize with) Speaking of which, why did Atheism just pop up all of the sudden in human history?🤔🤔🤔 Well…

      2. Spread of your ideology
      “According to the University of Cambridge, historically, the “most notable spread of atheism was achieved through the success of the 1917 Russian Revolution, which brought the Marxist-Leninists to power.”[10]

      Vitalij Lazarʹevič Ginzburg, a Soviet physicist, wrote that the “Bolshevik communists were not merely atheists but, according to Lenin’s terminology, militant atheists.”[11] However, prior to this, the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution established an atheist state, with the official ideology being the Cult of Reason; during this time thousands of believers were suppressed and executed by the guillotine.[12] The French Revolution, in fact, had also been a massive inspiration for Karl Marx in forming Communism, in particular the events of the Reign of Terror, which he made clear not only that he intended to reenact, but in a Prussian newspaper, he also made clear that he intended to ensure that the violence as a result of the Communists would outclass even that of the Reign of Terror.”

      So congratulations you used violence to spread your beliefs 👏👏👏

      3.Now the CCP
      Because you’re apparently the only person who doesn’t know the CCP is atheist

      In 1955, Chinese Communist leader Zhou Enlai declared, “We Communists are atheists”.[5] In 2014, the Communist Party of China reaffirmed that members of their party must be atheists.[6]

      So again congratulations world worshipper. 🙌

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  5. Caliph ibn mumthaz

    These atheists act like if religion and science are at war for a long time even though alot of scientific advancements are made my theologians, priests and theists in the case of the Greeks. To add more salt to the wound, the Catholic Church was the biggest patron of science in the medieval era the so called “dark ages” lol. Furthermore, Islamic scholars were on the forefront of scientific knowledge and even fields like philosophy as they preserved and studied the knowledge of the ancient Greeks.


  6. With respect Faiz, I find it a touch misleading to say atheists are responsible for as much death as those caused by the more fanatical elements of religious followers over the centuries. Atheism merely means the absence of belief in deities. It isn’t a philosophy in itself.

    Communism is different. There are religious communists and atheist communists and agnostic communists. There are religious and atheist and agnostic capitalists. I will oppose Islamophobia to the hilt, as you are hopefully already aware, but organised religion has caused problems throughout history, and continues to cause problems today.

    Whilst at this point in my life I would describe myself as an agnostic, I find myself looking at the arguments and articles presented here: https://brucegerencser.net/ and here: http://www.creationtheory.org and I can’t find the comparison of Christianity’s evils throughout history, to atheism, remotely equivalent.

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    1. stewjo004

      @ Darth Timon

      Communism’s foundation is militant atheism to modify my point to Club:

      1.Founders of Communism:

      “Karl Marx
      Karl Marx said “Religion is the opium of the people”.[1] Marx also stated: “Communism begins from the outset with atheism; but atheism is at first far from being communism; indeed, that atheism is still mostly an abstraction.”[2]

      Now to clarify his statement from Lenin:

      “A Marxist must be a materialist, i. e., an enemy of religion, but a dialectical materialist, i. e., one who treats the struggle against religion not in an abstract way, not on the basis of remote, purely theoretical, never varying preaching, but in a concrete way, on the basis of the class struggle which is going on in practice and is educating the masses more and better than anything else could.”[3]

      So basically an atheist is just someone like you who just talks stuff from the sidelines while Communism seeks to destroy it (which you have to at least at the minimum sympathize with) Speaking of which, why did Atheism just pop up all of the sudden in human history?🤔🤔🤔 Well…

      2. Spread of the ideology
      “According to the University of Cambridge, historically, the “most notable spread of atheism was achieved through the success of the 1917 Russian Revolution, which brought the Marxist-Leninists to power.”[10]

      Vitalij Lazarʹevič Ginzburg, a Soviet physicist, wrote that the “Bolshevik communists were not merely atheists but, according to Lenin’s terminology, militant atheists.”[11] However, prior to this, the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution established an atheist state, with the official ideology being the Cult of Reason; during this time thousands of believers were suppressed and executed by the guillotine.[12] The French Revolution, in fact, had also been a massive inspiration for Karl Marx in forming Communism, in particular the events of the Reign of Terror, which he made clear not only that he intended to reenact, but in a Prussian newspaper, he also made clear that he intended to ensure that the violence as a result of the Communists would outclass even that of the Reign of Terror.”

      3.Now the CCP
      Because you’re apparently the only person who doesn’t know the CCP is atheist

      In 1955, Chinese Communist leader Zhou Enlai declared, “We Communists are atheists”.[5] In 2014, the Communist Party of China reaffirmed that members of their party must be atheists.[6]”

      So yes Communism was forged in atheistic thought and is a by-product of the system. More simply put “All communists are atheists but not all atheists are communists.”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Stewie, to address your last point first, all communists are not atheists.


        Libya under Colonel Gaddafi sought to develop a state that leaned heavily on communist ideas. Gaddafi was also a passionate Muslim who wanted to combine Islamic ideals with communism. He drew a distinction between Marxism and communism, which makes sense. Marx is credited with communism but by the time of Russian Revolution and certainly by the Second World War, Stalin’s version of communism had taken on a different approach to what Marx would have imagined. Stalin himself had a religious upbringing, but wanted a cult of personality based around himself. His opposition to religion was not motivated by this strange notion you have that atheism = killers, but rather, an opposition to any threat to his power.

        To further step on the notion that all communists are atheists, there is an entire branch of communism referred to as Christian communism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_communism

        To further consider this idea that atheism kills, there are millions of atheists around the world, with growing numbers in Western Europe, North America and Australia. The Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Austria and surprisingly Ireland have significant percentages of atheists, according to Gallup polls. Yet these countries are among the least violent nations on earth. You might say that secular countries fair better than both communist ones and theocracies.

        Therefore, the idea that communism = atheism and therefore atheism = destruction just doesn’t hold water, irrespective of how communism arose. You assume that because Karl Marx and Lenin were atheists, this somehow is why communism became so destructive. Communism, like so many other ideologies, is as destructive as it is because of a desire for power and control. We see this in both religious and irreligious movements. We see this in Islam, Christianity, Judaism and other organised religion. Do we apply broad, stereotyping brushstrokes here Stew?

        Because if we apply broad brushstrokes, do we assume that every Muslim possesses the same murderous heart of an IS member? Or of the 9/11 hijackers? For that is the argument you open up.

        To allow me to elaborate…

        You are arguing atheism kills, through the mechanism of communism. If that is true then Islam kills, through the mechanism of extremists like IS. If we are to hold atheists responsible for communism, do we assume the same of Muslims and Islamic State?


      2. stewjo004

        @ Darth Timon

        Down the line:

        1. Quoting Libya doesn’t counter me for a few reasons:

        A. I believe Marx and Lenin know more about the ideology they created than Gaddafi (who if memory serves was a socialist, not a communist) Having religion fundamentally goes against Communism as the entire point is to get rid of classes that differentiate people. Religion differentiates people (believers and non-believers) and thus they two are fundamentally oppossing ideals. Just because people later on fuse concepts together does not make it the original concept and is what is called “syncretism”. To be a true communist you have to be an atheist period. Communism at its fundamental core is a branch of militant atheists.

        B. Furthermore the link on Wikipedia you provided agrees with my statement:

        “…Traditional forms of Marxism are anti-religious and promote state atheism, which has led many Muslims to reject Marxism…”

        2. “…the least violent nations on earth…”

        Hahahahaha uhhh…no. They are extremely aggressive nations (cough**Colonialism**cough) their rises to power and stability have NOTHING to do with secular values it was expansionist policy then bailing each other out and modernizing (Germany is a fantastic example). Even outside of Communism I can add the French Revolution etc.

        3. “…If we are to hold atheists responsible for communism, do we assume the same of Muslims and Islamic State?”

        Uhhh it does? That was all calculated in said chart I would assume and even adding them into the mix we’re still significantly lower.

        4. “…what do you place the reasoning behind people who kill because of their religions beliefs?”
        A variety of factor (religious beliefs is actually extremely low on the list) Violence in the Muslim world (which is a relatively new trend as terrorism was dominated by Guerrilla movements in Central and South America, in the 80s again mostly communist) can basically be broken down because of population, failed governance, and weak economic development (which is why we saw drops in terrorism in places such as Europe once similar issues were addressed).


      3. I’d considered a lengthy response (and who knows, I may still make one), but for now (as constant phone calls are driving me mad), I will say a few things.

        Your argument can be distilled as ‘communism is bad because it’s steeped in atheism. Yes, communism is a bad political ideology that’s failed wherever it’s been tried. Then again, countries rooted in theocratical ideologies have also proven less than desirable places to live (Iran comes to mind). There are violent people in all walks of life. There are monsters who identify as Muslim, Christian, Jew, Hindu, atheist, agnostic… and there are some very good people within every group.

        The violence of communism that you attribute to atheism is merely human nature. That’s why people can preach and be pious and devoted to religion and also be violent and cruel. Within every single human being is the potential for darkness… and the potential for greatness.

        You know what would make a huge difference to the quality of life on this planet? If people practiced *kindness* more. If people were in less of a rush to be confrontational and more interested in offering a helping hand. Instead we have as a species created numerous ways to divide ourselves, and then divide ourselves *again*. How many wars have been fought throughout history because of greed, selfishness, and ideology? Too many.

        We look to excuses to justify it all. We look to point fingers and where does it lead and when does it end? Everyone should stop to look up at the sky and at each other and realise that petty arguments over who worships what and why aren’t ever going to make this world a better place. WE can, as a species, by treating each other the way we want to be treated.

        (and maybe by buying my book!)


      4. stewjo004

        @ Darth Timon

        1. “Your argument can be distilled as ‘communism is bad because it’s steeped in atheism.”

        No, my argument is offshoot Christian and atheistic ideologies have been responsible for more death and suffering then others as the report states.

        2. “…again, countries rooted in theocratical ideologies have also proven less than desirable places to live (Iran comes to mind)…”

        Agreed I think theocracies are dumb too so no argument here from yours truly.

        3. “…The violence of communism that you attribute to atheism is merely human nature. ..”
        Yes, humans can become cruel and violent but certain ideologies are more likely to allow this to express itself. A humanistic atheistic idealogy has no moral grounds or objective standard of morality. If you disagree that it’s anything other than “I feel…” please list them for me.

        4. “… Everyone should stop to look up at the sky and at each other and realise that petty arguments over who worships what and why aren’t ever going to make this world a better place…”

        Uhhh yeah no. Since you’re agnostic let’s hypothetically argue for a sec that God exists and this being contacted us and sent guidance. You would solve the majority of problems because this being would tell us the answer. Humans will not unite unless they have a thing to unite around (hence why “end of history” is a thing) Humans choices for what you describe/desire are at this point in the game is one of three possibilities:

        A. Western Civilization
        B. The Eastern World (mostly deprived of the Sino Civilization)
        C. Islamic Civilization

        That’s it. “Kindness” sounds good in theory but as you said there are natures that are greedy and selfish so you need a neutral force to render judgment on things to avoid bias. It should be enough of a sign that the only one based on God is Islam but I digress. The point is these ideologies CANNOT coexist on this rock and the world is drawing its lines accordingly for its ever so exciting ideological conclusion of what it is to be a human.


      1. Then youbcan say hello from me to those 72 lolitas you all want. Sick. I’m an atheist cause all religions are make people slaves and i rather live free. Pax Vobiscum from limbo


      2. Women? Ah i see, as those women who are married away with older men in the Middleeast, those 8-12 year old girls, well ok now i understand your meaning of women, thank you for educating me there. I’m finished here, there’s no debate here just one thing, islam. Other things are not allowed, i’ve been called a fucking moron, well not the firat time and sure not the last. I’m glad i live in a free country but i’m worried of the spread of evil in the world, that makes me sad. Thank you for this conversation. Now it’s timme for alcohol. It’s goddamn friday. Bye.


      3. Yes, run away donkey. Oh, I’m sorry.

        “No debate allowed”…meanwhile, the moron has made several comments, none of which were blocked. Sounds like you’re a drama queen.

        You do realize that paradise is not like this world, right? Everyone will be the same age, dummy. Now get lost. So much ignorance displayed in such a short amount of time.


      4. Many people burn already, mainly in muslim countries, like when IS burned people in the name of a religion, but i guess you like things like that? Or am i wrong? I really wanna know, see i hope there’s a future for this world, but i can say that looking on teve or reading news, gives m


      5. Dummy, ISIS kills more Muslims than anyone else. Muslim are the number one victims of terrorism, both by radical groups and western governments.

        So no, Muslims don’t like ISIS. We hate it.


      6. But they are muslims, or what? All muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims, these days, or am i wrong? Hamas, Hezbollah, PFLP, Plo, ISIS, Al-qaida, Al-Shaabab, Boko Haram, shall i go on?


      7. Yeah, you’re very wrong. Ignoramuses like you are part of the problem.

        There are many terrorist organizations that are not mentioned in the news. You think there aren’t any Christian terrorist groups? Right-wing groups? There are also lone-wolf terrorists. Were you sleeping in a cave when a white-supremacist murdered more than 50 Muslims in New Zealand?


      8. Sure there are a few idiots like the nazis, Breivik and other sick People like that, but they’re not driven by religion, they är just mad and racists, there’s a difference there.


      9. 🤦‍♂️ Just admit you’re an ignoramus. You never heard of the Lord’s Resistance Army. The terror gangs in Central African Republic, where even cannibalism has been documented.

        Why is there a “difference” all of a sudden. Is non-religious terrorism somehow not terrorism? You said “all terrorists are Muslims”. That’s not true, now is it?


      10. alexanderabood

        Hey moron!
        Terrorists are absolutely not Muslims but Khawarij and are dogs of Hell whom Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) warned us about them and they will appear until Antichrist emerge.
        As Sunni Muslim, I hate strongly terrorists(may Allah break their backbones)
        If I as Sunni Muslim meet a terrorist, I would gladly kill the kharij(aka terrorist)
        And by the way, it is not Islam’s fault for terrorism moron! It is CIA and American’s Government’s fault! I have my own proofs against CIA and US Government and lucky for me I have a Muslim laywer who can help me give expensive ticket to CIA.
        I hate terrorists especially Osama Bin Laden(may Allah burn him in grave and in Hereafter)


      11. Always these idiotic sayings, burn here and burn there. I don’t give a fuck about the afterlife, it’s this life i live in now, so you and your pyjamasbrothers can keep on dreaming of your goddamn 12-year old girls, you are fucked anyway in many ways, it’s a joy to hear that your “religion” is slowing down and has stop spreading like the sickness it is, i don’t know where the fuck you live but i sure hope there’s people keeping an eye on you and your radicalized idiots you call friends. “I SHALL STRIKE TERROR INTO THE HEARTS OF THE NONBELIEVERS”. yeah, peace? Fuck off.


      12. 😂😂 Hahahah, the donkey is angry. Why are you still here, moron? I thought you were running away? Foul language won’t help you. It just shows you’re an angry who can’t make a good argument.
        “I shall strike terror…” Yeah, so? It’s referring to the idolaters who were trying to kill Muslims. There’s a difference between seeking peace and being a pacifist. Islam is not a pacific religion. Muslims believe in self-defense. Now go back to your basement, donkey.


      13. Low IQ too? Pathetic, Darwin was right. Your time Will come, but not as you think, you’ll be surprised. Now i have a life to live, so you go on with ****** some goats, retard mother******


      14. 😂😂 Keep making a moron of yourself, donkey. And don’t worry. Your time will come. Hell was made for morons like you. Now run away. Go back to your parents’ basement. 🤣🤣


      15. You’re one funny guy, well just one more question from me – the donkey, – Muslims, how many Nobelprize’s have they recieved? Think about that you halfape, you see the nazis has a few points and hearing you babble your shitet that changes my view om them but not in you and your retarded Friends. So from me to you, a big **** off and die


      16. 🤣😂🤣 Did you forget that Muslims brought the scientific revolution to Europe, moron?

        Your question is like asking how many Buddhists have won Noble prizes? Better yet, how many Africans have won?

        Now go back to your parents’ basement. I don’t know why you’re still hanging around here, donkey. 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      17. I copy this conversation for my blog just to give people the real face of muslims, thank you very much, you should not get so upset, i have only teased you to get this reaction you stupid ****. No i say goodbye, you’ll never hear from me again. 😂😂😂


      18. 😂😂 I copied your Nazi comment, so people can see the real threat: radicalized hatemongers, such as yourself. Who visits your blog? Other Nazis? 🤣🤣

        We’ll see. You’ve been saying you’re leaving, and then we still see your donkey presence. 😂 Get a life, Nazi pig.


      19. Sure you did, Nazi pig. Sure you did. 😂 You keep getting embarrassed, and now you realized that you made a very bigoted comment, so you have to pretend like “oh I was just teasing”. 🤣🤣 Who are you kidding, Nazi pig?

        Liked by 1 person

      20. stewjo004

        @ Sverige & Brott

        “i’ve been called a f*cking moron, well not the firat time and sure not the last.”

        I think that has to do with your poor spelling and illogical arguments/ political understanding, but that’s just me.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. stewjo004

    “Sure there are a few idiots like the nazis, Breivik and other sick People like that, but they’re not driven by religion, they är just mad and racists, there’s a difference there.”

    Does anybody else notice how all the secular atheist ideologies always have the excuse that their peoples are just “psychos”?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The thing about objective morality Stew, is that it needs to be defined. What is objective? You would say Islam provides objectivity yet I could ask a Christian, a Jew, a Hindu, or indeed worshippers of Native American religions and they would all tell me the same. Which version of God is the one we should follow? Because each version is arguably highly questionable in terms of morality. Indeed, if a human being were responsible for the actions of God as read in the Bible, we’d judge them more harshly than any other human in history.

    Through inaction, we might judge God of any faith. If a human being had the power to stop the Holocaust, 9/11 or any one of a number of other atrocities (especially those committed in their name), yet did absolutely nothing, what would we make of them?

    There will never be a consensus about which version of which religion should form the basis of a world order or lifestyle. There isn’t even internal agreement within religions – Sunni and Shia Muslims are very similar in terms of beliefs yet the minor differences have created conflict. If there’s no agreement within a religion, and people are prepared to kill over it, how can a religion claim moral authority over others?

    So, humans need to unite… but they won’t. And I question whether there is actually a definitive need to. The idea that humanity cannot know peace unless there is conformity is the perfect excuse to impose conformity and ‘save people from themselves’. Who decides what that conformity looks like? Who imposes what version of what belief system and what happens to the ones who disagree?


    1. stewjo004

      @ Darth Timon

      Down the line:

      1. Objective morality

      You never answered my question you simply deflected it about religion etc. I’m asking you then to define objective morality for everyone as I have a pillar to stand on which is the Quran and Sunnah. You lack this and thus lies in the first issue.

      2. “Through inaction, we might judge God of any faith. If a human being had the power to stop the Holocaust, 9/11 or any one of a number of other atrocities (especially those committed in their name), yet did absolutely nothing, what would we make of them?”

      Loaded question as you and I are not All-Knowing and do not know the eventual outcomes or other variables for a decision rendered. For example, at a smaller scale my 2 year old picked up a knife to play with it and i took it from him. he perceived this action as “dad is mean” and threw a temper tantrum not knowing he had a high probability of hurting himself and I saved him with my alleged “bad action”.

      3. “…Sunni and Shia Muslims are very similar in terms of beliefs yet the minor differences have created conflict. ”

      You clearly do not know the differences as they are completely different religions and this is not some Protestant/ Catholic thing. Even ignoring that the MAJORITY of Muslims (80-90%) are Sunni and all other sects compose the remainder so it’s relatively uniform beliefs and this is just not a good argument to make with Muslims as opposed to say Christians.

      4. One you kinda don’t seem to follow the peace and love thing you were just saying earlier but more importantly unity does not mean conformity but there are common grounds to unite upon. Again not me talking you as a human basically have 3 options left of the “common grounds” to decide from.


      1. 1. Objective morality is fluid, depending on religion. Muslim notions of what’s objective are not the same as Christian concepts of objective morality which are not the same as Sikh or Jewish or Hindu ideals of objective morality. Which one is truly objective? How can objective morality be determined via religion when religion has so many competing notions of the idea?

        But, you have access to Google, so you must know that atheists and the irreligious tend to adhere to humanist morality. After all, the implication of your argument and question is that without this objective morality, atheists lack morality. That would be incorrect.

        To delve in your question further, humanistic morality includes not committing murder, nor carrying out acts of violence against others. It includes not robbing people, cheating people, or oppressing people. It includes helping the less fortunate wherever possible. Honesty is preferable to deceit.

        2. How is the question loaded? You seek morality from a being whose morality through inaction can be called into question – is God not meant to be omnipotent and omnipresent? If we accept God as all-powerful and all-knowing then God could snap their fingers and create for us, the creation they love so much, a world where no one’s children died, where no one starved to death, or lived in poverty, struggled with disease etc. A human with that kind of power would not be judged favourably.

        3. https://crestresearch.ac.uk/comment/whats-difference-sunni-shia-muslims/ both groups would claim to follow Islam, so why are you invoking the No True Scotsman fallacy?

        4. I’ve never raised my fist to another human being and unless I’m attacked I won’t do so. I could be very vindictive to a person who recently threatened to leave me broken in a ditch (I happen to know exactly who they are and where they live), but I’m not that sort of person.

        I can be argumentative but you won’t find me wishing harm upon someone. If we go down the religious options for unity, there will be the expectation of conformity. What will happen to the ones who don’t want to live by the rules of whatever religion forms the basis of unity?


      2. stewjo004

        @ Darth Timon

        Down the line:

        1. Objective Morality
        I have no idea why you keep deflecting the conversation to which religion blah, blah, blah as that was not my question lol. Even ignoring this, I never said ALL religion nor have I advocated as their religions are demonstrability nonsense. I said I, Stew’ have a pillar while you do not (more on this a sec) Now you said you “adhere to humanist morality” cool, who made that, what was their evidence and why should I care or uphold to it? I have no reason to not just take from you all (as no offense where I grew up you’d basically be lunchmeat to me).

        2. You have not got around my point, you do not know all variables to make a choice if something was right or not. For example, a child died but that child was the next Hitler was that evil? You saw “child died” and assumed it was evil because you did not know that child’s future (i.e don’t have all the variables)

        3. It’s not a “no true Scotsman’s fallacy” we have an objective criterion for what is a Muslim and a small cult that formed after the death of Muhammad (saw) is not classified as such nor do we care what they claim as this was not the first time. Unlike how you jump back and forth we have criteria to judge, for example, the Druze, nobody can even have a slight understanding of Islam and claim they are the same religion. The fact that you quoted your link shows how little you know what you’re talking about. Simple question what’s the differences between the groups (hint nothing to do with Ali(ra) and there is more than one Shia branch they just lump them together)

        4. How are they outside the “conformity” is the question?


  9. The point here is simple…very simple…very very simple

    You wanna ascribe terrorism/killings/violence to religion? do what you wish…the podium is yours…

    Case in point,

    For the sake of consistency we can’t just toss out atheism, and if we have to, there has to be a good reason…a good and convincing reason…

    The angry housewife with the German username and the Weeaboo 4Chaner neckbeard Nazi who unsurprisingly knows about lolis (idk about Meerkat with all due respect to him I haven’t read his comments) seems to think that we’re treating Atheism as some sort of religion here where Atheists are killing people in the name of Atheism.


    The point is more about the outcome of atheism and one logical outcome is a lack of objective morality, if you lack objective morality, you’re *more prone* and I say again…more prone…to do terrible actions.

    Atheism=No OBJ morality=lesser moral barriers=more prone to be Stalin or Mao 2.0

    Being Mao 2.0=due to lesser moral barriers=due to No OBJ morality=Atheism

    It’s ultimately linked to Atheism

    Sure not all atheists are killers…

    Not all theists or religious people are terrorists…

    But if you guys can bring up stats to argue that how the world would be a more peaceful place without religion, we can do the same to counter argue.

    Liked by 1 person

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