Horrible Christian Answers – Will Babies and Children Burn in Hell? Answer: “I don’t know”.

            After stalling for days in answering the question “will babies (or children) burn in the Christian hell”, the lunatic Christian fanatic Cerbie/Paulus finally answered, and boy was it anti-climactic!  His answer to what should be an easy question for anyone who claims to believe in a “loving” God?  Three words: “I don’t know”.  And there it is.  Christianity in a nutshell.  Even a question that should only have one natural answer (since God is not an evil, cruel tyrant) stumps the Christian fanatics!  But we really cannot blame them.  The Christian religion simply does NOT give them much room to work with on this difficult issue.  The root of the problem is, of course, the doctrine of original sin, which I have discussed in previous article

            What is more ridiculous is that the “I don’t know” answer leaves open the possibility that babies and children are not exempted from the fires of hell, at least according to Christianity.  But what it even worse is Cerbie’s excuse for this horrible doctrine: the babies and children will be punished for sins they committed (and hence, in his diseased mind, Cerbie thinks that his god is “just”!).  Oh well, that makes it all better, right?  Cerbie’s god will torture babies and children in hell for “sins” that they committed, even though any reasonable person would know that they have no understanding of right and wrong, and thus, it would be extremely unjust to hold them accountable for those “sins”.  And since Cerbie and his god cannot grasp this simple concept, we can only come to one conclusion: they are both incompetent and evil. 

            Let’s put this in perspective.  There have been many child murderers in human history.  These evil monsters tortured and killed their victims in the most brutal ways possible.  Obviously, Christians will have no trouble saying whether these people will be in hell or not.  Of course they will (but it will be not necessarily for the type of sin they committed, because all sin is the same to the Christian god).  But since the Christian god is evidently justified (according to Cerbie) to also burn children, it is conceivable that while he tortures the child murderers in hell, he will also torture the victims as well (assuming they never accepted Jesus as their savior, which is more than likely for most of these poor children)!  Not only this, but if a child murderer “came to Christ” before he died, he would be saved, but his victim would be in hell (because he/she died in his/her sins)!  So how does that make the Christian god look?  Pretty evil, yes?  The Christian god is probably the most evil figure ever imagined, infinitely more frightening and dark than any real serial killer ever could be. 

            Luckily for us though, this is NOT the True God (and I am sure there are many Christians who do not believe as Cerbie does, but unfortunately, their views are cases of wishful thinking and nothing more).  The True God burns child murderers in hell.  He brings babies and children into Heaven, because He is truly just and compassionate.  A baby who dies in infancy (as horrible as that is), will be in everlasting peace and joy in Gardens of Paradise.  As a well-known hadith tells us, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had a dream where he saw the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) in Paradise surrounded by many children.  Who were these children?  When the dream was explained to him, he was told that:

     “…the tall man you saw in the garden is (Prophet) Abraham, and the children around him are those who died upon Al-Fitrah (the Islamic Faith of Monotheism).”‘ The narrator added: Some Muslims asked the Prophet (ﷺ) , “O Messenger of Allah! What about the children of Al-Mushrikun (i.e., polytheists, pagans, idolaters, and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger Muhammad (ﷺ))?” The Prophet (ﷺ) replied, “And also the children of Al-Mushrikun.””

So, the children of unbelievers who died in infancy or childhood will be in Paradise.  Unlike the Christians, Muslims can give a clear-cut answer without any ambiguity or uncertainty.  The reason for this is that we worship the One God, who is Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim.  As I said before, Christians really need to do some soul-searching. 

            In a future post, I will discuss the many theories that have been posited by Christians from the early history of the religion right down to the modern age.

43 thoughts on “Horrible Christian Answers – Will Babies and Children Burn in Hell? Answer: “I don’t know”.

  1. Joel


    You guys have gotten so badly beaten by Paulus that you have to start the same thread AGAIN saying the same rubbish that has been refuted.



    1. stewjo004

      @ Joel
      Paulus believes God burns children for eternity and at least from what I’ve understood doesn’t believe God has mercy, love or forbearance. I really wouldn’t be hardly bragging about this.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Paulus

        Clearly you’ve not understood much considering I said directly to you, “Which is why he truly is loving“.

        Or you just prefer to fabricate lies?


    2. here is another dcci minintry testicle worshipper who probably gets intellectually “gang banged” at hyde park thinks she/he/it is “guaranteed heaven” and a 1 year old born to hindu parents is going to be transformed in hell for the future sins it did not do, because it DIED when it was 1. you deserve hell for your one infraction and ur god putting a filthy shit like u in heaven is unholy and unjust .


    3. i wonder if christian brain suffers from cognitive dissonance. they tell non-believers to sincerely repent while at the same time they tell people that if repentance was good enough, god wouldn’t have come down and killed himself like willing self abuser.

      they also say that human abilities are “menstrual rags” because humans are “born in sin” and even children are “sinful”

      so even if they are filled with “holy spirit” they will still sin and give shitty repentance to their god.

      james white in a debate said, “even my repentance isn’t good enough”

      okay, so this logically means that god is UNJUST for letting unholy christians in heaven!


      barryAugust 17, 2018 at 1:16 PM
      I agree, especially about James White, I heard the same sentiment from John MacArthur and other fundies. If our repentance isn’t good enough, then when god tells us to repent, he is telling us to do something he won’t be satisfied with. The sad truth is that inerrantists are forced into such absurd doctrinal mazes by trying to make contradictory biblical assertions harmonize.

      I like your point about God letting unholy Christians into heaven. If Christians were correct that our sin natures need to be eradicated before we will be fit for heaven, they will be forced into crass speculation to explain how two sinners, equally infected with original sin, made it to heaven, when the bible provides no evidence that they became sinless beforehand: Enoch and Elijah.



    4. Joel


      I think that islam has blurred the lines between lies and truth for you.

      Paulus – like all christians, but unlike muslims apparently – believe that the true god (Yahweh, not the “lah”) is sovereign in all things. He always has sufficient moral reason for his actions.

      Clearly, you are unable to comprehend this simple fact.

      Plus, could you show where it says that babies remain babies, or humans remain human in the afterlife?

      Also, are the children of the mushrikin that your profit says goes straight to heaven the ones that mulsims have slaughtered in jihad fervour? Like when you bash in the brains of apostates it sends them straight to heaven?


      1. lol, your boyfriend paulus said :


        …shall I go on…

        so can you tell me if you agree with your boy friend paulus ? when a child does the above , is he guilty of sin ? how about an infant who constantly cries, he is unable to do paulu’ list, what sin is he guilty of ?

        since the child DID not create himself in hell and god CREATED the sinner/new version of the infant in hell, then why isn’t god guilty of FORMING the sinner in hell, the same “sinner” who did NO sin on earth because he died when he was infant ?

        since the child would have no power in it self to transform it self and it would not REMEMBER any sin it did on earth, how would it be just to FORM an “evil version” of it in hell ?

        since god could do this forming business in hell, how do you know that you don’t have a version of yourself being punished in hell ? if ALL this is true, WHAT was the need for yhwh to PUNISH himself LOL !!!!!!!!???????


      2. ” Like when you bash in the brains of apostates it sends them straight to heaven?”

        ON THE secular web, here is what christian apologist luke bruer said :


        quote :

        If a Christian views Muhammad as being a FALSE PROPHET on the grounds that the Quran supports harsh punishment for adultery, sexist practices, etc. Then to be logically consistent, that Christian ought to ALSO view Moses as a FALSE PROPHET, regardless of whether those reasons are based on objectively true moral principles or on subjective values that were socially conditioned into his/her thinking.

        bruer replied :

        I would probably disagree with any such Christians I meet, on the basis that just as science proceeds by successive approximations, so does the understanding of what even constitutes humane treatment of fellow humans (and who gets to count as a ‘fellow human’—for a long time, outsiders were considered the equivalent of lesser species). I have no rational basis for believing that humans 200 years from now will not see me as being part of some evil as heinous if not more heinous than antebellum American slavery.


      3. stewjo004

        @ Joel
        First point because you must’ve missed my post before about “lah” let me just resend that:
        Also please stop using “lah” that is not a real word and makes you look ignorant of Semitic languages. What you’re trying to say is”illah”. However, “Allah” is NOT a contraction (despite common Muslim belief) of “Al” (The) and “Illah” (God) for several grammatical reasons.

        So you guys can understand better Jesus(as) never uses YHWH in any of the Gospels, he uses “Abba”, “Eloah” and “Elah” (which basically sounds like Allah just a change of a vowel). “Elah” is also used throughout the Hebrew Bible as well. So you can hear the pronunciation.



        So again you might want to cool it with the “lah” comments because you’re actually insulting God’s name.

        Moving on, I agree God has sovereignty over all things and could punish us if He pleased. However, there are things He has personally made forbidden for Himself. One of these things is oppression. God says He will never:
        1. Oppress others (i.e. be a tyrant)
        2. Ask people to do more than they can handle

        He could do this but He won’t. Much like how He will never be stupid because He has applied the trait of Wisdom to Himself. Other traits He has applied to Himself include Love, Mercy, Justice and Forbearance. It is not loving or merciful to burn children. It is not justice to apply this punishment forever upon them nor allow another child into heaven because of magical water sprinkled on them. God placed both children in their respective environments this was not their choice. It is not Forbearance to punish someone at any misstep (especially seeing as your the one who gave them free choice). This is even truer when they repent and ask for forgiveness.

        As for your age argument, we have to assume they are the same unless there is a text that says otherwise or you’re saying something about God that isn’t true.

        As for your last point,
        1. Irrelevant to the discussion
        2. Muslims can’t kill children
        3. Even your book says God ordered apostates to be killed and others to be stoned. So you’re insulting God’s Law again.(And with this being the 3rd time I think it’s safe to say you are purposefully blaspheming God)


      4. To #1, I would add that it is also a fallacy of false equivalence. Isn’t it amazing how the two crosstian nutjobs are appealing to fallacies to excuse their god’s behavior? LOL!!

        Also, Coco doesn’t realize that his god is called “El” in the Bible. That is a Canaanite term. Yahweh is even called “El Shaddai” or “El of the Mountain”, another Canaanite name for the high god of their pantheon. And yet this moron is harping about the fake word “lah”? Ignorance and Christianity…like two peas in a pod! LOL!!


      5. LOL!! Stew already deep-fried Cerbie’s ludicrous arguments. Go back and read his posts.

        Cerbie, I think it is so sweet that your girlfriend is trying to support you. Why don’t you return the favor and support your girlfriend? She needs your help and is clearly confused on this matter.


      6. “So you guys can understand better Jesus(as) never uses YHWH in any of the Gospels, he uses “Abba”,”

        it isn’t even “yahway” they have no idea how it was originally pronounced, what they have is a text which has LETTERS minus the vowels. this text is MORE THAN 1000 years after moses.

        this is not only for the y , h , v , h , we literally don’t know how many hebrew words were originally pronounced. it is simply a RECONSTRUCTED pronounciation .

        how moses said “y h v h ” is LOST to history, we don’t even know if these letters were FIRST written in the text, we don’t have ANY pronunciations SOUNDS available to us.

        quote :
        “Eloah” and “Elah” (which basically sounds like Allah just a change of a vowel). “Elah” is also used throughout the Hebrew Bible as well. So you can hear the pronunciation.

        yes, christian better start respecting the name ALLAH because it clearly has link to ALLAHA, ELOAH, ELAH .


        Liked by 1 person

      7. “How does your god actually punish sin? He punished himself. The sinner gets away scot-free by simply accepting this act. How is that justice? You think your god is just because he allowed himself to be tortured? As long as SOMEONE/ANYONE gets punished, your god is sated? How is that justice?”

        with all this karma bs talk and babies not being babies in hell, i have a suggestion for the pagan yah. why not invent an innocent twin version of coco and pauliz, punish it in the shed in hell and have coco and pauliz tell the lord to repent of what he does to their twin version in hell, that way he does not need to screw and blue himself, he has the TWIN versions of coco and cerbie.after all, he TRANSFORMED a 2 year old in hell INTO a monster.

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Joel


        The dishonesty is strong with you.

        The “lah” is just what it says and contraction of “the” and “lah”, which may or may not mean “god” or it may or may not be some archaic name for some other creature. ANd nowhere in the hebrew language has “El” ever meant “the”. You are just regurgitating islamic ignorance.

        God says He will never:
        1. Oppress others (i.e. be a tyrant)
        2. Ask people to do more than they can handle

        Firstly, why you think the true god oppresses people is a mystery – kind of like the oneness of the “lah”.

        Secondly, no human is capable of standing before the purity of the true god by any endeavours of their own. Demanding that humans perform silly rituals and claiming that this will somehow make them worthy of heaven is, in fact, asking humans to do more than they could possibly handle.

        No creature is worthy of heaven and to presume that they are simply demeans god’s purity. Now, I notice that you guys are paying lip service to god’s omniscience, but denying it at the same time. God knows every possible outcome and every possible outcome, future, and possibility exists for him. Thus, any condemnation is morally warranted.

        And what on earth are you talking about when you say the “lah” “applies” names to himself? This is proof that the “lah” is not the true god – the true god reveals himself as the essence of these qualities. Only an impostor – probably satan – would “apply” names to himself. LOL!!

        Muslims can’t kill children

        LOL!! Except when they can…

        Sahih Muslim Book 019, Number 4323:
        Sa’b b. Jaththama has narrated that the Prophet asked: What about the children of polytheists killed by the cavalry during the night raid? He said: They are from them.

        Also, Aisha was a kiddie of six when mohammed married her. So according to mohammed kids as young as 6 are not kids. It just gets worse for muslims in the modern civilized world.

        Even your book says God ordered apostates to be killed and others to be stoned. So you’re insulting God’s Law again.(And with this being the 3rd time I think it’s safe to say you are purposefully blaspheming God)

        Nowhere does it say that Jews are to impose or otherwise convert others to obedience to these laws. They were to be followed in a specific place, at a specific time in history, and for a specific people. No one else is expected to follow them. I would even argue that these laws applied solely to period of the take over of Canaan, but that’s another argument.


      9. LOL!! Darth Coco is mad! I can feel his anger!

        Awww, what’s the matter Coco? Your boyfriend abandoned you? Maybe it’s time you two broke up.

        Your ignorance of Arabic is appalling, but what’s even more appalling is how you pretend to know what you are talking about! Get some basic lessons in Arabic first so that you don’t keep making a fool of yourself. Stew can teach you some of the basics.

        “Firstly, why you think the true god oppresses people is a mystery – kind of like the oneness of the “lah”.”

        Hmmm, let me see. Burning babies in hell…hmmm…yep, that’s pretty oppressive and evil. Your pagan god thinks torturing a baby is “justice”, but reasonable people think it is the act of an evil and cruel tyrant. Also, I am still waiting for proof from the Bible that supports your assumptions about babies growing up before graduating into hell.

        “Secondly, no human is capable of standing before the purity of the true god by any endeavours of their own. Demanding that humans perform silly rituals and claiming that this will somehow make them worthy of heaven is, in fact, asking humans to do more than they could possibly handle.”

        LOL!! No one said anything about “standing before the purity of God”! We already know that God alone is perfect and pure. But why would that be a justification for frying a baby in the lake of fire for eternity? Your notion of “justice” is appalling and evil, just like your senile god.

        Oh and by way, speaking of “silly rituals”, read Ezekiel, man! Read Ezekiel! You keep running away from the fact that the book of Ezekiel prophecies the rebuilding of the temple, and the reinstitution of temple sacrifices. Instructions are given in minute details on how to build the temple and how to perform the sacrifices and festivals. You are fighting a losing battle, Coco! Your dancing only humiliates you more!


      10. “Hmmm, let me see. Burning babies in hell…hmmm…yep, that’s pretty oppressive and evil. Your pagan god thinks torturing a baby is “justice”, but reasonable people think it is the act of an evil and cruel tyrant. Also, I am still waiting for proof from the Bible that supports your assumptions about babies growing up before graduating into hell.”

        the whole “growing up” would be nonsense, would it still be the “sinful ” 2 year old ?
        the thing is that this pagan needs to tell us why the 2 YEAR OLD AS 2 YEAR old is not punished ? isn’t it because it is INNOCENT ?

        if not, then why isn’t the 2 year old punished as 2 YEAR OLD ?


      11. “LOL!! No one said anything about “standing before the purity of God”! We already know that God alone is perfect and pure.”

        but you see, he worships two gods. one of them is a fire and if he sees one sinner , he will BURN to crisp that sinner. very “slow to anger” this god!

        on the other hand, you have this other created version which u can slap around and even kill , spit on and humiliate.

        you see, they want to sell this POUGHTER pathetic god to us, because the one raging with fire is unable to control his anger. i call this god pathetic and weak. the other kafir argued that evil CAME out of no where . this kafir seems to be saying the same thing.

        sin CAN DO nothing to the almighty , it cannot mix with Him, it cannot defeat Him, it cannot CONTROL him. why ELSE did ONE of the triplets come down to get CONTROLLED by sin, because the other one is too “holy”
        and the second one becomes unholy to get NAILED by sin.

        joels relationship with the father is one who is RAGING with fire , joel sees the father as DISTAnt AND RAGING with fire and ANGRY .

        he treats jesus like jesus is his husband. NOTE THE TWO DIFFERENT relationships they have with these two separate beings?

        the biggest worry these kafir should have is if their god is going to give them a hiding in hell. if he can do it wih a 2 year old, then what chance do they have?

        and if this god CONVERTS joel BEFORE he puts him in heaven, then THAT WOULD BE AN INJUSTICE. the sins joel is DOING requires joel to be BURNT IN HELL. nailing jesus on the cross is SECOND JUSTICE BROKEN.

        transferring sins
        punishing himself (one part)
        converting crosstians and putting them into heaven WHEN THEY DON’T DESERVE IT MEANS JUSTICE BROKEN


        they are STILL SINNING. they are still committing adultery. they think they are GUARANTEED heaven , this sense of CONFIDENCE IS TRULY DISGUSTING WHEN AT SAME time you believe CHILDREN GET TORCHED . DISGUSTING .

        Liked by 1 person

    5. LOL!!
      Cerbie, have you been consoling your girlfriend? Come on now. She really needs your help and support!
      Coco, why do you keep running away instead of answering the questions I asked you? When will the babies grow up and graduate to their eternal place in hell?
      And by the way, your claims about babies in hell are different from Cerbie’s, you quack! LOL!! Did you notice that Cerbie hasn’t commented on anything you said, whether in support or otherwise? He knows the answers you gave are BS. There is no scriptural support for them.


  2. ” Let’s put this in perspective. There have been many child murderers in human history. These evil monsters tortured and killed their victims in the most brutal ways possible. Obviously, Christians will have no trouble saying whether these people will be in hell or not. Of course they will (but it will be not necessarily for the type of sin they committed, because all sin is the same to the Christian god). But since the Christian god is evidently justified (according to Cerbie) to also burn children, it is conceivable that while he tortures the child murderers in hell, he will also torture the victims as well (assuming they never accepted Jesus as their savior, which is more than likely for most of these poor children)! Not only this, but if a child murderer “came to Christ” before he died, he would be saved, but his victim would be in hell (because he/she died in his/her sins)! So how does that make the Christian god look? Pretty evil, yes? The Christian god is probably the most evil figure ever imagined, infinitely more frightening and dark than any real serial killer ever could be. ”

    absolutely right, the victim of the crime like a 4 year old hindu child will be tortured because “holy” god does not like the “unholy” sins the 4 year old does, like


    …shall I go on…

    god is a “just” and “holy” god . why in his “holy” eyes is anger different than one raping 4 year old ? sin is sin, the 4 year olds anger was enough to condemn it to hell. god is “holy”

    but these guys CONTINUE to watch porn (do adultery) continue to SIN FROM mon-sun
    and they will enter heaven, because god is a “just” god.


  3. “Also, Coco doesn’t realize that his god is called “El” in the Bible. That is a Canaanite term. Yahweh is even called “El Shaddai” or “El of the Mountain”, another Canaanite name for the high god of their pantheon. And yet this moron is harping about the fake word “lah”? Ignorance and Christianity…like two peas in a pod! LOL!!”

    QUOTE :

    Insight Into Origins of YHWH
    Firstly, let me make a general introduction of my beliefs and background so there is no confusion.

    I’m an observing Christian.

    I am confident in the historicity of Jesus and his resurrection, the validity of the new testament with manuscript criticisms, and also the divinity and authority of a higher being (God).

    I am minoring in religious studies, with an emphasis on New Testament.

    As a Christian, there has been many obstacles in piecing and strengthening my faith in Christianity and its principles. Through intense study and analysis, I’ve been able to confidently address many topics but there has always been one area that has made my faith stumble. Particularly in the origins of the Israelite God, YHWH.

    Studying under my atheist professor, Hector Avalos, which studied under F.M. Cross ( one of the greatest biblical scholars who is noted for his interpretation work on the Dead Sea Scrolls), I have learned much about the archaeological and religious history of Mesopotamia and Sumeria. Dr. Avalos has challenged the narrative of YHWH many times citing the amalgamation of many Canaanite gods, eventually equating with very similar characteristics as YHWH.

    LET ME CLARIFY THIS: I am not saying YHWH is the same or a copy of A canaanite god, but I am saying much of the evidence shows YHWH contains many characteristics as gods being worshiped in Mesopotamia.


    This area of criticism is something i’ve looked to biblical scholars for, but I have not found many addressing the topic in great depth.

    I would love your feedback and knowledge as I work through this.


    QUOTE :

    Ironically, this was the issue that actually led me away from the faith. YHWH is very similar characteristically to several other ancient Mesopotamian deities. You could reconcile this by saying that God simply appeared to humans in ways they were already familiar with. That explanation just didn’t suffice for me personally.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. “Dude, you’re saying God would torture a 2-year-old. Just think about this comment for a second. A TWO-year-old”

    triune being /testicle worshipper :

    If you say that isn’t your assumption, then you need to stop asserting that a child is free from judgement

    crimes :


    …shall I go on…

    so the child cannot be free of judgement because it does the crimes above and it is “born DEFECTED”

    meaning it is “born with DAMAGED nature”

    since yah is a “just” god, then a 2 YEAR OLD DESERVES HELL AS A 2 YEAR OLD, your girl friend cannot disagree here. she has to admit that a 2 year OLD deserves JUDGEMENT as a 2 year old
    a 3 , 4, 5, 6 , 7 8……ALL years DESERVE judgement becuase yahoo.com is “holy”.

    if yahoo.com DOES NOT PUNISH the 2 year old as 2 YEAR OLD, then the 2 year old got away from judgement .

    ANY TRANSFORMED being would make yahoo.com GUITY , because the sin of the 2 year old REQUIRES PUNISHMENT in hell and like you said “one needs to stop assuming that a 2 year old is FREE from judgement”

    now my last question, why do christians have children ?

    only to bring more sin into the world and cause corruption and filth ? why don’t christian women invite jesus into their wombs and kill of their eggs?

    Liked by 2 people

      1. question 1

        how does the dcci joke RENDER ELAH, ALAHA, ELOAH INTO ARABIC ?

        “no human is capable of standing before the purity of the true god by any endeavours of their own.”

        no, this is a lie, the mesopotamian pagan god you worship mingled and mixed and hung around temples. he kept his “holiness”

        any way, what the hell do you mean? have you ever opened leviticus ? yhwh ties his holiness to his instructions,commands,torahs, laws, rituals, he never ONCE says that a sinner has to be SINLESS to do his “holiness”

        and he never ONCE DEMANDS perfection so clearly “be holy” had to mean SOMETHING completely opposite of “Be SINLESS”

        your god is so pathetic and weak that you view him as a MAFIA don who has no CONTROL over his power. when he sees a human, he needs to “fire him out”
        and then you have this pagan “jesus” which you can hide under.

        you literally have 2 gods in mind .

        one god is ANGRY AND IS burning fire, the other a soft POUGHTER /gay god , who you can kill and urinate over .

        so much for “slow to anger”
        you see your god as a BURNING fire which is OUT OF control and ready to CONSUME u, but he does 2 injustices.

        he puts SCUM like you in heaven, thats the part which MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO sense, you are CURRENTLY SINNING , RIGHT THIS MINUTE.

        to transform you into “holy” would be aN INJUSTICE!!!!!

        AN INJUSTICE!!!!

        AN INJUSTICE!!!!!!!

        the consuming fire god SHOULD FIRE on you since it would be UNHOLY to convert you into holy.

        “Demanding that humans perform silly rituals and claiming that this will somehow make them worthy of heaven is, in fact,”

        1. in the hebrew bible, god did not say one has to be sinless to do his “holy” rituals and laws.
        2. many times when people strayed, eloahim called them back to doing his rituals, instructions, commands. WHY WOULD he CALL THEM BACK?
        3.all this indicate eloahim did not consider his rituals,laws, commands, instructions as “silly” he thought they would really help and benefit the jews
        4. IT is Gods mercy that one can PRACTICE and do what He wants, it is NOTHING about boasting to oneself that he is guaranteed heaven because he sits on his ass telling himself that all his CRIMES are wiped clean….you tell yourself your crimes are wiped clean, and your god puts an unholy crap like you in heaven, what HAPPENED to the “holy” talk ?

        5. okay, since u do not perform the rituals of the torah, i guess from monday to sunday you are pleasing your human masters/bosses and doing humanly rituals for them, right? i mean , it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to love your neighbour, repent, turn the other cheek, since you are INSINCERE sinful bitch!
        so tell me sinful BITCH, since you CAN’T do the laws of yhwh , ANY of them, since even your “repentance is full of bitch” what are you doing from monday to sunday ?

        why would a “holy” god who is a FIRE , put u in heaven, is he blind to your sin because u r in jesus’ underwear? what kind of a DISGUSTING god is this?


        why do christians lie again and again, you would think by now that misrepresenting islamic belief would be a lie by now, but to repeat the lie again and again is shameful

        IF I WAS INNOCENT AND MY DEEDS REACHED THE SKY, this would still NOT be greater than even ONE blessing the almighty gifted me with because EVERYTHING I AM, I AM CREATED, HE IS NOT .

        “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”

        clearly doing right is something that God accepts, so all his “silly ” rituals, if done, would have been accepted .


  5. stewjo004

    @ Joel

    Why do you try to make Arabic grammar arguments if you don’t understand Arabic. “ILlah” (the word you’re trying to say because “lah” means “no”) CAN’T be a contraction. Why is that? Because in Arabic grammer when you call on someone you have to drop the definitive article(“the”) IF “Allah” was a contraction of “Al” and “Illah” the definitive article would be dropped. For example, one of God’s names is AR Rahman (THE Most Merciful). When we call God by this name you would say: “Ya Rahman!” Notice I dropped the “Ar” (“the”). We don’t say: “Ya illah!” we still say: “Ya ALlah” indicating the word is not a contraction. There is a difference of opinion if Allah is even an Arabic word.

    Moving on, I didn’t say Allah is related to “El” I said it is related to “Elah” (a noun) in Aramaic because their ALL Semitic languages that share the common language of Ugaritic. Jesus(as) never says YHWH once in the NT. He says “Elah” once again please read click the link and click the microphone under pronunciation:

    Moving on you have one God not rocket science for anyone who isn’t a pagan.

    It is oppression because the punishment does not fit the crime. What could a child do IN THIS LIFE (which is the ONLY possible outcome and reality) have done to be set on Fire for an eternity? Are you saying if you jaywalked and a judge then ordered you to have your arms and legs chopped off this is justice? Part of being just is the appropriate ruling for the individual case. As I said to Paulus just because someone is “punished” does not mean justice was established. Justice is the fair reconciliation between two parties. A beautiful example is Solomon(as) and the two women claiming to be the mother of the baby. Solomon(as) wisely figured out who the mother was and returned the baby to her. He didn’t just punish and torture both women. Justice is the way God manifests His attribute of wisdom. He will listen to all cases on the Day of Judgment and render verdicts that are the best and most fair outcome.

    You said:
    ” no human is capable of standing before the purity of the true god by any endeavours of their own.”

    Never argued that. Actually, have quoted several hadith that state that.

    ” Demanding that humans perform silly rituals…”

    I guess will ignore the whole Torah then… God does not demand any silly rituals. They all serve as spiritual training for us. But if He decided something like we had to hop on one leg for a minute that is His right because we are the servants and He is the Master.

    Furthermore yes He is the essence of the quality but He still applied it to Himself. For example, if He desired to be an unfair Tyrant who burns babies He could do that. But instead, He decided to be loving, merciful etc.

    Moving on, your quote from Bukhari is out of its context. The Prophet(saw) is saying that if an enemy is being raided there is no sin if a civilian is accidentally killed. For example, say a special forces team is clearing a house to rescue hostages. But in the midst of the chaos a bullet goes through a wall and hits an innocent. There is no sin on that person because that was not their intent to harm. When you first tried to argue this you got hit with a plethora of references and then were quiet so please allow me to post them again:

    Forbidden to kill indiscriminately
    Sulaiman bin Buraidah reported on his father’s authority The Prophet(ﷺ) said “Fight in the name of Allaah and in the path of Allaah and with him who disbelieves in Allaah fight and do not be treacherous and do not be dishonest about booty and do not deface (in killing) and do not kill a child.” (Abu Dawood Sahih)

    ‘Abd Allaah bin (mas’ud) said “A woman was found slain in one of the battles of the Apostle of Allaah(ﷺ). The Apostle of Allaah(ﷺ) forbade to kill women and children. (Sunan Abi Dawud 2668) Sahih by Al Abani

    “According to a report narrated by al-Bayhaqi in as-Sunan al-Kubra (17934): “Do not kill children or women or old men.”

    Oh you who believe, be careful when you go to fight in God’s cause…differentiate between friend and foe, and remember that God always knows what you are up to. (4:94)

    So unlike your “reading between the lines” you have clear cut instructions to not kill children and to differentiate between targets. Can Christians say the same? According to Trinitarians Jesus(as) allegedly ordered unarmed women and children to be killed for land.

    You claimed:
    “Nowhere does it say that Jews are to impose or otherwise convert others to obedience to these laws.”
    Really? I guess Moses(as) and Joshua(as) must’ve missed the revelation:

    17So now, kill all the boys, and kill every woman who has had relations with a man, 18but spare for yourselves every girl who has never had relations with a man. (Numbers 31:17)

    I hardly doubt those little girls who were made sex slaves wanted to be underneath the Torah’s laws.

    22Then Joshua summoned the Gibeonites and said, “Why did you deceive us by telling us you live far away from us, when in fact you live among us? 23Now therefore you are under a curse and will perpetually serve as woodcutters and water carriers for the house of my God.” 24The Gibeonites answered, “Your servants were told clearly that the LORD your God had commanded His servant Moses to give you all the land and wipe out all its inhabitants before you. So we greatly feared for our lives because of you, and that is why we have done this. 25Now we are in your hands. Do to us as it seems good and right to you.” (Joshua 9:22-25)

    Gibeonites make a peace treaty to avoid their nation becoming victims of a war crime. They are then cursed as woodcutters and water carriers for Israel. So that’s three tribes who were forcibly converted into the children of Israel. Also, the Jews still fought like this after the conquest. Finally, Jesus also disagrees about these rules only being for Caanan:

    It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law. (Luke 16:17)

    If you didn’t know “the Law” is the “the Torah”. So one can reasonably conclude the ruling on genocide stands because Jesus(as) will still carry out these horrible acts of genocide on his Second Coming hence the “robe dipped in blood”

    But even then, let’s say stoning and killing apostates was temporary God STILL sent it as a law. Just because He abrogated a law doesn’t mean it wasn’t something He enjoined at one time so that still gives you no right to blaspheme it.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. “The “lah” is just what it says and contraction of “the” and “lah”, which may or may not mean “god” or it may or may not be some archaic name for some other creature. ANd nowhere in the hebrew language has “El” ever meant “the”. You are just regurgitating islamic ignorance.”

      you are such a scum bag that i feel disgusted with myself replying to you.
      that hebrew and arabic are sister languages is confirmed fact. anything which is NOT prolonged in hebrew, will probably get prolonged in arabic. ibraheeem

      you are committing the sound fallacy . ALLAH has NOTHING to do with the letter “laaa”

      take OF Alif laam, you still have that SMALL ha in ALLAH.

      IF i arabize eloah it becomes elloah

      now show me how i am wrong .

      imagine if u play the same game on every hebrew word belonging to your mesopotamian pagan diety yah , you would end up wrecking yahoo.com.


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