102 thoughts on “Eid Mubarak!

  1. Stewjo004

    @ Paulus

    I never understood this point. Are you claiming to know what God did or didn’t accept? At the end of the day there could be a variety of reasons that God rejected an act of worship you could’ve:

    1. Done it to show off
    2. Not fasted period
    3. Intended to fast for something other than God. Like to lose weight for example.
    4. Fasted for another god besides God.

    So you can’t claim to know what God did or didn’t do. You have no contract with Him. Muslims are simply being humble in their intent. For someone to run around and say “I’m saved! I’m saved!” I find that extremely arrogant to be quite frank.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Paulus

      At least you’re honest.

      In the past britney has tried to argue that Muslims are secure that they are saved. To copy Christians.


      1. LOL, you moron! Muslims will be saved! But who that will be is a different question. The knowledge of that rests only with Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He). We don’t go around saying “I’m saved” like you idiots do. I can say that if I stay on the path of Islam, with pure intention and believing in Allah and His prophet, then Allah has promised salvation for me. But whether my intentions are pure and whether my faith is pure, Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) will be the judge of that. Get it?

        You idiots go around claiming you’re “saved”, trying to give the impression of some sort of “guarantee”. But guarantees can be given by anyone, even a shady salesman. They don’t mean anything without proof! It reminds me of a scene from “Tommy Boy” with Chris Farley (excuse the language):


      2. Paulus

        So you don’t know your own faith or intentions?

        What a weird way to live. Maybe you are secretly intending to become Christian? Who knows?


      3. first eid mubarak to every one, second, how does a crosstian know he is guarananteed
        tell the truth, but dont you fear that your pagan meat god will say “get away from me…i never knew you” definitely with all that “dying for your sins” bs, your meat god is telling you guys that you could be the one that will be told to enter burning fire….
        Dont lie and tell that your “guarantee” overrides your FEAR of burning in hell because FEAR is kept ALIVE because you could be the one who is told “get away …..”

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Paulus

        Salvation is a gift from God. My deeds don’t need to be weighed or accepted to gain entry. Simple really. Compare Islam

        “Being a Muslim it is our belief that we have to die one day and our final destination is the life of the hereafter. In the hereafter, we go to Jannah (Paradise) or Jahannam (Hell-fire) depends upon the deeds that we did in worldly life…”

        Muslims have a very confused soteriology. In fact, they regularly contradict each other


  2. Stewjo004

    @ Paulus

    Oh no that’s not what I meant to allow me to clearer. All Muslims are going to Heaven period.

    What we all don’t know is if a specific individual will die a Muslim. For example, I don’t say QB and I are going to Heaven and you’re going to Hell because I don’t know how either you or us will die. QB and I could’ve been hypocrites (and we seek God’s protection from this) and died saying there is no God. You at 80 years old could turn around and say “Islam was the truth and God I repent from everything I ever said about it” and then die an hour later.

    Unless revelation of some sort is said by God or a prophet we remain silent and pray to be among the people God guided. For example, we can say for sure Abu Lahab, The Pharaoh, any nation God destroyed, Abu Jahl, the Devil and the Anti Christ, etc, are going to Hell. No, if and’s or buts.

    In the same way, we can say all prophets, martyrs, disciples, etc are going to Heaven because God has said this.

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    1. Paulus

      “we remain silent and pray to be among the people God guided“

      That’s funny because in our last conversation you were trying to convince me that people are on their own path, making their own decisions. Here you say God guides.

      Your Orwellian double speak is because Islam has a confused soteriology. Works based religions tend to end up this way.


      1. Stewjo004

        That’s a straight lie and I’ve NEVER said that.

        YOU had an issue with God guiding sincere people and misguiding people who choose to be misguided. Actually, I challenge you to show me where I said ANYWHERE that “good deeds are more important than faith” or anything of that nature.


      2. Paulus

        Now who’s lieing? Remember, i told you I had no problem with predestination.

        You can’t have it both ways. But the reason you try is because Islam has a confused soteriology. This is because it’s a works based religion.


      3. Paulus

        The irony is clearly lost on the muhammadan who complains of red herrings yet has asked several times on this thread an unrelated question 😂😂😂


      4. LOL, I’m simply mocking you because you are a loser crosstian. I love to do that! Of course it has nothing to do with the thread. Do you think I care what you have to say? I’m just humoring you, but you have to face the fact that no one takes you seriously. 😂😂😂

        Oh and before I forget…are you married? 😉

        I don’t know why you keep refusing to answer this question. You asked me and I answered. So what’s with you?


      5. Paulus

        Well, it’s a little hard to believe when you don’t even know your own intentions, isn’t it?

        You must live in an epistemological bubble? Or, Islamic soteriology is absurd.


      1. Stewjo004

        @ Paulus
        Again please point out where I said good deeds are more important than faith.

        Next, can you please answer my question? Are Christians supposed to do good? Yes or no? Afterwards please explain why or why not.


      2. Paulus

        Huh? I said Islam is a works based religion, which it is. Britney is unsure his god will acccept his fast. You said the same.

        If you have a point to make, make it. Very few questions on theology are simple yes/no without nuance or clarification. So go ahead…


    1. the simple answer is no, they shouldn’t because they are damaged and when they continue to sin and have DOUBTS , then their damaged nature is dominating over them. this is why their belief and their deeds are like menstrual rags…this is why they need intermediary , james white says “even my REPENTANCE isn’t good enough” i.e he already told himself that his god let him get away with WEAK insincere repentance, dependence on krists blood creates this in christian mind. a crosstian does not have to feel guilty about his crime because his krist already became guilty on the cross, a crosstians job is to CELEBRATE after every sin he does because his guilt is DAMAGED and STAINED. christian is damaged creature from BIRTH.
      so no, according to christianity, christian cannot do good and if he does, he knows that his “good” is FILTH stained and it won’t get him any points in his gods eyes because his god is self obsessed with his self abuse.


      1. Paulus

        Do you feel guilty for constantly fabricating lies and misunderstanding other people’s beliefs?

        Again, your hatred is clearly visible. Satan clearly has strong influence on you seen by your reactions to the truth of Jesus.


        Muhammad isn’t doing you any favours…


      2. i am not misrepresenting anything .

        in your pagan gods eyes you are

        1. FILTH
        2. menstrual crap
        3. spiritual TRASH
        4. born in sin
        5. CORRUPT
        6. DAMAGED

        your heart


        you are CREATED damaged from BIRTH

        IN ADDITION your god HAS allowed satanic power to help your damaged nature

        you are in the hell hole of sin mate. your “belief” your “works” your “holy spirit”
        and your “feelings” are ALL DERIVED from that DAMAGED nature, you have ABSOLUTELY no way of knowing that you are in contact with “holy spirit” or with satanic forces, you do know for sure you are DAMAGED !

        so i ask again….how are you using your gods “gifts” WHEN you are DAMAGED? WILL THE MISUSE of your gods “gifts” CALLED INTO ACCOUNT on d.o.j ?

        why? you are DAMAGED and your “faith” and “thanking” and “belief” = DAMAGED. thats why u hide under jesus’ SKIRT. so explain, why are you so SURE of going to heaven, when that surety is COMING from DAMAGED “gift” your god gave you ?

        if your gods PROPHETS couldn’t produce the fruits EVEN when CHATTING FACE TO FACE with your god, if they COULDN’T do his laws and rituals , if they fell into IDOLATRY even after REGULAR visits, HOW IS it possible for one who is BORN with DAMAGED nature? your “holy” spirit is A lie since it is SIMPLY a feeling within you…but feelings could be BS….your confidence could be COMPLETE bs GIVEN to you by your DAMAGED and dented nature.


      3. and it is a fact that crosstians CELEBRATE murder of jesus AFTER they do sins. this is a fact . aren’t you happy that in the weekend your celebrate the “sacrifice” of jesus after doing FULL WEEK of sins?
        YOU celebrate it because you are MIMICKING the idea of GUILT/sorrow being taken away because krist became GUILT for you…so in other words you christians replace your GUILT with CELEBRATION


      4. Paulus

        You’re scared. Scared of admitting the truth. Scared or leaving the pressures of muhammadanism. So you fabricate steawmrn and exaggerate the truth.

        Worshipping muhammad isn’t doing you any favours. Your failed fasting. Your failed praying. Your failed charity. Youre in trouble!


      5. “You’re scared. Scared of admitting the truth. Scared or leaving the pressures of muhammadanism. So you fabricate steawmrn and exaggerate the truth.

        Worshipping muhammad isn’t doing you any favours. Your failed fasting. Your failed praying. Your failed charity. Youre in trouble!”

        here is a crosstian with damaged and defected nature telling what is in the hearts , minds and deeds of others, i will remind this BUM that he is speaking from earth, not in heaven…..

        1. failed fasting – now what is speaking ? your original sin stained nature or the satanic crap stain within you ?

        2. failed praying – now what is speaking in you? the damaged nature /defect nature or the satanic force within you ?

        failed charity – lol, now what is speaking within you? the DAMAGED nature or the satanic force within you ?

        the biggest failure is your god, this shoddy god couldn’t even get SOLOMON to worship him even after REGULAR visits, what CHANGE do you have with your DAMAGED nature? your “thanking”
        your biscuit and wine meal, your charity , your “faith”
        your worship of triplets, is all defected. if your god was really “just” you should be BURNING in the DEPTHS of hell.

        worship muhammad pbuh? are you ashamed of worshipping “man-god” ? would you be alright if muhammad pbuh was fully yhwh and fully man? would you have beef then ? who told you i worship muhammad pbuh? your DAMAGED and stained nature or the authors of the bible who were also with DAMAGED and stained nature?


      6. “You’re scared. Scared of admitting the truth…”

        so you are not scared then ? not scared one bit that you could be the crosstian who is told to depart and enter the depths of hell? you think you are really going to heaven? let me remind you that you are a bum on earth, not speaking from heaven and you never even visited heaven ? you do know that you sin EVERYDAY and you do know that you have a heart of anger, hatred, lust, murder, idolatry and that you are born as DAMAGED creature…..so why are you fooling yourself that your “faith” will save you or your “belief ” in hiding under jesus’ skirt will save you when it is POSSIBLE that you will be told to enter hell ?
        EVEN THE MIRACLE workers who were doing devil casting…miracles….mighty deeds….thought they had faith and assurance lol ….. JUST LIKE u ……BUT u are SINNING on planet EARTH, wathing PORN , not WILLING to pluk your EYE OUT, not willing to DIE like your false pagan saviour…..just willing to indulge in sin and celebrate that someone else got MURDERED for your crimes…..
        what chance do you have?

        YOU ARE SCARED…..YOU ARE WORRIED. you are scared just like your false saviour who begged his god to save him from the cross. you are worried, in your heart you know you are going hell for your worship of a pagan jew….


      7. cerbie was asked again and again if he is a divorced crosstian , if he is a divorced crosstian, he is GUARANTEED hell, because he DONE the sin of ADULTERY , jebus said :

        “If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. (From the NIV Bible, Matthew 5:29)”

        so if cerbie is divorced or watches porn , he is a filthy and stained ADULTERER …..

        his gods advice to him is to LOSE his eyes on earth, rather than LOSE WHOLE BODY in hell HHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA




      8. Paulus

        The only thing your comment makes clear, other than incorrect and gross assumptions, is that Muslims have no concept of forgiveness.

        Islam- the religion of the inforgiving Allah and his prophet muhammad.


  3. Paulus

    “Do you think I care what you have to say? “

    Hard to tell. You pretend you don’t, yet have stated above you don’t even know your own intentions.


    1. Bwhahaha, still trying to appeal to strawman arguments? I never said I don’t know my intentions, you idiot. I said God will judge my intentions based on His infinite knowledge and wisdom. If I do things solely for His sake and not for showing off to people, as brother Stew mentioned, then my intentions are pure. If I were to do things to show off, then my deeds will count for nothing because they were done for selfish reasons.

      Still waiting for you to answer the marriage question. I don’t know why you are so afraid to answer. It’s a simple question. You asked me, so it’s only fair that I ask you the same question.

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    2. paulus, if you think you are guaranteed bliss in heaven, why don’t you commit suicide? NOTHING in your religion forbids suicide. since your are “born in sin” and probably will never PLUCK your eye out after porn addiction, why not kill yourself?

      would you enjoy your company with porn rather than company with the three triplets?
      go on, i dare you, topple yourself

      go on.

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    1. He won’t answer bro because his religion offers contradictory answers itself. He knows this, but won’t admit it. He will try to put the best possible spin to make it appear that it’s “simple really”, when reasonable people know it’s not.

      Let’s compare the contradictory versions on salvation in Cerbie’s scripture:

      “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.” (Matthew 25)

      Hmm, so who are the “sheep” and the “goats”? Is salvation really a “gift from God” as Cerbie claims? Um…no. It turns out that the “sheep” are those who did good deeds:

      “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

      The “goats” on the other hand are those who did not do good deeds:

      “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.”

      So, where is the gift from God? Contrary to Cerbie’s lie, people’s deeds are indeed weighed. Those who did good deeds will be rewarded. Those who did not will be punished. Simple really…

      But then the false apostle Paul said that salvation comes from God only. Cerbie seems to be rejecting his savior’s teaching in favor of the false apostle’s teaching:

      “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-” (Ephesians 2:8).

      But even Paul contradicted himself on this matter! For example, he said that women will be saved through childbearing. What?!

      “But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety” (1 Timothy 2:15).

      So much for Cerbie’s “simple really” comment. Cerbie is just a liar, just like his sinful savior.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. crosstian:

    Salvation is a gift from God. My deeds don’t need to be weighed or accepted to gain entry.


    This flatly contradicts God’s own teachings, that we are supremely in command of our spiritual destiny through our actions. See Genesis 4:7; Deuteronomy 30: 11-14, 19-20; Ezekiel Chapters 18 and 33. Also Psalms 145:18.

    man, how is it possible you both believe in the same book yet come to two different beliefs?

    you said your beliefs “don’t need to be weighed”


    a christians porn addition, murder, killing, backbiting, homosexuality, WEAK faith, doubt in faith, doubting INERRANCY, LACK of trust in god (weak faith) won’t be the deciding factor , so WHY try to perfect your repentance , deeds or your faith ?

    anything you do internally, “in your mind” or physically is not deciding factor to gain entrance into paradise.

    even your “faith” is crap since you are human “born in sin”

    “Being a Muslim it is our belief that we have to die one day and our final destination is the life of the hereafter. In the hereafter, we go to Jannah (Paradise) or Jahannam (Hell-fire) depends upon the deeds that we did in worldly life…”

    yes, this is correct, but islam says “for them is FORGIVENESS and great reward….” meaning the FORGIVENESS WILL PRECEDE the reward. Who is the one doing the FORGIVING ?


    Liked by 1 person

      1. define “gift”
        Define “faith”

        what do you have faith in? you are a corrupt born in sin pagan with damaged nature….what faith do you have? how do you know your nature is not sending you delusion about the kind of faith you have??


      2. “The very act of believing, or having faith, is a gift from God.”

        your god gave you a “gift” and you turned it into menstrual rags….
        why are you giving private part blood to yhwh when “believing” “having faith” is INFECTED with your FILTHY human nature? are you doing these things to FEEL better just like those miracle workers who were doing DEEDS , thinking they were saved…just like those miracle workers who thought they were producing the fruits?


  5. cerbie,

    your thoughts, (try not to dance too much):

    As far as your question, the ALmighty in the Quran almost always states in regards to the entrance of Paradise, that “For them is forgiveness and a great reward”. Forgiveness precedes the granting of the reward of Paradise, alluding to the fact that perfection is not a condition of Paradise and never was.

    In other verses, this same idea is alluded to with man being purified of any enmity he had towards others, meaning even people who do not like each other, when they enter Paradise their grievances will be removed. The point is, Paradise is made through sincere effort, which includes sacrifices on this path, to overcome one’s own weaknesses. To understand this issue even better, we simply need to go to the core philosophy of the Quran, which is life is a test to see what we do, without actually observing with our own eyes reward and punsihment.

    The development of reason and intellect would be pointless if man could see the fruits right before him.

    Man is faced by situations where he has to act with either taqwa or sabr, the foremr alluding to protecting one’s self from the ‘charms’ of this world, while the latter refers to being steadfast in the face of the ‘hardships’ of this world for the sake of a truth he does not see, but believes in the core of his heart exists. When he chooses right, this consciousness of iman increases and he becomes more and more certain. This is what Allah refers to when he says their belief increases. Further, when man errs or makes a mistake, he repents and learns and modifies his behavior. These mistakes are also part of the learning process and is one of the reasons, the Prophet (S) said that an ijtihad, even if it is wrong gets rewarded by God. Repentance is necessary as well for the development of the consciousness, because humility is an essential aspect of knowledge. The point is, it is the attitude towards a mistake which leads a person to his downfall, not the mistake itself. This idea of test to develop the concisouness is alluded to throughout the Quran, a shining example being in surah Baqarah, when Allah refers to the change of qibla as a means to develop the faculties of man, including his moral conscience. Allah states that he did not do this to make people lose their faith, but to bring forth their good qualities and remove their bad. The good quality being alluded to is that it divested the Muslims of blidn allegience to cultural norms and traditions of their forefathers, as well as broke the bonds of excessive ritualism, leading to a concept of righteuounsess that is illustrated in verse 177 of surah Baqarah. This allowed them to obtain the spirit of Abrahamic obedience, who, no matter where he was, no matter the time, no matter the cultural traditions of his people or the people he lived in, was ready to obey God over all others. Life is dynamic and deeds are the ‘sacrifice’ by which one attests to his faith. It is absolutely a fatal flaw to approach Islam from the perspective of grace, and at the same time, it is also a fatal flaw to approach Islam from the position of arrogance, i.e. by my deeds I earn something. As Shad beautifully points out:

    yup, we will know only on the Day of Judgement. That is the whole point of creating moral tension in man so that he/she dwells between hope and fear (as opposed to jude’s certitude of salvation..). This moral tension has a positive bearing on life in that it propels us to always be proactive in doing good (for we never know if enough is enough) while at the same time it allows us to indulge a bit in the world (since God loves us)…

    Man has to cultivate this moral tension to succeed in life. It is rooted in living in the world and dealing with people and society, by maintaining one’s connection with God, despite not seeing him. Further, it is absolutely incorrect to assume we are not guaranteed Paradise and salvation. God does not go back on his Promise. The argument by the evangelists that through Jesus we are saved is meaningless and nonsensical. Everybody is guaranteed salvation and Paradise, if they make a sincere effort to live by the truth. It is a matter of living by the principles that we know are true, not simply acknowledging it.


    1. “So you fasted for nothing then?
      No certainty?”


      21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?’ 23 Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.’


      they prophesy, cast out demons, do MANY DEEDS of power….because they THINK THEY have the TRUE faith and the GUARANTEE of heaven . they think they are REALLY really saved and they think they are the good fruit because of their faith and miraculous abilities. lol

      paulus, you must be worried lol.

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      1. you crosstian nicompook…
        1.the people PERFORM miracles and do deeds…..
        When they are doing the miraculous, they are thinking that they have true faith and they are producing the FRUITS….A bum like you cant cast out demons or do any mighty deed, where has your faith gone? You say it is IMPOSSIBLE to do the fathers will in torah….

        so to repeat….miracles gave crosstians the boost,confidence etc to think they were true worshippers lol only to be told to enter hell…are you afraid dog? You think u r a saint? You are a bum.


    2. Paulus

      If salvation is a gift, it can’t be earned. That’s the point.

      Christians live their life in thankfulness for the gift of salvation.

      Muslims live their life hoping their deeds suffice. Even then their intentions are only known by Allah. So zero personal confidence. That’s why britney has nuances his position by only saying Muslims are saved, but acknowledging he doesn’t even know who these mysterious Muslims are. He may not even be one (clearly not by his inability to live by the Koran and Sunna.)


      1. Stewjo004

        @ Paulus
        You’re claiming to understand Islam’s position(which you clearly don’t) it really is a simple answer please stop trying to dance around the question:

        Christians do good because…
        Christian do not need to do good because…

        You can try to fancy it up all you like but it’s either yes or no. There really is no middle ground. So, again do Christians need to do good, yes or no and why? And now ON TOP of that please prove your answer using only Jesus(as).


      2. Paulus

        Typical. Another muhammadan trying to dictate to Christians what their theology and scripture is. Glad I didn’t waste my time.

        When you mature up, then I’ll be happy to talk


  6. Stewjo004

    @ Paulus
    As a note, you say you don’t have an issue with predestination but you actually do and its clear from your answers. You hide behind intercession (which doesn’t even solve the issue) to attempt to cope with it. For example, I asked before Jesus(as) how did predestination work (for example the Pharaoh) and you just had crickets…


    1. Paulus


      You have a self inflated ego. Careful, it may disqualify you from jannah!

      You’ve contradicyed yourself isn’t be last two threads. To hide this, you just always claim that “X doesn’t know Islam”. You can’t say that humans have the ability to actually make genuine decisions (last thread) and then contradict yourself and say only Allah knows our true intentions. The latter cancels the former. Your soteriology and works based religion creates these problems for you.


      1. Stewjo004

        @ Paulus
        It’s very easy to tell when you don’t have an answer, Paulus. When you do yo will typically

        1. Quote your evidence
        2. Do some random insult

        When you don’t you give brief cryptic answers and don’t answer straight. AND on top of that, you can’t even prove your answer using Jesus(as) who you claim to follow his teachings. You can only quote Paul who never quotes Jesus(as) which you think would be logical. You are now trying to insult to get out of answering the basic question:
        Are Christians supposed to do good and where does Jesus say that one doesn’t have to do good?

        Next, Muslims do not “worship” Muhammad(saw) however a prophet is given authority to command things by God. We do not worship Muhammad(saw) any more than the Jews worship Moses(as) who commanded things. It comes with being a prophet.

        Moving on. I know Christians like to tell people about their beliefs (like the Jews supposed “sacrifice system”) but I’ll ask again please list anything from the Qur’an or Hadith that says Muslims believe good deeds are more important than faith. I’ll wait… Also why you’re there please tell me where you talked to God and he told you that you’re going to Heaven.

        Finally, there is no force compelling you to do things. It is not contradictory to also check one’s intent. Due to the fact that it’s too “complex” for you to know whether you need to good, I’ll explain:

        Believe it or not, you can start with one intention and change it to another through the course of an action. An easy example is our last discussion the Prophet(saw) said: “All actions are by intentions.” When he said that was after they migrated to flee oppression. A man in the city that was oppressing the Muslim originally didn’t want to move, however after he got a marriage offer by a woman he moved. In his mind, he thought oh alright I’ll move here get the reward for migrating for the sake of God and get married. So he believed his intent was for God but it was for the woman hence the above saying.

        At an easier to digest level, I asked a Christian one time why he had put money in the offering plate. His first reaction was worshipping God. As we explored and I asked what compelled you to go up and do it when you weren’t going to do it he said he saw other people doing it and he didn’t want to look cheap. So he convinced himself he did something for God when the reality was he wanted it to be said of him. This is a lot more common than you think. They say one thing but when you get to the nitty gritty what was truly in their heart comes out hence constantly checking the intent.

        P.S. the verse made sense your reading comprehension is low:
        Judge what you do now because you are enough of an accountant for your self.


      2. Paulus

        “AND on top of that, you can’t even prove your answer using Jesus(as) who you claim to follow his teachings. You can only quote Paul who never quotes Jesus(as) which you think would be logical.”

        Why would we seperate the two? Remember, it’s our scripture, not your’s.

        “You are now trying to insult to get out of answering the basic question:“

        No. I asked you for clarification. Several times. You didn’t provide any. You’ve insisted on a yes/no answer when nuance is required. For example, is your question related to salvation? Eternal rewards? Godly living?

        Time to get off your high horse.

        I’ll ask again please list anything from the Qur’an or Hadith that says Muslims believe good deeds are more important than faith“

        Since I never made such a claim, why would I need to prove it? I said Islam is works based. Which it is.

        “It is not contradictory to also check one’s intent“

        That wasn’t the claim. The claim was that only Allah knows our intentions as the judge of them. If you can check your intentions, then you’d know if they are pure, correct? So you would know, for certain, that your fasting will be accepted?


  7. “If salvation is a gift, it can’t be earned. That’s the point.”

    Sorry you pagan crosstian,but ot god wants something back before he bring about entry into heaven

    but then your belief cannot help you either. Your belief, just as your deeds could be corrupt. since you are born in sin and are with damaged nature .

    define “salvation”

    Define “earn”

    now if in Gods eyes GOd said that ones deeds were sincere and righteous,then who is to tell God that he is wrong?

    IF God said, “you did good….” then who are you?

    “Christians live their life in thankfulness for the gift of salvation.”

    why performing a useless shoddy “thankfulness” when it is full of crap? why u giving crap to your god? Why u giving menstrual crap to yhwh? define “thankfulness”

    “Muslims live their life hoping their deeds suffice.”

    are those who believe and do good the same as those who disbelieve and do evil? We are “giving back” what God provided and God owns…it is God who is the one who says “you did RIGHT”

    “Even then their intentions are only known by Allah. So zero personal confidence. ”

    you are a bum talking on earth, you are not talking from heaven, i can use many verses of the quran which will boost my confidence in going to heaven….God says His promise is true.

    you have nothing

    You have a nature which is damaged and you arrogance and boast about going to heaven could be the same arrogance and boast which was giving crosstians the abilities to do miracles and deeds in pagan gods name. you are not CONFIDENT about anything you believe since it could be the original sin nature sending powerful delusion and be honest “holy spirit” is a lie, isnt it?


    1. Paulus

      Man, you’re dumb.

      If salvation is a gift, it can’t be earned. It’s given freely. Because of original sin, it’s precisely why God initiates and seals salvation. We are unable!!

      You’ve spent all this time rejecting a straw man in your dawah 👍😂😂

      You have this filthy mouth and somehow think Allah, who you believe is holy, will simply let you in? Nah. You’re in big trouble.

      The problem with Muslims like you is that muhammad is your true god. You act the way you do because your sinful human nature is like muhammad, whom you have made into deity.


      1. “Man, you’re dumb.

        If salvation is a gift, it can’t be earned. It’s given freely. Because of original sin, it’s precisely why God initiates and seals salvation. We are unable!!”

        where did the torah say “we are UNABLE ” scum bag crosstian?

        here is what the jews say :

        4 hours
        Yes, Tony, that is exactly what I am saying. It may be shocking if you’ve never heard this concept, but all you have to do is read the Hebrew Bible to see that the missionaries are teaching against it.
        Of course, the Hebrew Bible doesn’t use the term “get to Heaven” but having life. While traditional Jews believe in the afterlife, it is barely alluded to in the Hebrew Bible. But that is a whole different discussion!
        As for control over our actions, the Torah teaches us that we have the free will to choose to obey or disobey God and therefore the free will to choose life or death (Deuteronomy 30). The Torah teaches us that God will reward those who obey and punish those who disobey (Deuteronomy 11). There are no free lunches, but anyone can repent at any time if he chose wrongly, as Ezekiel explains in chapters 18 and 33. He teaches that if you turn away from your sins, they will be completely forgotten.
        And of course you don’t need me to tell you that God abhors human sacrifice.
        Please let me know if that answers your questions, and if you have further questions please don’t hesitate to ask!

        “Because of original sin, it’s precisely why God initiates and seals salvation. We are unable!!””

        “original sin” is a load of bs if one can thank god , repent to god and change himself .

        since you are “unable” you have a DAMAGED nature which means your “repentance” and “thanking” is shit stained… why are you giving CRAP to your god?

        You’ve spent all this time rejecting a straw man in your dawah 👍😂😂

        You have this filthy mouth and somehow think Allah, who you believe is holy, will simply let you in? Nah. You’re in big trouble.”

        you are the filth , you are giving your god filth , ANYTHING u do is filthy and dirty BLOOD from private parts. why are you giving yhwh the FILTHY thanking ?

        The problem with Muslims like you is that muhammad is your true god. You act the way you do because your sinful human nature is like muhammad, whom you have made into deity.”

        MUHAMMAD pbuh TOLD people to worship the almighty , not 1 person two natures bs.


      2. Paulus

        Yes, we are unable which is why it is a gift. How many times do I need to say the same thing.

        You fully encapsulate original sin by your behaviour. Thank you for confirming the truth


      3. TELL me why are you giving your god SHIT STAINED and dirty private part blood “repentance ”
        “faith” and “deeds” WHEN you are DAMAGED item AND SEEN AS spiritual TRASH in his eyes? since you are DAMAGED item, you can do crime as you like, since your NATURE over powers you even while “holy” ghost is filling you. why did you god KILL himself ? because ANYTHING u do is “shit STAINED…”
        in christianiy, it does not matter if you CONTINUE TO sin . it does not matter if you do not PERFECT repentance or perfect faith, since your religion ALLOW U TO GET AWAY WITH SINS.

        your gods SELF ABUSIVE RAPE , allows you to GET AWAY with your CRIMES.

        the cross ALLOWS YOU to continue to SIN, since you will always tell yourself that the only thing you can give your god is SHIT STAINED “prayer”
        and “faith”


      4. “You fully encapsulate original sin by your behaviour. Thank you for confirming the truth”

        and what has the blood stained cross produced other than shit stained christian deeds for two thousand years? your god is the one who is original sin stained, he tells people to watch what comes out of their mouths, then PUBLICLY calls a woman and her ILL DAUGHTER “animals ”

        jesus encapsulated original sin behaviour.

        he even thinks that adultery , hate and anger comes from the heart, then contradicts himself by saying that you can love god with all your heart lol

        jews were loving god with all their heart and they didn’t even know of original sin.


  8. “If salvation is a gift, it can’t be earned. That’s the point.”

    you have no point, because you are a bum.
    bums like you repeat this bum speech again and again.

    God CREATED everything, the good and the bad. God owns everything. God wants people to do His will. God warns about heaven and hell. God says everything will return to Him. God says everyone will be judged.

    with this information in the background, in a sense people can “earn” salvation

    1. God himself is the “ACTIVATOR” of the “earning” within man
    2. God himself declare the DEED righteous in His eye
    3.God himself is pleased with the DEED

    you have been destroyed,


  9. “If salvation is a gift, it can’t be earned. That’s the point.”

    “Christians live their life in thankfulness for the gift of salvation.”

    how about evil deeds, can they earn hell fire? christian arrogant pr**ks think that their future crimes have all been washed in the blood of jesus and that they are GUARANTEED heaven. in other words, anything they do will only portray them as corrupt in the eyes of their god, then why even give “menstrual rag” thanking ? to make themselves feel better? to make their god feel better? to be seen by others ?


      1. why are you “judged” for your actions LOL ….IT DOES NOT GRANT ENTRY INTO HEAVEN

        SO why are you judged ? your god was ALREADY physically RAPED for all the sins poured on him and you HIDE under his skirt ….nothing, not your BELIEFS, not your DEEDS can get you into HEAVEN so why are you JUDGED?


      2. “We are judged and then sentenced.”

        define judgement :

        the estimate by God of the ultimate worthiness or unworthiness of the individual (the Particular Judgment) or of all mankind (the General Judgment or Last Judgment)

        God’s subsequent decision determining the final destinies of all individuals

        define judge:
        to hear and decide upon (a case at law)


        now i will repeat again, in the eyes of the three pagan dirty triplets, you are a shit stained/ crap stained/ menstrual rag stained filthy crosstian. you are literally born in sin . ANYTHING you do is dirty filthy trash. when you were born, your heart thought ADULTERY, idolatry, hatred and anger . in the definition above god does the act of judgement and makes decision on who enters hell and who enters heaven based on the worthiness or unworthiness of individual….christian is UNWORTHY all the way…his thanking is crap stained, his faith is crap stained, his DEEDS are crap stained and his VERY NATURE is DAMAGED and crap stained…..WHY IS there JUDGEMENT pass on the crosstian?
        why did jesus even say “get away from me….” when he knew you have a DAMAGED AND CRAP stained nature?

        you god gave you DAMAGED nature and christians are SINNING till this day. they are murdering, lying, using FILTHY language (you ACCUSE me of filthy language, i am APPLYing what christians say about CHILDREN and human nature )


      3. Paulus

        Your hatred makes you deaf of hearing. Christians believe when Hod grants faith and salvation, that the righteousness of Christ is imputed to them.

        Sorry to obliterate more of your muhammadan propaganda and misunderstanding.


      4. quote :

        Your hatred makes you deaf of hearing. Christians believe when Hod grants faith and salvation, that the righteousness of Christ is imputed to them.

        end quote

        oh, i get it, you need “righteousness” of your pagan meat god…..a muslim can say that it is GOD who is making “his deed built for heaven”
        it is God who is the one “behind the deed” like he is “behind the deed of angels….”

        you said god “grants faith and salvation”
        MUSLIM believe God created everything.
        muslim believe God is the one who has GUIDED to the straight path….

        now lets talk about your “imputation ” bs
        REMEMBER, in your gods eyes you are FILTHY , spiritual trash, menstrual rags, crap and DEAD . YOU sin EVEN today . your “faith” is under the control of your human nature since your heart is born with the disease of adultery, idolatry, fornication, hatred , anger etc etc you are DAMAGED and CREATED damaged

        the “imputation” BS does not take away the fact that you are criminal and CRAP stained in your eyes. your thanking, your faith, your deeds, your heart is ALL filled with MENSTRUAL filth…..

        1. you do not have to repent, do good deeds, or hide under blood of jesus, since you are CREATED DAMAGED from birth, why does your god want you to have faith or thank him when you are SINNING EVEN today ?

        why are you judged ? you are DAMAGED and created DAMAGED, why would a god come down and KILL himself when he made you DAMAGED ?


      5. “Your hatred makes you deaf of hearing. Christians believe when Hod grants faith and salvation, that the righteousness of Christ is imputed to them.”

        now tell me who is talking here? remember, in your gods eyes you are FILTHY , born in sin, adulterer , idolater and criminal .
        your faith and the fluctuation of it…your deeds and the fluctuation of it… all under the power of original sin…..you hiding the father under jesus’ SKIRT, but WAIT A MINUTE….the crap stained christian in you is talking here …. and you belief which is FULL of CRAP stain/doubt THINK that you can COVER your STAINED nature with IMAGINING the “righteousness” of another and COVERING your crap STAIN with “righteousness” of another….but this is AVOIDING the problem, and that you are DAMAGED AND YOU STILL SIN…..so in other words your god is LOOKING at the “righteousness” of krishna and LETTING YOU get away with the DAMAGED nature….which means your god is UNJUST . why did not your god BURN you in hell after he made you born in sin ?


  10. “If salvation is a gift, it can’t be earned. That’s the point.”

    i will remind you that you don’t have the gift, you are a bum who is sinning on planet earth having BELIEF like the christian “miracle workers” thinking that all your crimes are WIPED and that you are guaranteed heaven. you just have BELIEF, you haven’t got any reward in heaven yet, it is something which is your BELIEF . I challenged you to kill yourself, but instead of plucking your eye out (your eyes are a gift too, yet you will be asked how u used them ) you will rather enjoy watching porn because your BELIEF that ALL your crimes have been WIPED .
    its all belief at the moment .

    in the quran it is written

    Yusuf Ali: (It will be said to him:) “Read thine (own) record: Sufficient is thy soul this day to make out an account against thee.”

    those gifts will be talking too . eyes will be talking, hands will be talking

    yes, we are going to be asked how we used those God given items.


      1. its a verse where your false pagan “intermediary” jesus will not help your ass on day of judgement. your own SElf will screw you over on day of judgement, you aint gonna get a change to hide under jesus’ skirt. notice what it says ? READ YOUR OWN RECORD!
        jesus’ blood aint gonna READ for you, you will be READING … YOU ….


  11. “Yes, we are unable which is why it is a gift. How many times do I need to say the same thing.”

    no , YOU are unable…i didn’t say ANYTHING about myself. you have DAMAGED nature and all you can give your god is SHIT stained “faith” and “thanking”

    your god DOOMED you

    “You fully encapsulate original sin by your behaviour. Thank you for confirming the truth”

    NOT really, i have been told i can MASTER over sin , for example , genesis says i can RULE over sin, you can’t, you have PERMANENTLY damaged SHIT STAINED nature.


    1. Paulus

      Since you are unable to control your toungue, I doubt you can control much else. We all see your sinfulness, same as everybody else.

      Good luck getting into jannah with a filthy toungue and encouraging suicide.

      But reactions like this is because deep down you know muhammad was a false prophet. Satan doesn’t want to let you go.


      1. “Since you are unable to control your toungue, I doubt you can control much else. We all see your sinfulness, same as everybody else.”

        no, the difference between me and you is that i don’t tell children that they are filthy and “born in sin” and carry the sin of adam in their blood. i have moral back bone. i do not psychologically rape the minds of children by telling them that they are shit stained and their deeds are menstrual rags and they are criminals from birth. i have moral back bone. you know why i am different from you? the bible says i can RULE OVER SIN, your nt says you can never rule over sin since you are DAMAGED from birth. so i can control my self, you on the other hand is born with a filthy nature which will lie to you and tell you anything.

        “Good luck getting into jannah with a filthy toungue and encouraging suicide.”

        there was NOTHING filthy i said….christians themselves say that their deeds are like blood from private part and that they are literally shit with legs. do not accuse me of FILTHY tongue when your own people describe themselves as DAMAGED and trash ….

        But reactions like this is because deep down you know muhammad was a false prophet. Satan doesn’t want to let you go.”

        you can’t pass judgement on me since you don’t know if that is your dirty trash nature speaking in you or satan…. remember, you are born in sin and you have DAMAGED nature, anything you do is SHIT stained….so how can you tell me anything about “deep down”
        you are getting your information from a DAMAGED heart which thinks nothing but porn, adultery, hatred and anger….how can a DAMAGED christian tell me about “deep down” ?


  12. stewjo004

    @ Paulus
    You say God isn’t forgiving but believe He can only forgive if He has blood sacrifices? Okay… so what’s the difference between your concept of God and say the Aztecs or the Hawaiians and the virgin into the volcano? You actually lack the concept of forgiveness because God is not “forgiving” you. You’re “bribing” with blood to appease Him (which is a “good deed” btw).

    Liked by 1 person

  13. stewjo004

    @ Paulus

    First, I asked what’s the difference between your concept of God and the Aztec and Hawaiian pagan idols involving blood sacrifice? ANd how you have no forgiveness you’re simply trying to appease and bribe a blood god?

    Next, are you saying Jesus(As) didn’t talk about SALVATION? And so you have to appeal to Paul who never even quotes Jesus(As)? This is very odd, why would Jesus(as) be silent on this issue, which is the MAIN reason for God sending a prophet? We have time for parables for days but no clear understanding from the man, that’s highly unlikely.

    Moving on, you say the question requires more nuance but then attack Islam’s position and try to invent our beliefs. If a religion is based on “works” then the action is more important than faith. Since you believe we are works based please show your evidence because I can provide textual evidence to the contrary. Islam has the exact same position as Christianity on the subject. We do good because God commanded us to and they reflect the faith in our hearts. Oh, look at that it’s that simple of an answer. The only place we differ is you believe faith is in Jesus(as) and we believe faith is in the one who sent Jesus(as).

    Finally, you’re intent can change without you realizing it. Now IF you know your intent was pure and according to what God sent He will accept it but you still remain humble about worship. For example, when Abraham(as) was building the Kaaba he said: “Oh our Lord please accept this from us”(referring to him and Ishmael(as)) His intent was fine, he(as) was even God’s friend but he still was humble about his worship.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Paulus

      Appease God? What part of “salvation and faith is a gift” is unclear to you? Straw man big time.

      The gospels are a summation of Jesus’ life. The epistles are the theological and ethical outworkings from the inspired apostles. Separating them is like me asking you to provide Koranic evidence that specifies praying five times a day. Of course you would appeal to ahadith. You want to seperate our scripture but would never allow the same for Islam. Hypocrisy.

      “If a religion is based on “works” then the action is more important than faith.“

      If you say so. I didn’t though. Fact is Muslims work for their salivation. I provided textual evidence above. Your brethren agreed it was accurate.

      Re intentions- did Allah accept your fasting? Yes or no?


      1. you can’t “work for your salvation” because your god has not MADE it possible for you to “work for your salvation”
        on the other hand, the jewish people believe that god has MADE GRATITUDE, THANKING, TRUE INTENTION ( what were the hebrews doing all that time, the ones who were DECLARED righteous, they were DEPENDING on slicing animal necks ? ) possible in a human to attain salvation. its all FROM god.

        it is god who SEES the good deed and says “you done well…” NOT the human, not the human law, not the cross..but god himself who says “you done well because

        1. you acknowledged EVERYTHING is from me
        2. you weren’t DEPENDENT on BELIEF alone….you did not GUARANTEE on your salvation and did not WORRY about doing good. you were CONCERNED about what you did do and didn’t do and tried to IMPROVE yourself …. YOU were concerned “did you only have BELIEF and not worry about IMPROVING or bettering yourself ”

        now i will show what SIDDIQ MEANS IN HEBREW

        QUOTE :

        A tzadik is someone who ACTS according to God’s LAWS – he/she lives a life of TZEDEK (justice – the state of being law abiding) and DOING TZEDAKAH (justice-love) to his fellow humans

        “and they (the judges) vindicate the tzadik and find the rasha guilty” (Deut. 25:1).

        quote :

        However, the word tzedakah only means justice or justice-love in every instance in Tanakh. It never means innocence, nor vindication, nor justification, nor “being right with G-d” as Paul of Tarsus and the NT teach us. This one NT teaching has pulled the wool over the eyes of people who don’t know Hebrew and has also killed the heart of the Torah, namely Hashem’s love of true righteousness which is the DOING OF TZEDAKAH.)

        QUOTE :

        Paul has turned TZEDAKAH (the practice of justice) into SELF-CENTEREDNESS. Instead of tzedakah meaning “what must I do for others”, he turns it into “HOW CAN WE SAVE OURSELVES FROM BEING CONDEMNED BY THE WRATHFUL FATHER.”




      2. NOW everyone, try to understand what christians believe

        they believe that they are DAMAGED FROM BIRTH…..DAMAGED!
        god gave his INSTRUCTIONS knowing full well only he could obey them as a human “perfectly”

        QUOTE :

        And ironically, Rabbi, that is exactly what Christians REALLY believe when they are not trying to convert people, but living their life in a cycle of sin and repentance. How many times have we seen the bumper sticker that reads, “Christians are not Perfect, just Forgiven”?

        This is the catch-22 they face. If God can forgive and welcome an imperfect person, then what is the need for Jesus? On the other hand, if they are still sinning even after accepting Jesus (and ALL of them are, by their own admission), then on what basis are they fit for God’s presence, if sinless perfection is the qualifying criteria? Think about this: if it is about “the blood of Jesus” and “Jesus dying for our sins”, then there is no need for repentance or even right-doing, since God does not consider your sin, but Jesus’ supposed perfection in your place.

        QUOTE :

        Belief in Jesus’ death on the cross doesn’t free christians from petiness, bitterness, or strife. Would that it did, we would not need to be having this conversation.

        QUOTE :
        There are countless groups of Christians who all claim that their reading of the gospel is the true reading, and they all claim justification through the cross, but none of them actually live a life free of judgment or fear.

        QUOTE :

        his Crucifixion doesn’t actually release a person from fear of death, nor does it release one from sinful desire. In fact, I have observed firsthand that Christians have a haughtiness of spirit because they believe that G-d will forgive them all their wrongs no matter what, no matter how severe.

        AT sinia , god did not tell the SINNERS how DAMAGED their nature was and how impossible it was for the sinners to do gods instructions to live good life here and hereafter, crosstian on the other hand believes this crap….that god told the jews how DAMAGED they were…..

        the whole point of this filthy religion is to tell human that it is shit with legs and god SAVED it from being human ….

        now this pagan says his heart is

        1. full of hate
        2. anger

        4. adultery
        5.idolatry (in ezekiel israel is portrayed as one which seek PRIVATE PARTS and emissions because “marriage” or gods “private part” wasn’t satisfactory ASTAGFIRULLAH!
        you prostitute your heart by seeking “private part” of jew , you commit SPIRITUAL adultery/homosexuality with jew called jesus by PROSTITUTING your heart to him. this means you are a SPIRITUAL HOMOSEXUAL who lusts AFTER private part of gods yhwh NEVER knew. this means you are DOOMED in yhwhs eyes.

        so to add up.

        since your “thanking”
        “wine and biscuit”

        ARE ALL FROM DAMAGED nature, don’t tell me the CRAP that you are POSSESSED with “holy spirit,”
        you still sin ….i bet you don’t believe the “holy spirit” is doing the sin within you lol ….so my point is that your “thanking” “gratitude” “belief”

        is either coming from your HUMAN nature which is DAMAGED or it is coming from the satanis force within you which has DECEIVED u .






      3. “Re intentions- did Allah accept your fasting? Yes or no?”

        1. are you asking this question from HEAVEN or asking this question from your DAMAGED , filthy original sin STAINED nature ? who is SPEAKING in you when you ASK THIS QUESTION? WHO? the bible cannot be a STANDARD , since EVERY AUTHOR was “BORN in sin”
        so who is ASKING this question ?

        from Quranic perspective does ALLAH ACCEPT fasts? YES! Allah does accept fasts .
        NOW i can say “yes God does accept my fast…the QURAN says so”
        that’s EXACTLY what u will say

        “god does accept my faith…the bible says so….”

        but then you will LIST OUT CONDITIONS FOR FAITH… LOL

        you dumb crosstian!

        now let me ask from biblical perspective

        a crosstian does charity, but his charity , his believe is from DAMAGED nature. his INTENTIONS are DAMAGED since it is “born in sin”
        meaning you can NEVER be sure if it is “spiritual force ” speaking in you OR Your damaged being. you can never be sure if it is damaged being giving you the FEELING of confidence or the spiritual force which is within you.

        did yhwh ACCEPT your beliefs? even the ONES who were PERFORMING miracles and doing mighty deeds, thought that they were ACCEPTED……

        even crosstians who DIVORCE (COMMIT ADULTERY) think that their beliefs are BEING ACCEPTED….


      4. “First, I asked what’s the difference between your concept of God and the Aztec and Hawaiian pagan idols involving blood sacrifice? ANd how you have no forgiveness you’re simply trying to appease and bribe a blood god?”

        “Appease God? What part of “salvation and faith is a gift” is unclear to you? Straw man big time.”

        you pathetic born in sin DAMAGED crosstian,

        1. if you can’t score points with your god, that means your “repentance” your “faith” your “deeds” are all

        even if you say “i must ACKNOWLEDGE ….” you are telling yourself YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING for your god……

        the moment you say “….but but i need to be a better crosstian” means that you know deep down that you need to GIVE something to your god to get something back.

        i have had enough of this nonsense that you don’ score points with your god, when you know for a fact that you do.

        you need to give your faith, SOMETHING which he does not have in the understanding that he does not have the EXPERIENCE of practising it like human being….

        everytime someone says x, y and z is NEEDED one is clearly doing it to make someone else happy. if NONE OF IT makes x happy and x is only happy by what he does, then it EXPLAINS WHY crosstians live a life of EVIL AND SIN…..it explains why they celebrate murder AFTER FULL WEEK OF SIN

        like the jew said :

        This is the catch-22 they face. If God can forgive and welcome an imperfect person, then what is the need for Jesus? On the other hand, if they are still sinning even after accepting Jesus (and ALL of them are, by their own admission), then on what basis are they fit for God’s presence, if sinless perfection is the qualifying criteria? Think about this: if it is about “the blood of Jesus” and “Jesus dying for our sins”, then there is no need for repentance or even right-doing, since God does not consider your sin, but Jesus’ supposed perfection in your place.


      5. stewjo004

        It is not a strawman they’re are 2 different discussions. You claimed Muslims have no concept of forgiveness. I argued its you who dont have the concept and your simply appeasing a blood god like the pagans.

        Also you basically admitred you dont get theological beliefs from Jesus(as). Very interesting… Anyway our theological beliefs come directly from the Prophet(saw) and no one else. So Paul the person who taught your theology never quotes Jesus so what is his proof using the life of Jesus for his beliefs?

        Finally like the early church schisms you’ve provided no textual evidence and are using flawed philosophical arguments. Please provide evidence that we believe we can work for our salvation.


      6. Paulus

        “Being a Muslim it is our belief that we have to die one day and our final destination is the life of the hereafter. In the hereafter, we go to Jannah (Paradise) or Jahannam (Hell-fire) depends upon the deeds that we did in worldly life…”

        There you go stew. Entry to jannah “depends on the deeds”. Works based salvation.


      7. Paulus

        Of course Christians get theological beliefs from both the teachings and life of Jesus. But we don’t isolate ourselves to one portion of our scripture.

        Much the same as Muslims get their theological beliefs from the Quran and the sunnah. I don’t see you complaining about that?


  14. like qb said, this religion is clearly contradictory ,

    i quote :

    In the synoptic gospels, Jesus never once says ‘believe in me.’ The most famous passage in the bible is John 3:16–and it’s the most important one for Christianity–and Matthew Mark and Luke somehow forgot to include it. (I think a good argument can be made that John’s Jesus is historically inaccurate, so I don’t think it’s fair to just ‘combine the gospel teachings into one.’)

    There are some passages consistent with ‘grace’ in the synoptic gospels–there’s forgiveness of sins, but that’s always contingent on whether we forgive other people for their sins. (Mt 6:14, Mt 18:21ff, Mk 11:26)

    There are however quite a few passages that, I think, clearly teach ‘works righteousness’

    Mt 5:9–Peacemakers (an action) will be called children of God
    Mt 5:44-45–Love enemies/pray for those that persecute you, SO THAT you may be children of God
    Mt 13:40-50–Evildoers and those who cause sin thrown into lake of fire
    Mt 18:8–Better to cut off your hand/eye (thus avoiding sin) than go to hell
    Mt 19:16ff–Rich young ruler to follow law and give away possessions to inherit eternal life

    Mt 25:31ff–Sheep go to heaven for helping others, Goats go to hell for ignoring others in need
    Mk 2:15-18–Jesus–I’m here to call sinners, not righteous people, to repent
    Lk 1:5-6–John’s parents are righteous in God’s eyes, following Law impeccably
    Lk 10: 25ff–Love God and neighbor (Good Samaritan story) to inherit eternal life
    Lk 15:7–More celebration in heaven for the one who repents, than 99 who have NO NEED of repentance.

    Some people are already righteous. They don’t need to repent. They don’t need Jesus, just like the healthy don’t need a physician (Mk 2:15-18). You can be a child of God by having certain attributes, or doing certain things. You can avoid hell by avoiding sin. You can gain eternal life by helping others, following the law, or loving God and others. There are several other passages that echo these thoughts, but these I think are the most clear.

    I’ve heard Christians try to harmonize these passages with grace, but they’re all bad arguments. For example: Jesus is speaking hypothetically to the rich young ruler in Mt 19. You can hypothetically follow the law to gain eternal life. Then when he tells him all that he lacks is giving away his possessions (and he gains eternal life), Jesus is changing the subject (‘riches in heaven’ refers to leading a spiritually fulfilling life), without telling they guy (or us) that he’s changing the subject. (‘One thing you lack’ connects the two thoughts and makes this argument impossible; the guy came to ask about eternal life, and Jesus would be very disingenuous to answer a question he wasn’t asked.)

    Or, in Mk 2, ‘I have not come to call the righteous to repent but sinners’ becomes ‘I have not come to call those who THINK they are righteous to repentance, but those who KNOW they are sinners.’ (Read the NLT; this is how they solve this problem.) Obviously if Jesus was referring to ‘self righteous’ people, he would have said it. And, the analogy no longer makes sense…Healthy people (in reality) do not need a doctor–and therefore people who think they are righteous don’t think they need Jesus…what? They have killed a perfect analogy. Here is how the analogy goes: Healthy people don’t need a doctor–therefore the righteous don’t need Jesus. It’s inconvenient theologically, but it’s a perfect analogy.

    OTOH, here are the passages (in the synoptic gospels) that are consistent with grace–unlike they above passages, I don’t think they ever teach explicitly that you (gain eternal life/avoid judgment/become a child of God/are considered righteous) by (faith/belief/Jesus’ death). Some do talk about forgiveness and being saved…but no one ever connects the dots. ‘Being forgiven’ and ‘being saved’ are gifts Jesus gives–but it is never clearly laid out what they mean. If you are not forgiven for your sin(s), do you avoid eternal judgment? Does ‘being saved’ refer to ‘salvation from eternal judgment?’ (I think this probably is the case, but I don’t know.) Even if Paul, in his writings, connected these dots, how do we know Paul and Jesus held the same soteriology? It would have been nice if Jesus had defined his terms. The ‘grace’ passages: (If there are other passages besides this, there aren’t that many, I have looked and looked.)

    Mt 1:21–Jesus will save people from their sins
    Mt 9:2ff–Jesus forgives sins of paralytic (there may be similar passages to this, but most seem to give no more information)
    Mt 20:28 (Mk 10:45)–Jesus’ life given a ransom for many
    Mk 15:37-38–Temple curtain torn top to bottom (symbolically) just AFTER Jesus dies
    Mt 19:25-26–With man this (salvation) is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
    Mt 26:26-28–Lord’s supper–his blood, poured out for sins
    Lk 1:77–Jesus will give knowledge of salvation through forgiveness of their sins
    Lk 7:50–Your faith has saved you (she had been forgiven by Jesus in v 47)
    In above 2 passages, ‘forgiveness’ and ‘being saved’ are connected–even though it’s not clear what either imply.
    Lk 18:9-14–The man who asked for mercy for being a sinner went home justified before God
    Lk 18:42–Your faith has saved you (context is a healing, however, it doesn’t say what ‘saved’ means.)
    Lk 23:42-43–Thief on the cross will be in paradise with Jesus–but passage never says why.
    (Passages like ‘the one who endures to the end will be saved’ don’t help any with our understanding of what ‘being saved’ means, or if it always means the same thing.)

    So, we have passages that seem pretty air tight:
    –do good works/avoid sin/follow the law/forgive others/help others/possess certain qualities, and you will:
    –gain eternal life/become a child of God/be forgiven/avoid judgment

    And, we have passages that, combined, make a good argument–but are not air tight:
    –Have faith, ask for mercy, and you will:
    –Be saved, be forgiven (but again, forgiveness is 100% contingent on you forgiving others)
    –Gain eternal life? Seems possible, maybe even probable–but no air tight case.

    Did Jesus teach two contradictory ideas? Did he start with ‘works righteousness’ and change to ‘faith righteousness’ later on? Did the gospel writers correctly represent his teachings?… (Just a few questions that I have been trying to answer for decades!)



  15. stewjo004

    Also as a final note, the early CHurch in Jerusalem wouldn’t be using Paul’s letters so where did their (non-Jesus) theological source come from?


      1. Exactly! Since you didn’t claim them in time (it was during one of your hiatuses that I made the offer 😉 ), I decided to put them to good use and took my family on a vacation. By the way, are you married? 😜😜


  16. stewjo004

    Lol, what was that source because that definitely didn’t sound like a Quran ayat or hadith. Please use a real reference.

    Next, Quran and Sunnah are complementary to one another. The Qur’an is God directly speaking and Muhammad is a Prophet and can speak on God’s behalf.

    Paul is neither one of these things so what is the evidence for his personal opinions because he doesn’t quote Jesus(as) so where did he get his authority from?


    1. stewjo004

      Also was the Jerusalem church using Corinthians, Thessalonians, Hebrew etc? No, so Paul’s letters are just his personal opinion where is your theological beliefs based on with Jesus(as) who you have to tie them back to?


  17. QUOTE :
    There you go stew. Entry to jannah “depends on the deeds”. Works based salvation.

    there will NEVER be clear answer or an answer to the following questions :

    1. if you are “born in sin” and there is NOTHING you can do, not belief not deeds to make your pagan god happy, then does that mean entry in to heaven is based on nothing ? is pagan yhwh looking at the belief and deeds of jesus ? is there ANYTHING that you do which makes him happy? anything ?
    when you give charity , do you give it to make yourself happy (selfish reason) , seen by men (show off) , or please yhwh so that yhwh says “good act son” ?
    but if yhwh consider all your doings and “menstrual rag” then a christian does not need to worry about deeds, right?


    1. the jew said :

      This is the catch-22 they face. If God can forgive and welcome an imperfect person, then what is the need for Jesus? On the other hand, if they are still sinning even after accepting Jesus (and ALL of them are, by their own admission), then on what basis are they fit for God’s presence, if sinless perfection is the qualifying criteria? Think about this: if it is about “the blood of Jesus” and “Jesus dying for our sins”, then there is no need for repentance or even right-doing, since God does not consider your sin, but Jesus’ supposed perfection in your place.



      1. Paulus

        Because the righteousness of Christ is transferred to the christian.

        See, easy to refute your straw man and false dilemma arguments.


      2. But Jesus was clearly not “righteous”. He committed sins. He also lied. So, if his “righteousness” can be “transferred” to Christians, then so can his sins. Thus, you are still in your sins. Your destination is hell. Christianity has done nothing for you. That must suck!

        Liked by 1 person

  18. “Because the righteousness of Christ is transferred to the christian.”

    hahahahahaah what a joke
    so how does it work exactly ? how does the “transferal work” lol

    so jesus ‘ “righteousness” is in you lol ?

    i want to try to picture this.

    when you do a deed, is it mixed with jesus’ “righteousness” ?

    so is it jesus doing the deed or you doing the deed? is it a combo? so you have “purified deeds” ? HOW DO YOU know lol ? is it a feeling ?

    is yhwh happy with your act or jesus’ “righteousness” ?

    is yhwh happy with your ACT and jesus’ “righteousness” ?

    none of your nonsensical bs makes sense. you are a DAMAGED born in sin christian. your heart is FILTH and filled with hate, anger, lust, adultery, murder…..YOU STILL SIN TODAY and tomorrow and the next day , GUARANTEED !

    SO WHAT does it mean “transferred ” lol

    first your god TRANSFERS ALL THE CRAP you do from -mon-sun and ABUSES himself with your sins, then he TRANSFERS “righteousness ” to you ? what?

    so you sin from monday-sunday and have transferal of someone else “righteousness” ?

    when you are doing deeds, is krist doing deeds in you lol ? so krist is experiencing your faith? experiencing your charity? experiencing your temptations? experiencing your worship?

    i don’t know how this transferal works, do explain.

    you did not even reply. IS IT THE “righteousness” of krist which god is happy with or your faith, deeds , repentance? do you really think you, being born with DAMAGED nature can sincerely repent ?

    you are STILL a crosstian SINNER….you still a WEAK , POLLUTED AND CORRUPT human being….is krist “righteousness” in your CORRUPTED state? does he partake in your corrupted acts, repentance, and deed?

    i want to know how X is in the DEEDS, repentance, guilt ….of Y, when Y is by NATURE CORRUPT AND POLLUTED AND STILL SINS……

    so your god is SIMPLY covering your DAMAGED BORN IN SIN BEING with his krist, and LETTING you get away with your POLLUTED NATURE, RIGHT? RIGHT? RIGHT?


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